Chapter 24

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I walked back over to the car. Grant was standing outside the drivers side and got in. I walked around to the passengers side. I got in and put my seat belt on.

"Where next?" I asked.

"I said for you to keep quiet." He said to me in a stern voice.

"Where next?" I whispered sarcastically. He looked at me and grabbed me by the throat so hard.

"I said shut up!" He shouted in my face.

'Not again!' I said to myself as I passed out. When I woke up, we were no longer in Spain. We were in Italy. I got up and realised that my mouth had duck tape over it. I tried to use my hands to get it of, but they were tied behind my back. I was in the back seat. Stretched between all three of them. The seat belts were on over me so I couldn't get up. My feet were tied as well. I just lay there, helpless. Grant was driving.

"Oh, your awake. I was wondering how long you'd be out for." His voice sounded sounded soft, like the old Grant I used to know. We stopped in a car park. I just then realised that we were in a different car. It was more like a mini bus. Grant crawled into the back seat. He took the seat belts of me and untied me, "I didn't want you to roll down a window and call for help. I'll take you out for coffee instead, shall I?" He asked me. I couldn't speak because my throat was dry. I nodded, "Good." He said while smiling, "It'll be nice to catch up." I knew that he had been controlled when he had shot me and then when he had come to get me and Skye. Now, he was somehow out of their range. And I was glad to. I suddenly thought about Simmons. I wonder if they had found her and Romanoff yet? I'll ring Skye incase.

"Hello?" She said.

"Skye. It's Willow."

"Willow! Where are you?!"

"I'm with Grant. It's confusing. He has this thing in the back of his head which HYDRA uses to control him. He's out of their range. Did you find Simmons and Romanoff?" I asked.

"Thank goodness! Yes, we did. They're ok."

"Make sure to keep Romanoff as far away as possible from Coulson." I said to her.


"I have to go now. I'm going out for coffee with Grant. I'll need your help to disable his chip. I'll email you the info. Bye!" I said.

"Bye." She said back.

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