Chapter 17

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Rebecca pulled the blanket tighter against her shoulders. The warmth of the fire in front of her helped to ward off the winter chill. She sat in what the hotel called a 'Night Viewing Booth'. It was a firepit surrounded on three sides by long, deep, padded benches. Hotel staff keep the benches piled high with thick blankets and cushy pillows in colors of creams and whites. The hotel marketing department felt these specific colors would mirror the color of the snows that covered the grass and hills of the local countryside. Behind each bench was a twelve foot high teak privacy wall. The long horizontal slats of wood encased the viewing area. The arrangement gave the occupant all the comforts of their living room couch while also having spectacular views of the Norwegian night sky. Rebecca watched the greens and blues of the Northern Lights dance with the pale silver light of the full moon across a blanket of stars. The awesome majesty of the universe filled her with awe. It was the most spectacular display she had ever witnessed.

She had spent the day locked in her temporary office. She blocked out everything else and did her job. She tried to block any and all thoughts of Greyson and what was going on between them. The whole situation had her head spinning. Since they met, she had always felt at ease around him. She always felt safe with him. Even when she didn't feel safe anywhere, she felt safe with him. But now, not only did she feel safe with him, she felt drawn to him. Like he was a compulsion. The only thing her brain could compare it to was an addict's need for drugs. The itch just under the skin that could only be scratched by another hit. The all-consuming need that wouldn't let you work, or sleep or breath until it was satisfied. Her addiction to Greyson was growing and it was beginning to scare the hell out of her. She was set to leave here in two days. It took her years to learn to live without him the first time. This time was so much more. This would be so much harder.

Greyson shifted back into his human form at the edge of the forest. The hotel glowed in front of him. Moonlight runs were one of the perks of being a werewolf. During a full moon, his inner wolf was the strongest. In his animal form, the feeling of connectedness to nature was overwhelming. He imagined he could feel the grass growing beneath his paws. He felt he could hear the sap flowing through the tree limbs. He could almost see the particles of air as they flowed on and out of his body. These runs Balanced him like nothing else. Afterwards, he felt light. He felt free. He felt more at one with his wolf than any other night. Allowing his human senses to regain control, Greyson slipped on a pair of sweatpants and a t- shirt he hid in the hollow of a tree before he began his run. He shoved his feet into a pair of sneakers and started back for the hotel. It was time to find Rebecca and explain things to her. He and Trick had spent the entire day at the Olsen Estate. When they came back, Rebecca was hard at work in her hotel office. Not wanting to interrupt, he decided to go for a run before their conversation. He figured if he was calm and Balanced, it would only help him explain things to her properly. Halfway to the side entrance, he caught the tantalizing smell of rosemary and rain. Following the scent, he detoured down the row of night booths. They were all empty. Save one. In the final booth, he found his love. His world. His mate.

He paused near the corner of the booth to look at her. She sat cross legged on the back bench. All of her attention focused on Mother Nature's display. She was a vision. The fire light gave her skin a warm glow. Her lips were slightly parted in awe. Long red hair splayed across her shoulders and back. The look of absolute wonder on her face. The small smile that played on her lips. They all combined to have his heart swelling painfully in his chest. All thoughts of the conversation he had been planning in his head were replaced with just one thought. He needed her. Now.

The crunch of gravel beneath his shoes caught her attention. "Grey! Are you seeing this? It's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!"

He stalked towards her. Suddenly, he looked very much like the predator that he was. All of Rebecca's attention shifted to focus on the man in front of her. He fell to his knees in front of her. From this position he had to look up at her slightly. Reverently, he placed one hand on either side of her face.

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