Chapter 26

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"Rebecca, never in the history of you have you been fine when you say that you are fine."

"Greyson, I'm fine." She retorted. She then pushed past him and walked out of the bedroom.

Greyson stood there for a moment trying to calm himself. It had been a very long time since someone other than Imara had snapped at him like that. To make matters worse, he had no idea why she was pissed at him. He had done nothing but try and help her. Try and make her feel comfortable and relaxed. If she was scared or worried, he wanted her to talk to him. He wanted nothing more than for her to trust him and confide in him, for them to strengthen their bond. But she kept pushing him away. Through their weakened bond, all he could feel from her was confusion and frustration. Same, he thought to himself, same. He scrubbed his hands over his face and took a deep breath before following his mate out of the bedroom.

Rebecca stepped out of the bedroom and got her first look at Greyson's home. The apartment all flowed from the front door towards the giant windows overlooking the surrounding forest. The front door opened into a small entryway. The kitchen sat to the left. Past the kitchen was a dining area with a long rectangle dining table. The dining area flowed naturally into the main living area. Again, the floors were the same grey barnwood as in the bedroom. The same wood covered the walls. 

Greyson had positioned a large sectional in the same pale blue that accented the bedroom in the main living area. The deep couch cushions looked like a perfect place to curl up and read a book. Under the couch was a large, burnt orange area rug thick enough to curl your toes in. Blue and orange striped accent pillows were thrown haphazardly on the couch, giving the place a homey, lived in feel. Accent chairs in an abstract print of orange, blue, cream and brown flanked the sitting area. All the seating had a clear view of both the large flat screen television and the massive windows. The floor to ceiling windows flooded the apartment with natural light making it feel as if the entire room was actually outside. 

On the wall opposite the bedroom hung six guitars. Next to them was a large bookcase with what looked like an extensive record collection. Tucked in the corner, right against the floor to ceiling window was a water feature. A waterfall cascaded down black slate rock into a small rectangular base. In front of the fountain sat a large square cushion. It looked slightly out of place. The majority of the apartment had a comfortable, homey feel. The water feature however, felt more zen. It looked like something that would be in a high end hotel in Japan. In front of the window, on a small wooden shelf, stood a small statue. It was only about twelve inches high, but by its placement it was obviously important. It looked like a capital Y with a circle nestled in its outstretched arms.

"Your apartment is gorgeous." She stood in the center of the apartment, spinning slowly, taking in everything.

"Thanks." Greyson walked out of the bedroom and headed back to the kitchen and his rapidly cooling cup of coffee. If she wanted to ignore the scene in the bedroom, he would too. He didn't let it show, but it pleased him to know that she liked his apartment. He wanted her to feel at home here. He wanted to make a home with her here. "I called down to the kitchens and they are sending up some food."

"That kitchen is too beautiful to just sit idle. You don't cook?"

Greyson set his coffee mug down onto the countertop and padded over to his mate. "I do, but the doc made up a whole meal plan for you. It is just easier to have the kitchens put it together. I normally eat down in the cafeteria with everyone else. This week will be an exception."

"Cafeteria? Who is everyone else?" Because it had been too long, and because he could, Greyson reached out to Rebecca and pulled her to him. To Greyson's surprise, she allowed him to hold her close. Her arms encircled his waist and she rested her check on his chest.

"Welcome to the living quarters of Wolfe Technologies. Most of us call it the Pack House. This building has apartments, a cafeteria downstairs, the medical clinic, a salon, and everything else we could need. There is a twin building opposite this one that is all offices."

Rebecca pulled back slightly to look up and meet Greyson's eyes. "You mean everyone in this building is..." She trailed off not wanting to say the words.

"Yes, everyone in this building is a werewolf."

Rebecca wasn't sure how to feel about being the only human in a building full of werewolves. She wasn't afraid of Greyson, she knew him. But hundreds of werewolves? Were the old legends true? Were werewolves vicious, bloodthirsty creatures? Did they hate all humans? Would they hate her? Worse, would they try and attack her? Perhaps kill her just for being human? To stop her train of thought, Rebecca extracted herself out of Greyson's hold and walked over to his wall of guitars.

"You still have it?" She smiled at him across the room. The beat-up old guitar he had when they were kids hung proudly in between a Les Paul and a Gibson.

"Of course! I got the others along the way, but that one is still my favorite." He would never let that guitar go. It was full of too many memories. Most of them involved his mate.

"Do you still play?" She gazed at the guitar, letting her mind drift back to when they were kids dreaming of making it big in the music industry.

"Sometimes, not very often anymore." It wasn't the same, not without her and Devon. Occasionally, the mood would strike him, and he would take a guitar off the wall and fiddle around with a song or two, but it never brought him the same amount of joy as it had when he was a teenager.

"Writing songs in your rundown apartment, it seems like a thousand years ago. Those poor kids... they had no idea what life was going to throw at them." Rebecca's eyes clouded with the past. Greyson closed the distance between them and pulled Rebecca in for another hug. Again, she wrapped her arms around his middle and rested her head on his chest. Not for the first time, Greyson wondered what had happened to his mate in the ten years they were apart. After only a moment or two, he felt her body relax against him. All those muscles that she kept taught and tight, loosened and eased against him. This. This is what he wanted for her. He wanted her to let go and ease up on herself. 

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