Chapter 40

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Greyson and Rebecca settled themselves on the loveseat while Imara perched on a chair. She crossed one long leg over the other and trained her eyes on Rebecca. "Little One, tell me about the voices."

Rebecca narrowed her eyes at the woman. Sitting next to her, Greyson felt Rebecca's entire body tense up at the question. "I'm quite sure I don't know what you are referring to."

"Oh, I am quite sure that you do." Imara took a moment to cross and re-cross her legs before changing tactics. "If you do not want to tell me about the voices, why don't you tell me where it is that you feel safe?"

"Imara? What's this about?" Greyson didn't have any idea what the High Alpha was talking about. Through the mate bond, he felt the first stirrings of panic from Rebecca. If Dr. Tyler hadn't removed the medicuff the day before, he was certain it would be beeping madly.

Imara never took her eyes off of Rebecca. She tilted her head to the side and smiled, showing her teeth. "Your mate knows, why don't you ask her?"

Turning to his mate, Greyson could tell that Imara's questions had struck home. Rebecca's jaw was clenched tight and her hands were curled into fists. "Becks, does this have anything to do with what happened on the plane?" Rebecca's eyes never wavered from Imara's.

"So quiet, Little One? I imagine the quiet is a refreshing change. Or perhaps, you enjoyed the noise? The chaos? The commotion? Perhaps you also enjoy not having anywhere you could rest, where you can let your guard down. How do you sleep, Little One?" Imara's tone was soft, but no one could mistake the steel underneath.

Rebecca's entire body began to tremble. Seeing his mate in such distress, Greyson lost his patience with his High Alpha, "Imara, tell me what the hell is going on?" He nearly shouted at her.

Imara turned her ice blue eyes onto Greyson, "Young One, your emotions are getting the better of you. I will not remind you again to watch your tone." Effectively dismissing Greyson, the High Alpha once again turned all of her attention onto Rebecca. Her tone was soft as if trying to calm a wild animal. "Little One, you asked me for help once before. I will help you again. I will always help you. I will move mountains for you. But you have to stop believing you are that which you pretended to be."

Greyson was done being left out. "Imara... Becca... will one of you let me in on what the fuck is going on? Doc, can you clue me in here?"

Imara was the only one who answered. "We are waiting for your Rebecca to ask who she is."

Done playing games, Greyson fired back. "You want someone to ask? Fine, I'll ask-"

"No, Young One. It cannot come from you. It must be from her." Leaning forward Imara pleaded with the subject of her questions. "Little One, Rebecca, please, allow us, allow me, to help you."

Rebecca felt her entire body start to shake. This. This moment is what she had worked for nearly her entire life to prevent. She had worked so hard to make sure that Greyson never knew and this woman, in a matter of seconds, destroyed it all. Greyson wouldn't let this go. He would wonder and ask and pester her until she answered. Even more worrying, how did Imara know to ask the questions?

"Little One, please." Imara implored.

"Becks? Come on, tell me what is going on." Greyson looked at her with his dark eyes. He looked hurt and it was her fault.

Rebecca exploded off the couch. "Fine! Yes, I have always heard voices!" She shouted loud enough that the werewolves winced. She paced back and forth like a caged animal. Calming herself with a deep breath, she continued. "It is the earliest thing I can remember. Voices in my head. Sometimes quiet, sometimes so loud I can barely think. I can't hear the words. It's like listening to a conversation in another room. But they are always there. Always. I blasted music, I read, I tried to distract myself with anything I could get my hands on, I took every illegal drug I could find, I drank, I did anything and everything I could to just make them stop, to give me one moment of peace. As I got older, I tried other things. I meditated, I exercised, Nothing worked. Nothing ever worked. The only thing that came close was to keep my mind as active as possible. I took extra classes in college. I got involved in every club I could. After college, I made sure I was always busy. Always. From the moment I opened my eyes in the morning until I had exhausted myself enough to fall asleep at night. Still, there were voices. And safe?" She laughed a sad laugh. "No. I don't feel safe. I barricade myself in secure buildings, behind alarm systems, and with industrial strength door locks, and still, it is hard to sleep, still I feel vulnerable. Doctors told me it was PTSD and wanted to drug me into oblivion. Every day, I wonder how long it will be until I go completely and totally insane." After admitting it out loud for the first time in her life, Rebecca felt like she had been hollowed out.

Imara rose up from her chair and approached Rebecca. "Oh, Little One, I am sorry The Call has traumatized you so. But you are something you couldn't possibly understand without the help of a wolf."

Unhappy with the entire situation, Rebecca snapped. This woman was starting to get on her very last nerve. Who was she to throw a bomb into her entire life? "You know what? I am sick and tired of being talked at, talked over and talked around because I am human. If you have something you want to tell me, then just tell me. I am not playing your guessing game any longer." She placed her hands on her hips and tapped her foot.

Imara beamed. "Finally, the fire I knew you had inside of you."

Rebecca reached her breaking point. "I'll see myself out." She turned on her heel and started for the door.

"Rebecca. Stop. You are an Alligra." Imara's words had Rebecca turning back. 

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