Hangover, Drunk part 2

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Cas x Reader

You woke up the next morning to a pounding headache. The clock on the nightstand read 10:30, and right next to it sat some pills and a glass of water. You quickly downed pills and water, making a mental note to thank the boys later. 

Deciding that a nice, hot shower might help you feel better, you went into your bathroom and got the water heating up. Once you were satisfied with the water temperature, you stepped into the shower. Taking your time, you let the hot water work its magic.

After your shower you got dressed. While you were getting dressed, you started to remember bits and pieces of last night. Specifically, what you had said to a certain blue-eyed, trench-coat- wearing, angel. You finished getting ready quickly so that you could have a sober talk with Cas.

Yes, you had been in love with Castiel for a while now. You just hadn't told him. Whether it was because you were really bad at talking about your feelings, or because you couldn't imagine him feeling the same way, you weren't sure. It was probably a combination of both. But since drunk you couldn't keep her mouth shut, it was time for you to have a talk that you've been avoiding. 

You really shouldn't have let your friend talk you into that drinking game. You knew she just wanted to get you drunk, hoping the alcohol would get you to finally open up about who you liked, if not to her, then at least to the person you liked. Well, looks like her master plan worked.

You went straight to the kitchen to look for Cas. Even if he wasn't there, you could at least get yourself some breakfast. When you entered the kitchen, you were greeted by the overly loud voice of Dean.

"Mornin' sunshine." Dean was standing at the stove, frying up bacon and eggs.

You winced, "Shhh. Not so loud jerk."

"Bitch," he said over his shoulder. "There's food already on the table. Help yourself."  Grabbing a plate, you dished yourself up and dug in. "So," Dean continued, "I don't suppose you remember what happened last night, do you? Cause when Cas got back from taking you to your room, he was blushing bright red and wouldn't stop muttering to himself." You leaned your head back, groaning.

"I do remember, sorta. I'll tell you about it later. I need to talk to Cas first. Do you know where he is?"

"Last I saw him, he was in the library. Just standing there, looking like a lost puppy."

You gave Dean your thanks before leaving to continue on your mission to talk to the angel. 

Castiel was still in the library. He was standing by the table, lost in thought. 

"Hey Cas," you said softly, startling him. "Sorry, didn't mean to surprise you."

"There is nothing for you to apologize for Y/N. I was not paying attention," Cas said. There was a few moments of silence before he spoke again. When he did speak again it was only a whisper. "Did you mean it?" The tone of his voice when he asked the question, it broke your heart. His voice was full of sorrow, like he was sure it had been a drunken mistake, that you couldn't have possibly meant it, and that you probably regretted it. 

"Oh Cas," you whispered, bringing up a hand to gently stroke his cheek. Those brilliant blue eyes, full of nothing but sorrow before, now held a spark of hope. "Of course I meant it. I love you with all my heart. Have for a while now. I just-" You were interrupted by Cas cupping your cheeks and his lips crashing onto yours. You kissed back, your arms going around his neck.

If was up to Cas, the two of you would've stayed liked that forever. Unfortunately, you were human, which meant you needed to breath. When you finally pulled away, you were gasping for air. Cas looked down at you, worry clear in his eyes. "Are you hurt? Did I do something wrong?"

Still trying to catch your breath, you chuckled. "I'm fine Cas. You didn't do anything wrong. In fact, that was the best kiss I've ever had." Cas' face relaxed. "I love you Cas."

"I love you too Y/N." 

You grinned before kissing Cas again.

The End

I wish you guys a better tomorrow. -Kez

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