Forget That Witch part 1

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Dean x Reader

You've known the Winchester boys for about ten years, the last three of them you and Dean had been dating. You guys were happy together. There was just one slight problem. Dean didn't know you were a witch. You didn't mean to keep it a secret from him, it just sort of happened.

It wasn't exactly something you wanted to advertise, especially being a hunter. Hunters were usually the "shoot first" kind of people. So you kept quiet about what you were.

When you started hunting with the Winchesters, you planned to tell them you were a witch, you know, eventually. You either forgot or had some excuse, until you had forgotten that you hadn't told them yet. It's not like it's that big of a deal anyway, right?

Currently you were sitting in the bunker library, reading and enjoying a nice hot beverage. You felt a kiss on the top of your head and two large hands started to rub your shoulders. You looked up and smiled at your green eyed hunter.

"What can I do for ya Dean-o?"

"Sam found us a case. Pack a bag and meet at Baby in twenty."


Dean gave you a quick peck on the lips before going to get ready.

Within half an hour, Sam, Dean, and you were in the impala, cruising down the road towards the hunt.

After a week of interviewing witnesses and researching, you figured out that you were hunting a witch and where they were hiding out. You made your way there to go gank it, guns ready and loaded with witch-killing bullets.

Dean stopped the impala in front of an small, older, but still decent looking, house. After you got out of Baby, Dean went over the plan. "I'll take the back. Y/N, Sam, take the front. Split up when you get inside. The sooner we gank this witch, the sooner we can get back home." You and Sam nodded.

You gave Dean a quick kiss before he went to the back door.

It didn't take Sam long to pick the lock on the front door. Once inside the two of you split up. You held up your gun, ready to fire at the first sign of the witch.


You went running towards the sound of a gunshot. Bursting into the room just in time to see a woman throwing dust at Dean and muttering something in latin. Dean collapsed and you shot the witch.

You had recognized the spell the witch had cast, it was complex but effective. You had to work fast if you wanted any hope of saving Dean. You were busy scouring the shelves for the spell ingredients you needed when Sam burst into the room. He rushed to Dean as soon as he noticed him on the floor. Feeling a pulse, he let out a breath of relief.

"What happened," he demanded.

"No time. Explain later," you said, setting your spell ingredients on the table. You measured out what you needed into a bowl. Crushing up the plants as you began to mutter in latin. Dean started gasping for air. You didn't have much time. You finished up the incantation and sprinkled the powder over Dean. His breathing returned to normal.

"He should be fine now. He might experience some side effects, nothing serious. Mostly cramps and mood swings, so it'll sort of be like he's a girl on her period. Can you carry him to the impala and I'll explain everything when we get back to the bunker," you told Sam. He nodded. Once you were all in the impala, you guys headed back to the bunker.

When you were back at the bunker, you helped Sam get Dean in his bed. Then the two of you went to the library to talk.

"We're back. Explain. What happened back there Y/N?" Sam asked.

You took a deep breath before answering. "The witch was casting a spell on Dean when I entered the room. It was a deadly, fast acting spell. If-if she hadn't had what I needed, I-" your breath caught in your throat and tears threatened to spill as you began to think of the what-ifs.

Sam walked over and wrapped you in a hug. "Hey. Hey, it's okay," he murmured. "But that spell work. You're a witch, aren't you? Why didn't you tell us?"

"YOU'RE A WITCH?!?!!" Dean's voice roared.

You broke away from Sam's comforting embrace and looked at your boyfriend who was standing in the doorway. His face was full of rage.

"Dean, let me explain," you spoke softly.

"Explain what! That you lied to us. That you're a freaking monster. That you're no better than the freaks we hunt," he fumed.

"De, plea-" you started.

Dean cut you off. "No! I want you out. I don't want to see you again. If I do, I will not hesitate in shooting."

You heard Sam yelling as you ran to your room. "DEAN! WHAT THE HELL MAN?"

It didn't take you long to throw all of your stuff into some bags. Then you made your way to the garage. When you put your bags into the trunk, you noticed your spell work supplies stuffed into the corner. An idea hit you. You worked quickly to prepare the spell.

A small part of you hoped that Dean hadn't meant what he said, that it was just mood swings caused by the spell. Unfortunately, that part was overshadowed by your insecurities. The fear that he meant every word. 

Maybe the boys would be better off if you had never met. Or it least if they didn't remember meeting you. 

You left as soon as you finished the spell.

When Dean woke up the next morning, he draped his arm over the other side of the bed, surprised that it was empty. He opened his eyes and stared at the empty space beside him. Why was he surprised no one was there? He hadn't brought any girls home last night. Besides, his bed was always empty when he woke up, wasn't it?

As the day dragged on, Dean couldn't shake the feeling that he was forgetting something important.

The End

I wish you guys a better tomorrow. -Kez

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