Chapter 14

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The Olsen Family Estate was a large mansion built up on a hill overlooking the city below. The grounds were massive and maintained by a full-time staff of gardeners who took immense pride in their work. The head gardener, Mathias, had spent his entire career at the estate. He had seen saplings grow into tall, strong trees. He had helped turn barren pieces of earth into flower beds bursting with color and life. For the first time in his career, the family had flung open the gates of the estate to the rest of the world. As he watched the procession of cars full of people enter the gates, he couldn't help but feel bitter that his legacy, his life's work was covered by a thick blanket of snow and hidden from public view.

Greyson and Patrick didn't pay any attention to the grounds as they parked the rental car. They were one of the first to arrive. Greyson was still upset by the argument that he had with his mate that morning. He hadn't seen her since the gym. He had sent Trick to watch out for her while he worked off his frustrations in the gym. Patrick knew that Greyson's mind was elsewhere, so he kept his mind on the auction. Today was the first day of the viewing. The family was allowing the public to come in and view all the items up for auction. The actual bidding would take place in two days. From the auction catalog, Greyson and Patrick knew that the majority of the books were being sold in large lots. At the viewing, their goal was to determine which lots they should bid on. If any at all.

The rumors were that the Olsen family had been collecting werewolf artifacts for close to five hundred years. Most of the werewolf relics were books and journals written by pack elders and healers in an attempt to pass their knowledge on to future generations. During the Werewolf Wars, humans tried to stamp out all traces of werewolves and werewolf culture. Destroying or hiding away anything left after a battle. The loss of their own history, their own stories and culture was a shame felt by every wolf. If the Olsen's had even one book that was written by a wolf, this entire trip would be worth it.

The pair climbed the cement stairs up to the large double doors that marked the entrance to the mansion. Before they could cross the threshold, Patrick grabbed Greyson's arm and pulled him over to a secluded corner.

"You need to get your head in the game." Patrick didn't bother to sugar coat his advice.

Greyson groaned and tunneled his fingers through his hair.

"I know it's different for you. You grew up in the human world. But to the rest of us, this opportunity is huge. We had the very essence of who we are ripped away from us. In there," Patrick gestured to the large mansion. "In there, there is a chance to get some of that back. Whatever is going on between you and your little mate, you need to push that to the side and do your job as the Alpha of our pack. You need to do this for all of us. We were sent here by all the packs to represent all werewolves. This is a one time opportunity, Grey. Not once in a lifetime, not once in a generation, this is a ONE-time opportunity. We can't fail because you had a fight with your girlfriend. Failure is not an option, for any reason."

Greyson looked at his Beta and tried to calm his rising anger. "Trick, don't think for one second that this means more to you than it does to me because I was raised human. I know exactly what it is like to be raised with no history and no roots, to not know where you come from, to always wonder, to always question. Don't belittle my commitment to our pack and our species by implying that I would let down every single werewolf because I am worried about my mate. I came here to do a job and I'm damn well going to do it." Greyson paused for a moment to make sure his words sunk in. "And Trick, I think of you like my brother but watch yourself. You are on some very dangerous ground. I won't be lectured to like some kid; I don't care how old you are. And Rebecca is not my girlfriend, she is my mate. I won't allow you to dismiss her. Human or not, she is my mate and will be respected. Do we understand each other?"

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