Chapter 43

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Once in the hall, Rebecca slowed her pace to that of a quick walk. She didn't want to draw more attention to herself than necessary. She power-walked her way to the lobby when she realized she hadn't paid enough attention to the route they took to get to Imara's office and now she had no idea how to get back. She turned to stare blankly at the wall of greenery. A small part of her brain registered the fact that what she thought were random green plants were actually, herbs, lettuce, scallions and other vegetables. What she had assumed were decorations were actually mini gardens.

She hoped that it looked like she was admiring the view and not that she was hopelessly lost. It was difficult to think straight. The last five minutes had been the first time in a week she hadn't felt completely and utterly safe. Five minutes, maybe not even that long. That was all it took for everything to collapse in on itself. Everything that she had been putting off and ignoring. It all came crashing back down on her. Her life in New York was gone. She couldn't go back to that. It may not have been perfect, but it represented ten years of hard work. It was her career. It was how she defined herself, it was how she proved to the world she was more than a baby left on a doorstep. Rebecca Cross, Harvard educated lawyer. All of that was gone now. To be replaced with what?

The clacking of high heels on the lobby floor brought Rebecca back to her surroundings. Glancing over her shoulder a group of three werewolves made their way across the lobby. Two men and a woman, dressed in business suits walked purposefully in the direction Rebecca had just come. Rebecca could tell by the way their nostrils flared and by the looks on their faces, that they knew she was human.

"Afino." The woman whispered just loud enough for Rebecca to hear. The trio never paused on their path to the office. Rebecca had never heard the word before, but by the look on the woman's face, it didn't sound like a compliment. Whatever the definition of the word, its delivery managed to make her feel small and vulnerable. Suddenly, she was extremely aware that she was the lone human in a building full of werewolves. She didn't have too long to puzzle over the word, as Greyson came running down the hall towards her.

"Are you alright? He was never going to hurt you. Let me explain." Greyson went to cup her cheek, but she stepped back.

"I'm not talking about this in the middle of the lobby."

Greyson didn't need the mate bond to tell him that she was on edge. Her entire body practically vibrated with tension. He gestured for her to follow him and they began the journey back to his apartment.

While Rebecca's voice remained silent on the walk, her mind was in overdrive. This was too much for her. This was too much for anyone. Here, they wanted everything from her. In that room, they had sliced her open and carved out all of her most intimate secrets. Now, she was empty and still they wanted more. Greyson wanted her to love him. Imara wanted her to save them and she didn't even want to think about the man who wanted to take her life.

Here, she had the hopes and dreams of every prospective parent on her back. She had the responsibility of making sure that an entire species didn't die off. A mere two weeks ago, she thought she understood her life and exactly where it was going. She had every hour of every day of every month planned out for the next year. In the span of one week, her life had been turned upside down and inside out. There was no going back either. Greyson had burnt the bridge to her old life. Michael would never forgive her. All she had back in New York was an ugly apartment and a collection of very uncomfortable shoes. Even if she wanted to go back, she couldn't. Not now. However unknowingly, she had tied her very soul to Greyson. She had tried to separate from him and all that she had to show for it was pain. She was drowning under the weight of all the expectations and demands. Her feet itched to run. Every cell in her body wanted an escape.

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