Chapter 44

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The next morning, Greyson stood in his kitchen slowly stirring his second cup of coffee. He had put on his favorite summer linen suit. It was the color of pale butter. He paired it with a white shirt and a pocket square as blue as the Caribbean sea and a pair of oxblood shoes. When he bought the suit, the sales woman told him it made his bronze skin glow. He was certain she was just flirting to make a sale, but he did think the suit gave him a little something special. Today, he was heading back into the office after spending a week helping Rebecca gain back her strength. He was still worried about her, but felt confident enough to be away from her for the day.

The knock at his door broke him out of his daydreaming. Setting his dirty spoon in the sink next to the rest of the breakfast dishes, he went to answer the door.

"Fenrir, I am honored that your Way has led you here. Come in. Make yourself at home." Greyson usher the older man into his home.

"Alpha." Fenrir grunted before striding into the apartment.

"Would you like a cup of coffee?" Greyson tried to play the gracious host.

"Nope. I can't stand the stuff." Fenrir shoved his hands in his pockets and stood awkwardly in the entryway.

Greyson scanned the kitchen for anything else he could offer, before giving up and opting to try and make small talk. "I haven't seen you around the pack house in awhile, are you and the other Elders enjoying retirement?"

"You can't retire from being an Alpha, Young One. Once an Alpha, always an Alpha."

"Of course, I just meant living out in the cabins, away from all the noise and activity of the pack house." Greyson had never managed to really connect with the ancient Alpha, no matter how hard he tried.

Fenrir scoffed. "Werewolves aren't meant to live behind walls of steel and glass. It's unnatural." The look of obvious disdain made Fenrir's thoughts on Greyson's lifestyle very apparent.

"Greyson! How hard is it to hang up your -" Rebecca stopped dead at the sight of Fenrir in the kitchen with Greyson. Determined to not let her nerves show, she brushed the end of her French braid off of her shoulder and straightened her spine.

"Rebecca," Greyson tried not to let the relief of her presence show in his voice. "Fenrir is here to begin your training."

Rebecca and Greyson had a long conversation the day before about all they had learned from Imara. Reluctantly, Rebecca had agreed to speak with Fenrir about all things Alligra. Greyson was going to spend most of his day at the office, and Rebecca was going to spend most of her day with Fenrir. She still hadn't decided how she felt about the arrangement.

"Yes, of course. It is a pleasure to see you again. May I get you a cup of coffee? Would you like to take a seat?" When in doubt, Rebecca fell back on her manners training.

Fenrir chuckled at her behavior. "Little One, there is no need to put on a show for me. I'm not much of one for your human formalities." He then turned his attention to Greyson. "Now, if we can begin." Fenrir stared at Greyson in anticipation.

"Right! Well, I've got to get to the office." He walked over to Rebecca and reached into his pocket. "Kama-Love, I got you a new phone. This one has an app that will allow you to lock and unlock the door to the apartment, and any other locks in the building. My phone number is programmed in already, and so is the Doc's. If you need anything, just call me." He kissed the top of her head.

Without a word, Rebecca took the offered phone and slipped it in her back pocket. Greyson wrapped his arms around her and for a second she allowed herself to relax in his arms. She counted to ten in her head before pulling away from embrace.

If Greyson was annoyed by her behavior, it didn't show on his face.

"Have a great day you two." He headed to the door, only pausing to share a look with Fenrir, and then he was gone leaving the sound of the door closing to echo through the apartment.

Rebecca looked over her new tutor. To her, he looked like Hagrid's older, much grumpier, brother. With even less fashion sense. His sandy gray hair was unkempt, his beard was long and scraggly and his clothes were mismatched, rumpled, and full of small holes.

"Say it." Fenrir startled Rebecca with his demand.

She tilted her head to the side, "I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you are referring to."

"The question that you want to ask. It is written all over your face. Trust me, Little One, I am hard to offend. No need to put on airs for me."

Rebecca thought for a moment and then asked. "What was that? Between you and Greyson before he left. Were you two mindlinking?" The word felt odd on her tongue.

Fenrir smiled. "That we were. Typical Alpha Male threats. No need for you to hear the specifics. Frankly, I would have been offended if he hadn't threatened me. He left me alone with his mate. If he hadn't threatened me, it would be a sign of disrespect. That boy may not have been raised by wolves, but he does catch on quick."

"He threatened you?" Rebecca's eyebrows rose in surprise. Greyson had never been a violent person.

"A normal wolf is very protective of his mate, an Alpha doubly so. Wars have been started over a wrong look. With you being human and what you are, I'm surprised he ever lets you out of his sight."

"The wars with humans?"

"Bah." Fenrir dismissed her comment with a waive of his large hand. "We wolves have been warring amongst ourselves since time began. It is only after you lot tried to kill us all that we came together as one."

Being reminded of her species' bloody history had Rebecca wanting to change the subject. "How is this going to work? Do you have a book on Alligras or..." She trailed off.

A low, rumbling chuckle burst out of the old werewolf. "A book? Humans ripped those out of our hands before they killed us and burned down our homes. Nope. No books. We are doing this the old fashioned way. Why don't you go change into something you don't mind getting dirty."

After a quick change into a pair of skinny jeans, a black tank top and a black and white plaid flannel shirt and with a pair of sturdy hiking boots on her feet, Fenrir and Rebecca left the apartment, heading to the elevator. Fenrir pushed the button for the basement.

"Where are we going?" Rebecca wasn't sure how she felt about the man who was supposed to teach her to fulfill her Alligra potential.

"You'll see when you get there."

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