Chapter 6

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The morning sun shone into Greyson's eyes and he groaned. His entire body hurt. It felt like he was slowly being pulled apart. He tried aspirin. He tried max strength cold and flu medicine. He tried a scalding hot shower. In desperation, he tried a couple of shots of vodka and a joint. Nothing helped. Something was seriously wrong with him. He had spent the last three days alternating worrying about Rebecca and worrying about himself.

At the sound of a knock at his door, he struggled out of bed and shuffled to the door. Opening it, he couldn't hide his surprise.

"Rebecca!" The sight of his best friend dramatically improved his mood.

"Hey Grey." She stood in the hallway of his apartment building wearing a pair of black leggings, one of Devon's old white button-down shirts with the sleeves rolled up, a beat-up pair of black Converse on her feet and her book bag slung over her shoulder. Her hair was up in a messy bun. "You look like hell."

"I feel worse."

"Listen, Greys-" Whatever she was about to say was cut off by Greyson grabbing her, pulling her into the apartment and crushing her to his chest. Her bookbag fell to the ground with a familiar thud. The apartment door clicked closed behind them.

"You're okay! Are you okay? Tell me you're okay."

"I'm okay."

Greyson buried his head in the crook of her neck. "God. You smell amazing."

"You're sniffing me? Gross! What's going on with you?" The hug continued until Rebecca felt it was getting awkward. "Um. Greyson? You plan on letting go any time soon?"

Greyson pulled back from the hug but didn't fully let her go. She looked up at him with concern in her eyes. "Devon said you were sick, but you really do look awful." She reached up and smoothed his hair back off his forehead. "Greys, you're burning up! "

He completely let go of her and took a step back. "I'm fine. It's just the flu or something."

"You're not fine. We should get you to a doctor."

"THREE DAMN DAYS REBECCA!" He ignored her worries about his health and focused on what had been keeping him awake at night. "Where the hell have you been?"

Rebecca stared down at her shoes, not wanting to look at her friend. "Avoiding you mostly."

"Me? What? Why?" Greyson was taken aback by her confession.

Rebecca lifted her head and gazed at her friend. "I didn't want to hear the lecture that I knew was coming."

Greyson tilted his head to the side and examined her. The bruises on her face had faded into ugly greens and yellows. Without all of her normal makeup and piercings, she looked vulnerable and weary. He cupped the side of her face, relishing how she leaned into his touch. "I called hospitals, Becks," he whispered, his voice aching with fear and worry.

Tears gathered in her eyes. "Greys, I'm sorry. I know I scared you and Dev. Honestly, I am worried about me too, but I am just not ready yet."

Whatever Greyson was going to say in reply was cut off when a wave of pain struck him. He doubled over with a string of curse words. This was worse. This was all-consuming agony. It felt like someone was ripping the bones out of his body. Slowly. Now he knew for sure, he was dying. The tears that had pooled in Rebecca's eyes slid down her face at the sight of her best friend in such torment.

"Greyson, please let me take you to the hospital," she begged.

"No. I can't. Social services will know that I am not living with that family in the Valley. I'll get sent back. I can't go back there." He looked her dead in the eye, "I won't go back there." Nodding in understanding, Rebecca led him over to the bed so he could at least lie down.

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