Chapter 18

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We walked into the busses briefing room. They had pictures up of the guy I had seen earlier.

"This is the guy you said stole FitzSimmons' research. Do you know where he went?"

"No." I said. I was thinking if we new or if there was anything we could use to determine where they were, "Hang on. All of Nicks Agents..." I started to say.

"...had a tracker implanted in them." Fitz said.

"What you saying?" Coulson asked.

"That means Romanoff would have a tracker in her. If I could hack into the system then I could..."

"Find out where they are." Fitz said as he finished my sentence.

"Good work you two." Coulson said, "Keep it up." He then walked out of the briefing room and headed towards his office. I decided to run after him.

"Coulson!" I shouted at him. He turned around and looked at me, "Look. If. Romanoff still thinks you're dead then what's our play?" I asked him.

"It goes unchanged." He said and he went up the stairs to his office. I still followed him wanting to know more about what we have to do on this mission.

"Coulson. I still don't have an answer." I pleaded at him. We were in his office now. He walked over to his desk.

"You know what this is?" He asked me. I knew exactly what it was.

"It's a Mego Captain America Action Figure. First released 1972."

"I was hoping you would say no." He said disappointedly, "What about this?" He asked.

"What?! No way! Is that...?"

"Yep. It's the original. Captain America poster from around 1943/44." He said.

"There's only, like what, 3 left in the world!" I said with excitement. Coulson threw something on his desk. It looked like a set of cards.

"Are those the Captain America Vintage Trading Cards?!" I was so excited.

"Yep." He said with a smile on his face, "You can pick any three of those." He said kindly. I looked up at him, smiled and looked back down at the cards.

"I know what you're doing. You're trying to avoid the subject." I said while picking out the 3 I wanted. There was no reply, "I've got Skye working on the tracker and Romanoff. Once she finds where they are, I'm going in." I said hoping that would get his attention.

He looked up and said, "I'm going to send in Skye with you. I'll have an extraction team ready by sunrise."

"I was hoping you would send someone in with me." I said back to him, "I better go see how Skye's doing." I walked out of his office holding the cards I had picked. I went into the briefing room to find Skye.

"What took you two so long?" She asked me, "I was finished like the second you got through the door of his office!"

I was staring at the cards and how happy I was to have them, "Talking about what we're working on." I said.

"Your lying. I'm your SO. I need to know what you guys were talking about." She said.

"I was wondering what our play was because Romanoff still thinks that Coulson is dead."

"Oh." She said back.

"I'm going to do this mission." I said to her.

"But your not trained yet!" She said to me.

"I went to the Ops college and graduated early. I was also trained by Barton and Romanoff after the Battle of New York, when things were tight." I explained to her.

"Wait. Did you say Romanoff and Barton?! Like the Black Widow and Hawkeye?!" She said excitedly.

"Em, yea." I said back.

"Does that make you a sup as well?" She asked.

"I...I don't think so." I replied.

"Skye. Tell me were she is so I can get an extraction plan situated in that area." Coulson said as he walked through the door.

"She's in Madrid, Spain." Skye said.

"That's only about an hour/ two hours away from here." I said.

"Wheels up in 5." Is all we heard from May as she appeared and disappeared quickly.

"Willow. I want you back in my office once were of the ground." Couslon said to me seriously. Skye and I looked at each other.

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