Grow Up

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Dean x Reader

You and the Winchesters were in the library of the bunker. The boys were sitting at the table having a light-hearted, brotherly argument, and you were engrossed in a book. 

"Oh, grow up Dean," Sam said. That caught your attention. You slammed your book shut, causing the boys to jump. If looks could kill, Sam would've dropped dead from your glare.

"What. Did you. Just say?" you asked, your voice icy and low. Setting your book down, you stood up. Sam gulped. Dean leaned back in his chair, a smirk on his face. His girlfriend vs his brother, this should be good. You were absolutely terrifying when you angry. You, when you were angry, was one of the few things that actually scared the boys. And right now, you were fuming.

Dean had no idea what Sam had said that made you so mad. From the look on Sam's face, he didn't know how he'd upset you either. Whatever it was, Dean was sure you were going to make him regret it.

"Um, uh. I. I just told Dean to grow up," Sam stuttered out. You kind of found it funny how scared he was of you. 

"Samuel Winchester. If I ever, hear you tell him to 'grow up' or give him grief for being childish, I will personally kick your ass. Do you understand me," you said. Dean furrowed his brow. That was why you were upset with Sam? Because he'd told Dean to grow up? You were his girlfriend, didn't you realize it was just your typical, stupid, sibling banter. 

"Yes Ma'am," Sam said. Dean let out a sigh of relief. It was too soon though, because Sam, clearly not thinking straight, kept talking. "But why Y/N? It's really not that big of a deal." Dean ran a hand down his face, now Sam had done it.

"You don't think it's that big of a deal? Fine. I'll tell you why it bugs me so much. I can't stand it when you condescend him for acting like a child. Because I know he never really got to be one. I know neither of you really had much of a childhood. But I know that, because of Dean, you had more of one than he did. I know that he did his best to give you what he lost when he was just four years old. So yeah, he can be childish and immature sometimes, but it's one of the reasons I love him. Especially, because I know and understand why he's like that. It's because he never got to indulge in that kind of behavior when he was younger. He was to busy being raised as your dad's little soldier. Making sure you were safe and able to have as much of a childhood as he could give you." As you ranted at the younger Winchester, you had walked until you were right in front of him. Using your finger to poke his chest hard, you continued, "So when I hear you giving him a hard time for not acting his age, all I hear is someone being ungrateful. Not realizing or appreciating what he did for you." 

Finished with your rant, you turned on your heel and marched out of the library. When you'd left the room, Dean let out a soft chuckle. "Man. She really let you have it Sammy." Sam nodded in agreement, too startled by your outburst to speak.

After you finished giving Sam a piece of your mind, you headed to the kitchen. Looking in the fridge for food with your back to the door, you didn't notice Dean enter the room. You did feel it when he wrapped his arms around your waist though. He rested his chin on your shoulder. "Do you know how amazing you are?"

Turning around so that you were facing him, you wrapped your arms around his neck. "I have a faint idea." You stood on your tip toes to whisper into his ear. "But I think I might need some help remembering," you whispered suggestively. Dean leaned down and captured your lips with his. When you pulled back for air, he picked you up bridal style and carried you off to your shared room. 

The End

I wish you guys a better tomorrow. -Kez

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