Chapter 33

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"Four hours."

Greyson crossed his arms over his chest in defiance. "No. Absolutely not." Greyson, Dr. Tyler, and Patrick had been having this discussion for the last ten minutes. The three stood next to the dining table in Greyson's apartment hashing out how best to see if the last week of constant togetherness had helped to ease the symptoms of Bonded Sickness.

Dr. Tyler did her best not to antagonize the Alpha werewolf. "It has been a week, we need to test how well she is recovering."

"Then she can do that here. With me." Greyson knew he had been spoiled over the last week. He had no responsibilities but to take care of his mate and now he was finding it hard to let go.

"Grey, that sort of defeats the purpose of the test." Patrick hoped his comment wouldn't earn him too much bad will from his Alpha.

Greyson rolled his eyes in exasperation. "Trick, why are you even here?"

Patrick shrugged. "The doc asked me to come so I could physically remove you if needed. So come on, let's go down to the gym or play some pool in the lounge."

"Alpha Carmichael, she will stay right here, safe in the apartment. Or, if you'd rather stay here, Rebecca can go down to the rec center. I hear that some of the younger males are getting together for a basketball game, maybe she would enjoy seeing that?" Dr. Tyler offered an alternative option.

Greyson growled. "If you think I would leave her alone with all those males, you are the one who needs a doctor."

"Good." Dr. Tyler clapped her hands together. "It's settled then, you and Trick are going to go to the gym for four hours, and Rebecca will stay here."

Greyson knew it was a losing battle from the start, but now he was well and truly beat. "Very clever. Fine. I'll go... but only for two hours."

"Three hours, or maybe I should ask Imara?" The doctor threatened.

Greyson huffed. "Fine. Three hours. But only under protest. Becks?" He turned to his mate seated at the table. "If you have any problems or just want me back, call my cell. Or Trick's. Or Doc Tyler's. They can mindlink me no matter where I am and I will come right back."

Rebecca feigned surprise. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you could still see me."


"Greyson, I'm fine. Go. Have fun." She made a shooing motion with her hands.

The doctor turned her focus to her patient. "Rebecca, if you suddenly get cold, or if your head begins to hurt, I want you to call me or Greyson right away. Don't try and wait, it will only set you back."

Rebecca resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She was being treated like a child. Again. "I understand. And I am fully capable of taking care of myself. I have done it for a very long time. Now, everyone out." She didn't want to say it out loud, but she was very much looking forward to some alone time. The last week with Greyson had been wonderful, but she wasn't used to having someone with her at all times. She really needed some time to herself to think. Greyson had dropped the subject of them being mates, but she didn't think it would last much longer. She needed time to decide how she really felt. The only way she would be able to do that is to get these people out of the apartment.

Greyson cupped her cheek and locked his eyes with hers. "Are you sure you're ready? I can stay and we can do this another day."

"Grey, I'm fine. Really. Go." A small ache started in her chest at the thought of him leaving, but she ignored it.

"Promise me that if you even think you are getting chilly or a headache you'll call me? I don't care how long it has been." His brow furrowed with concern.

Rebecca smiled at his worry. It was very sweet of him. "I promise. Now, go. Get out. All of you!" She shut the door behind the trio and sighed. Alone at last. She pushed herself off of the door and headed straight to the master bathroom. She had been looking forward to spending some quality time in Greyson's large bathtub. The quick showers she had been taking the last few days had done the job, but she was looking forward to a nice long, hot, soak. She had three hours of solitude and she meant to enjoy every minute.


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