Chapter 25

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As Greyson predicted, Rebecca slept through the night and well into the next day. Greyson had spent the time when he wasn't sleeping, perfecting the art of using his phone with only one hand. His other arm kept Rebecca firmly tucked against his side. He caught up on old work emails. Clearly, Imara had made her wish that he spend the week doing nothing but care for his mate well known, because instead of the flood of emails he normally got on a daily basis, he only got a handful. Each one of those made it clear that there was no rush on his response. After clearing out his inbox, he moved onto the news. He spent about two minutes reading about current events before deciding human politics were ridiculous and he was going to frustrate himself. He remembered Trick telling him about a game called Sweet Smash. He downloaded the app onto his phone and was almost instantly addicted.

Greyson was just about to complete a level in record time when Rebecca moved next to him. He set his phone on the bedside table and turned his concentration to his mate.

"Good morning," her big green eyes opened to meet his.

"mmmmm," Rebecca stretched beside him, feeling warm and well rested for the first time in a long time. "Morning."

"How are you feeling?" Greyson reveled in the feeling of waking up with the woman he loved.

Rebecca closed her eyes and snuggled in closer to her old friend. "Good, I think. What time is it?"

Greyson didn't bother to look at the clock. "A little after eleven."

"Eleven!" Rebecca sat straight up in the bed. "How could you let me sleep that long!"

Greyson tried and failed to hide his chuckle at her behavior. "Becks, you are supposed to be sleeping. You're recovering, remember? You were doing exactly what you were supposed to be doing."

"But..." She floundered. Rebecca had arranged her life so that she always had something to do. She always had a plan. A schedule to keep. A task list to complete. The idea that doing nothing was her schedule, felt foreign.

"I remember a time when you thought four in the afternoon was early. Give it a day or two, I am sure it will all come back to you. Besides, you aren't just supposed to rest, you're also supposed to eat. Why don't you go wash up while I call down to the kitchens?" He began sliding out of the bed.

"Food?" Rebecca froze. The idea of food scared her. Lately, whenever she tried to eat, she became sick. Violently, physically sick. It was better to avoid food altogether.

"Yes. Food. And you are going to eat all of it."

"Grey... I don't know if that is a great idea." Greyson could hear the nervousness in her voice. He finished pulling a shirt over his head, before returning to the side of the bed.

"Becca, it was the Bonded Sickness that made it hard for you to eat. We're together now. It'll be alright. Now, you go wash up and I'll meet you in the kitchen."

"Alright." He looked so completely sure that Rebecca decided that she would believe him. She slid out of the bed and headed to the ensuite.

"There is a bag by the door of stuff we packed up at your apartment. If you need anything else, just let me know and we can get it. Don't be too long, okay?" Greyson called after her.

"I'll be quick." Rebecca answered before closing the door between them.

A few minutes later, Greyson stood in his kitchen stirring a cup of coffee. He was trying to give Rebecca her space, but it had been nearly fifteen minutes and there was still no sign of her. Sighing, Greyson left his coffee on the counter and went to check on his mate. He found her in the bedroom, cleaned up and staring out the window. She had changed into a teal sheath dress. Her feet bare on the wooden floor. Her long hair pulled back into a tight French braid. She didn't seem to notice his entrance in the room. She looked lost in thought.

"Becks?" Greyson stood in the doorway watching her.

Without turning away from the view out the window, Rebecca replied. "It's too quiet."

Greyson chuckled slightly, "Yeah, the Elders that founded this place chose it for that reason. You would be amazed at how many people there aren't in New Brunswick." He expected a smile or maybe even a small laugh. His brows knitted together in concern when he received no reaction at all from her.


Thoughts bounced around Rebecca's mind at lightning fast speed. Thoughts of Greyson and his insistence that they were somehow fated to be together. Thoughts of her job and the large pile of work she left on her desk. Thoughts of what was sure to be a very uncomfortable phone call she needed to make to Michael. Without all the noise that normally plagued her, her thoughts seemed to scream at her. Echoing in her head. In its own way, now it was even louder. It was even harder to focus. It was even harder to find a moment of quiet.

"Rebecca?" Greyson placed his hand on her shoulder to get her attention.

"Huh?" Rebecca whipped her head to face Greyson. She blinked in confusion. How long had he been standing there? How long had she been lost in her own world?

"Are you alright?" She saw the concern in his eyes. That is all she seemed to see in his eyes when he looked at her. Concern, like he was waiting for her to break. It irritated her. He didn't have the first clue as to what her life was like, what she had done in the last ten years. She was more than capable of taking care of herself. She had for a very long time. He had no right to look at her like that.

"I'm fine." Rebecca rolled her shoulders and stepped to the side, purposefully dislodging his hand.

"Rebecca, never in the history of you have you been fine when you say that you are fine."

"Greyson, I'm fine." She retorted. She then pushed past him and walked out of the bedroom. 

Hello Lovelies,

I know the last couple of chapters have been kind of short, but I didn't want to overwhelm everyone. I'm wordy, what can I say? There are longer chapters coming in the future, I promise.

Thanks for reading!


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