Chapter 21

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Greyson settled back into the airplane seat. He was a very tall man and he needed to keep Rebecca as close to him as possible for the entire trip. He silently thanked the Moon Goddess that they had a private jet. Trying to explain an unconscious passenger to a flight attendant on a commercial flight sounded impossible. Not to mention, this plane had far more leg room. He adjusted his position until he found one that was comfortable for him, and what he hoped was comfortable for Rebecca. They had been in the air for about an hour when Dr. Tyler came over to him.

Allison had not interacted with Alpha Greyson that often. From the little experience she had with him, he seemed like a good Alpha. The pack liked and respected him. Like everyone else in the pack, she knew that he was raised as a human so he might need extra explanations or a refresher on werewolf diseases. As a pack doctor, she wanted all of her patients to feel that they were well informed about their ailment and were involved in their treatment plan. The fact that in this case, her patient was human was going to be a bit of a challenge. She had gone to a human medical school, so that part wouldn't be a problem. But Rebecca didn't have a human disease. Allison didn't have any records to consult or peers to reach out to. She was going to be making this up as she went along.

"How familiar are you with Bonded Sickness?" Allison wanted to start with the basics and build from there.

"Only the essentials. It happens when a mated pair is separated for too long." Greyson had skimmed that part of his werewolf training. He had assumed that when he met his mate, they wouldn't separate for more than a day, let alone be apart long enough for them to get sick.

"Correct. Now, in a werewolf pair both partners are usually at about the same level of sickness. This, with a human, is uncharted territory." Allison hated to sound uncertain, but she wanted to be as honest as possible with her Alpha.

Greyson gave the doctor a small smile. He may not be an expert in medicine, but he was good with people. He knew that Dr. Tyler was out of her depth. It didn't make him happy, but he wasn't going to blame the doctor either.

"Doc, I get that this is unusual. Tell me how you would treat this if she was a wolf."

Allison relaxed a bit. "Think of the mate bond as a tether that connects you to each other. It wants the two of you to be together, but since you haven't been it is stretched out, strained. It will heal, she will heal, it will just take time. In order to do so, you will need to be together at all times. You will need to have as much skin to skin contact as you are both comfortable with." Allison had picked up on enough details of the relationship between the two to know that full skin to skin contact could get awkward. "If you were a werewolf pair, I would also recommend having sex. It would help strengthen the weakened bond. However, in this case, she is far too weak. You will need to refrain from sexual intercourse for at least a month. However strong the bond was before; it will have weakened. That connection you felt with her, the ability to tap into her thoughts and feelings, that will not be as strong as it was. It will take time to rebuild. The bonded sickness induced insomnia will have left her exhausted. That plus her body needing to heal and strengthen the mate bond means she will need a lot of rest. Even though she isn't a werewolf, surrounding her in your scent should help her sleep. You will need to stay with her even when she is sleeping. I am very serious about that. For the first week, you two can't be apart for longer than it takes one of you to use the bathroom. After that time, we will see how she is progressing. When she isn't resting, she will need to eat to gain weight. I'll have the kitchens prepare some high calorie, easily digestible food. Keep the medicuff on her. I am concerned about her high blood pressure. It isn't a symptom of bonded sickness but will definitely affect her recovery. It will beep every few seconds if it begins to climb. If it goes too high for too long, the cuff will notify the doctor on call in the clinic. Try and keep her as calm as possible."

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