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Cas x Reader

You, and your boyfriend Castiel, were heading to Garth and Bess' house. The two of you were going to babysit while the got away for a romantic weekend.

Cas was excited to see you take care of the kids for the whole weekend. He always enjoyed watching how you'd interact with kids when a case required it, you were always so gentle with them. You had told Castiel several stories from when you used to babysit, and they never failed to bring a smile to his face. And, whenever Cas saw you around kids, he couldn't help but imagine how you'd be with your own kids. Which always ended up breaking his heart just a little, because he couldn't give you that. 

Castiel was pulled from his depressing thoughts by you parking your car in front of Garth's house.

"You ready for this," you asked, a giant grin on your face. You loved kids. When Garth had asked if you could watch the kids for the weekend, you were thrilled. Plus, you loved that you were able to give Garth and Bess a break. 

 Cas smiled at you. "Yes. I believe so. After all, I won't be doing this alone, I do have you to help me."

"Yeah, you're stuck with me." You gave Cas a cheeky grin before getting out and grabbing your bags from the trunk. Cas help you carry the bags up to the door.  As soon as you reached the door, Bess opened it with a smile.

"Y/N, Cas. So good to see you." Bess gave the both of you a quick hug. "Thank you so much for watching the twins for the weekend. Gertie's staying at friends house, so you'll just have the two boys to worry about."

"Aw, I was looking forward to some quality girl-time. I'll survive, I'm used to being the only girl around." Your tone giving away the fact that you were only joking.

"Maybe three of us can have a girl's day the next time your in the area. Here, Let me show you two to the guest room so you can put your bags down."

Bess led us through the house to the guest room. "Alright this is it."

After dropping off your bags in your room, you and Cas went down to the kitchen. Garth and Bess were in there, each with a twin on their hips. 

"Cas! Y/N!" Garth beamed. "Come here." He held out one arm wide, you gave him a one sided hug, careful of the baby in his other arm. You were pretty sure he was holding Sam and Bess was holding Castiel. You stepped back, and your Cas copied what you had done.

Once Cas stepped back, you made grabby hands at Garth. "Now gimme little Sammy." Garth laughed and handed you the small toddler.

Cas looked back and forth between the baby in your arms and the one Bess was holding. "I still don't know how you tell them apart Y/N."

"It's okay Cas," Bess said. "Most people have trouble telling them apart. I think me and Garth would have trouble telling them apart if it weren't for our heightened sense of smell."

The four of you caught up for a while. Cas often didn't pay attention to the conversation, he was to busy watching you, and the funny faces you were making at Sam. 

After giving you instructions for taking care of the twins, Bess handed Castiel off to Cas, and her and Garth headed out.

You and Cas took the boys into the living room, setting them down on a rug, you sat down with them. Cas sat on the couch and watched you make ridiculous contortions with your face, causing squeals of laughter from the small boys. 

Eventually the twins stopped laughing and started to fuss. Looking at the clock, you realized it was time for their dinner. You had Cas carry Sam, while you carried little Castiel into the kitchen. Setting the babies into their high chairs, you prepared their food to Bess' instructions. After they ate, their eyes started to droop. 

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