Chapter 32

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Rebecca was cocooned in warmth. She was completely at peace. After so long of having her own mind be at war with itself, the serenity of the quiet was miraculous. From some distant place, she heard her name. Not wanting to be disturbed in her bubble of contentment, she ignored it, choosing instead, to snuggle further down into her cocoon. Yet, the interruption continued. Each time her name was spoken, a little bit of her serenity was ripped away. Giving up, Rebecca returned to the reality of consciousness.

"Wah?" She kept her eyes closed, hoping she could return to her slumber quickly. .

Greyson smiled to himself. "Still not a morning person, I see."

"Nuh." Rebecca grabbed the covers and pulled them over her head. Part of her brain woke up enough to realize that her warm cocoon was actually Greyson's arms around her. Her back was pressed against his chest. His hand rested on her hip. She could feel his warm breath on the back of her neck.

"Kama-Love, it's nearly dinner time. You need to eat." Greyson tugged the blanket away from her.

With a huff, Rebecca buried her head under her pillow. "Go away."

Deciding she needed some encouragement and because he wanted to, Greyson nuzzled her neck placing kisses here and there and letting his beard gently scratch her skin. Rebecca tilted her head to the side to allow him better access. A soft sigh left her lips. Greyson wanted to go further. He wanted to taste more of her skin. He wanted to hear her moan out his name. Unfortunately, he knew that now wasn't the time. Reluctantly, he released his mate and climbed out of the bed.

"There will be food in the kitchen in ten minutes. You will be there or else I will come get you." To encourage her further, he pulled the bedspread off entirely and tossed it to the other side of the room.

"Grey, I'm really beginning to wonder about your relationship with food. You seem obsessed." In the chill of the room, Rebecca was very aware she was only wearing a t-shirt.

Greyson grabbed a shirt out of his drawer before pulling it over his head. "If you mean that I will do everything and anything in my power to make sure you are healthy and safe, then yes, I am obsessed. Ten minutes." With the implicit threat hanging in the air, he left the room to arrange for their dinner.

A few minutes later, Rebecca stepped from the bedroom into the kitchen. Greyson looked up from the food he was carefully arranging on plates. Whatever he was going to say died on his tongue. She was still wearing just his t-shirt. Wisps of hair had escaped her tight French braid. There were pillow creases on her face. She was simply exquisite. He allowed himself a moment to savor the sight of her. He allowed himself to feel like the luckiest man alive that she was his. He allowed himself to be completely overcome with how deeply and profoundly humbled he felt that Mother Moon picked him as her mate.

"If you're just going to stare at me, I'm going back to the bedroom."

Caught in the act, Greyson finished sliding a piece of salmon onto a plate. "Ready to eat?"

Rebecca fidgeted with her hands. "I don't know. It didn't really work out so well this morning."

"I know, and that was my fault. I let us be apart for too long, but I have a plan now. Go make yourself comfortable on the couch." He gutted his chin out in the direction of his sectional.

Rebecca made her way over to the couch and sank down into the pillows in the corner. Greyson followed her with a tray of food. "Stretch your legs out across the cushions." He instructed as he set the tray on the coffee table before grabbing a fuzzy blanket and draping it over her legs. He then placed the tray on her lap and bowed formally. In his best fake British accent he announced, "Today's special is a grilled salmon with white rice, steamed carrots and roasted butternut squash soup."

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