Chapter 23

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Rebecca's eyes fluttered open. The morning light temporarily blinding her. Once she had adjusted to the brightness, she looked at her surroundings. These were not her pillows, these were not her sheets, and these were not her walls. She shifted slightly, trying to get her bearings, that is when she noticed the weight of an arm around her waist and the warmth of a person behind her. She began to panic and pull away from the strange body when the arms tightened around her waist pulling her closer.

"Becca, it's okay, you're okay." She recognized the voice instantly.

"Grey," Turning over without thought, Rebecca snuggled into his bare chest. She relaxed into his arms, loving the feeling of warmth and safety that spread through her body. She enjoyed floating between the worlds of awake and asleep. They stayed wrapped up together for a few minutes before all of Rebecca's brain woke up and began to fully function.

"Greyson? You aren't wearing a shirt." She wasn't going to say it out loud, but she was also very positive that she wasn't wearing any pants.

"I know. You're wearing my shirt." His voice was deeper first thing in the morning.

Rebecca tried to push herself away from Greyson. He didn't have a shirt on, and she didn't have pants. She also didn't have the faintest idea as to what was going on.

Greyson firmly grabbed her and held her to him. "Rebecca, stop. What is the last thing you remember?"

Rebecca stopped in her struggles, staring off into the distance, searching her memories.

"I was at my office. No, wait, I left my office early because of my head..." She looked up at Greyson and a brilliant smile split her face. "Grey! My head! It doesn't hurt! You have no idea... and I slept! Greyson! It has been so long..." Greyson smiled at her smile. He loved to see her happy.

"Wait... you were in my apartment. How were you in my apartment?" Fragments of memories flitted through her brain. An airplane. Running in a panic. A tall woman in white. None of them made any sense.

"Your assistant called me." Greyson wanted her to try and remember as much of the last day as possible on her own.

"Bonnie? Why would Bonnie call you?" Rebecca couldn't remember mentioning Greyson to Bonnie.

"She said you wanted to send me something." He could see the wheels turning in her head.

"Oh." A few things clicked into place in her head. Her journal. She wanted to send Greyson her old journal. She instructed Bonnie to call and get his address. She must have told him she wasn't well. Of course, Greyson would come running to her rescue.

He could see from the look on her face that she put that much of the puzzle together. He was curious about how long it would be before she moved to avoid the topic altogether.

"Well. I guess that answers that question. Now the important question is, where is the bathroom?" She really did want to use the bathroom. It wasn't just a convenient diversion tactic. Not completely.

Greyson chuckled to himself. Record time. "Through this door here." He gestured to the door near the head of the bed on his side. "Why don't you go do that and I will get us something to eat." He noted the time on his alarm clock before throwing back the covers and exiting the bed. He wanted them both back in the bed in twenty minutes or less.

Rebecca scurried off the bed and fled to the adjoining bathroom. She closed the door behind her and ran to take care of her most pressing needs. After relieving herself, she looked at her reflection in the mirror. She gasped in horror. It looked like she had been lost in the woods for weeks. Her hair was sticking straight up off her head at various angles. Her makeup was smeared and streaked across her face. She dove for the sink and a bar of soap. Turning the water on, she noticed a black cuff on her left wrist. It had dials and readouts on it. She had no idea what it was. Adding that to the very long list of questions to ask Greyson, she took her time washing her face before trying to tame her hair. Somewhere in the rat's nest, she found a hair tie and managed to get her curls confined to a high ponytail. Stepping back, she took a moment to admire the bathroom. The floor was crisp white subway tile, the walls were horizontal grey barn wood. All of the metal was a dark, oil rubbed bronze. The towels and accent pieces were a pale blue that reminded her of the ocean just after a storm. The shower was huge with multiple jets on the walls. Next to the shower was a large, deep soaking tub. If she thought she could get away with a long, luxurious soak, she would. She may not know where she was, but she approved of the bathroom. It was a lovely combination of rustic and modern.

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