Chapter 46

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"Alright then, any questions before we begin?" Fenrir could see in her eyes that she had a list of questions a mile long.

Since coming here and having her life completely blown apart, all Rebecca was left with was questions. Now, there was someone standing in front of her claiming to be willing to answer every question with the truth, that was more than she could hope for. However, she still wasn't sure if she could trust the Elder fully. She decided to test the waters.

"Actually, I do have a question. What does Afino mean?" She eyed him critically, looking for signs of deceit.

Taken aback, Fenrir grunted. "Where did you hear that word?"

"I thought you said you would tell me the truth no matter what?"

"And that I will, Little One, just curious is all." He shifted in his chair before answering. "Afino is a term used by some werewolves to talk about humans. It's not used in polite company anymore. It means that humans are... incomplete. I suppose that is the nicest way to put it. Defective is a not so nice way of saying it. That humans are defective because they lack the twin soul of a werewolf."

Rebecca thought over Fenrir's answer. She wasn't surprised. She felt the hate in the word when it was used. She took a moment to decide how to word her next question. It had been bothering her for a while now. "Since I arrived here, nearly everyone I have met has told me that I am safe. That my big, bad, Alpha mate will protect me. From what? No one has told me what I am safe from. What am I being protected from?"

Fenrir smiled. He liked this girl. He answered her simply. "Humans."

"But I am human." His answer did not make sense to her.

Fenrir shook his head. "No. You are completely an Other now. Not quite human, not quite werewolf. You are more than one, but less than the other. And there is nothing humans hate more than an Other."

"That's not-" Rebecca began automatically.

"It is true and you know it." Fenrir stared hard at her. "Powerful Humans hate the other. They hate what they don't fully understand and can't control. Wolves. Indigenous. Blacks. Gay. They are all still persecuted in your human world. Imagine what would happen to us.To you, if we are found out. They might kill us, they might not." He shrugged his shoulders. "But you, Little One, you are a traitor to your country. To your species. Do you know what they did to species traitors during the wars? They executed them. Slowly and publicly."

Rebecca tried to swallow around the lump in her throat. Fenrir's answer was far beyond what she expected. "Do you think...?" She trailed off not really sure how to finish.

As if he could read her mind, Fenrir finished for her. "That you are in danger? No. Because I won't let anything happen to you."

Rebecca studied the older man. He was nothing if not determined in his belief. However, he was over 500 years old. What could he do to protect her and, more importantly, how long could he do it? "What if something happens to you?"

Fenrir crossed his arms over his broad chest. "Another wolf will take my place. And if something happens to him, another will take his place. And another. You will be protected, Little One." He was more than willing to die protecting the woman across from him.

"I don't want anyone to die for me." Just the thought that someone would be killed protecting her, was inconceivable.

"That isn't your choice." He continued when he saw her shaking her head and preparing to speak. "If I choose to give up my life for you, that is my choice. You can't take that away from me. But you can make my sacrifice worth it."

"How?" She whispered the question. How would she ever be able to make the sacrifice of lives worth it?

"It all goes back to that A word we agreed not to speak about." Fenrir pushed himself away from the table and stood to his full height. "Now, do you have more questions or are you ready to start your training?"


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