Chapter 28

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"Greyson give me the code. Now." She ground the words out through clenched teeth. He was treating her like a child, and it was humiliating.

Greyson gave her the code and she unlocked the phone and dialed Michael's office number. Greyson sat back down in his chair and crossed his arms. Rebecca closed her eyes and put the phone to her ear. She knew that Greyson was still listening, but with her eyes closed she could pretend he wasn't there.

"Michael Cara's office." A high pitched, chirpy voice came on the line.

"Alice? This is Rebecca. I need to speak with Michael."

"Oh! Miss Cross! It is so good to hear from you! Mr. Cara has been very worried. I'll get you right to him." Alice's voice was like nails on a chalkboard.

There was a moment of silence before Michael answered.

"Yes?" He sounded impatient and grumpy.

"Michael?" Part of Rebecca had hoped that he would send her call to his voicemail.

"Rebecca? What the hell is going on? Where are you? Betty said some man carried you out of your apartment."

"Betty?" Rebecca seized on the name mix-up to delay the inevitable.

"Your assistant, Betty."

"Bonnie, my assistant's name is Bonnie." She knew that Michael had no intention of ever actually remembering Bonnie's name.

"Whatever. Rebecca, where are you? What the fuck is going on?" His tone clearly indicated he was not in a good mood.

"I'm at a retreat. It's like a spa. A friend owns it. I decided I needed a break." Without giving away details of where or who she was with, it was the best she could come up with.

"A break? You can't be serious!"

"Michael, you know I've had some health issues lately." That was an understatement. Up until a few days ago, she truly believed that she was dying.

"So? You pop a pill and get over it. That's the beauty of modern science." The cuff on Rebecca's wrist began to beep. Greyson clenched his hands into fists as he tried to calm himself and his wolf. Michael's complete disregard for Rebecca's health angered him on a level he didn't know was possible.

"It isn't that easy." Greyson watched as Rebecca began to pace back and forth along the length of the dining table.

"No, it's exactly that easy. Now quit being selfish and get back here. I left a few contracts on your desk this morning. I need you to go through them by tomorrow." Michael's response gave Rebecca pause. Selfish? Is that what he really thought of her?

"I can't. I need to stay here for a while. I need to get healthy again."

Michael sighed. "Is this some sort of cry for attention? Do you need a hug or something?"

"Michael, you're not listening to me. I need to stay here for a while." Greyson was proud of the way she was handling herself.

There was a long silence and then Michael sighed through the phone line. "Becky, are you sure you're okay? If you need a day or two... I can, I can probably figure something out." It pained Greyson to admit it, but he heard actual compassion in Michael's voice.

"Yes, I'm okay, well, I will be, but I won't be back for a couple of months."

"Months?" Michael exploded. All his newfound compassion gone in a heartbeat. "We are supposed to be getting married in three months!" Greyson's eyebrows rose in surprise. He knew they were engaged, but he didn't know the wedding date was so soon.

"I know." Her voice suddenly sounded contrite and small. She stopped her pacing. Greyson watched as her free hand curled into a fist.

"Rebecca, you will not embarrass me like this. You will not embarrass my family like this. You will get over whatever it is you think your problem is, you will take a car, a plane, a goddamn donkey if you have to, but you will get your ass back here by tomorrow morning. You will slap a smile on your face, and we will be getting married in three months, do you understand me?"

"Michael, I need more time." It was the resignation in her voice that had Greyson getting up out of his chair. It was her complete lack of surprise at his reaction that had him rounding the table to where she stood. It was the faint smell of her blood in the air as she dug her nails into her palms that had him grabbing the phone from her hand and putting it to his own ear. He stalked into the living room to put distance between his rising anger and the woman he loved.

"And I need you here!" Michael shouted through the phone line.

"I don't give two shits what you need!" Greyson growled back. "Rebecca will not be coming back now, in three months or ever. Consider this her resignation and consider yourself dumped. If you even think about contacting her again, I promise you I will break every single bone in your body, one at a time." With that, he crushed the phone in his hand and threw the pieces across the room.

Greyson paused and took two deep breaths before turning back towards Rebecca. He knew she would be angry with him. He needed to explain that he was doing it for her. That he was doing it to protect her. When he finally turned to make eye contact with his mate, he wasn't expecting the look of utter terror on her face.

"Greyson... what have you done?" The statement was barely a whisper. He could just make it out over the sound of her thundering heart. Her hands were shaking. The medicuff on her wrist began to beep wildly.

"Becks..." Greyson tried to sound repentant as he took a step towards her. Before he could get to her, she pressed one hand against her mouth and clutched the other against her stomach and bolted from the room. 

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