Chapter 11

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Less than an hour later, Greyson was back in the lobby of the hotel feeling much more centered. He let the brisk winter wind clear his mind and get his emotions under control. As he strode across the gray marble floors, he noticed the office that Rebecca had been in for the majority of the day was now deserted. He walked over to Trick, who was still occupying the same chair he had been earlier.

Before Greyson could get a word out, Patrick began speaking. "She is in the restaurant across the way. She packed up her stuff, dropped it in her room and came right back down."

Greyson slipped his hands into his pockets. "Thanks again, Trick. For everything." He started off in the direction of the restaurant before pausing and turning back to his companion. "Was she still listening to club music?"

Patrick pulled a face. "No. She switched it to... what I have learned is called Death Metal. I had to Google some of the lyrics to find out what in the world she was listening to. Your mate has very interesting musical tastes."

Greyson furrowed his brow in confusion, nodded his head at his Beta, turned on his heel and headed to the restaurant. He found her at a small table for two near a window. It was a spectacular view of the city. The lights of the buildings sparkled off of the waters that surrounded the town. However, his mate's attention was not on the view beyond the window, but on the cell phone in her hand. She was so engrossed in whatever was on her screen that she didn't notice his approach until he was standing directly in front of her.

"May I join you?" He tried to use his most charming smile. The one he used on the elder she-wolves that run the kitchen at the Packhouse. The smile that never failed to get him an extra cookie with dinner.

"Grey!" Rebecca was startled by his sudden appearance. Her eyes swept around the restaurant, checking to see who else was there. When Chet's blonde hair didn't catch her eye, she relaxed a tiny bit.

"Well? May I?" Greyson didn't miss the way she looked around the room to see who would be able to see them dining together.

Rebecca set her phone down next to her place setting and leaned back in her chair. She briefly closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Once she opened them again, she looked at her old friend and smiled. "Yes, of course. Please have a seat." With her hand, she gestured at the empty chair across from her.

Greyson set himself down in the dining chair. As if by magic, a server appeared and asked him for his drink order.

"Johnnie Walker Blue. Neat. Thank you."

"Very good, sir. Your drinks will be right over. I'll be back soon to take your order. My name is Lars and if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask." The server left them alone in an awkward silence.

Greyson cleared his throat and leaned forward to brace his elbows on the table. "If I'm being honest, I wasn't sure I would ever see you again."

The corners of Rebecca's lips curled up a bit. "To be honest, I wasn't sure either. I had hope, but it didn't seem likely."

"About as likely as both of us ending up in the same hotel in Norway of all places?"

Rebecca's grin widened a bit. "Yes, about as likely as that."

Lars chose that moment to arrive with their drinks.

"A club soda with two limes for the lady and Johnnie Walker Blue, neat, for the gentleman. Are you two ready to order?"

"I'll have the kale and berry salad with shrimp, please. Dressing on the side."

Greyson took a few seconds to look over the menu. "The steak, please, rare. And fries for the side."

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