Days of Nostalgia

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Tsuki was talking with Hayama, Takumi, and Yoshino about their morning classes. "Speaking of which Tsukicchi..." Yoshino turned to Tsuki with a smug look on her face. "It's definitively weird! You're a different breed of human... there's no way Tsukicchi is still dating Tsukasa-senpai!" Yoshino was surprised still to realize that her friend, was dating the graduated former first seat of the Elite Ten. "If Tsukicchi can manage to be in a long distance relationship, I should be able to get a relationship!"

"What... kind of logic is that?" Hayama looked to Yoshino with a weird look.

"That's a bit harsh, Yoshino-chan." Tsuki nervously laughed. "Eishi and I are still together. He actually called the other day." Tsuki smiled and held up her promise ring. "He recently flew out of the Amazons, and he told me he's going to Canada with Rindo-senpai." Tsuki lay on her desk with her arms out.

"Still though... someone going out with you, I'm still surprised Yukihira didn't physically beat Tsukasa-senpai after the news of you two became public." Hayama looked to Tsuki as she laughed.

"Much less... how much trust you have for letting Tsukasa-senpai go with another girl on a trip." Takumi looked to Tsuki. "Are you sure everything is alright?"

"Yeah!" Tsuki nodded. "If Eishi is doing what he loves than that's fine with me. I trust Eishi. There's no point in worrying over stuff like that." Tsuki sighed. "Besides, we're not that public about our relationship, especially since his parents don't know about me and its none of anyone's business." Tsuki yawned. "I've gotten too many notes about asking if Eishi and I are still dating DAILY."

"G-Good morning!" Ryoko ran in, panting. "S-sorry I overslept!"

"Morning Ryoko-chan." Tsuki smiled as she had her head looking outside of her window to see that Suzuki was with his students. Everyone noticed Tsuki was looking outside the window as they themselves peered outside... to see Tsuki looking down to the first floor. She spotted Suzuki, Blake, Aoi, Camille and Aeri all together as they looked up to see the ice bluenette was staring at them.

Immediately Blake, Aoi, Camille and Suzuki waved to Tsuki while Aeri entered the school, ignoring her. Tsuki smiled politely as she waved back to them. Everyone looked at the window to see who Tsuki was waving to when Ryoko turned to Tsuki.

"Speaking of Suzuki-sensei Tsuki, I notice that he's been around you a lot lately. He walked you back to the dorm the other day right? Are you two close? Yukihira doesn't know about him right?" Ryoko asked as Tsuki looked to the maroon haired girl.

"Hm? We're not close." Tsuki waved a hand in front of her. "He just looks after me a lot. There's no need to involve nii nii in stuff like this when he's already busy with Shokugeki challenges day after day." Tsuki sighed.

"Ehh we have an eyewitness on Suzuki-sensei?! How is he Tsukicchi, does he fit the model that all pretty men are ugly on the inside? He has to be ugly on the inside right? A perfect man doesn't exist!"

"That's a bit mean Yoshino-chan... Akira and Takumi are pretty as well and they're not ugly on the inside at all. Suzuki-sensei is a nice person who wants to get along with everyone. He's popular with the first year students... But if we're being honest here..."

"I get a feeling... where I feel like I've met Suzuki-sensei somewhere before..." Tsuki sighed as her locket dangled freely from her neck. "I know I've served him before in the past... but it was just once."

"Now that I think about it... he's always looking for you the most out of everyone." Ryoko nodded.

"Maybe I'm just overthinking things." Tsuki waved a hand in dismissal. "Come on, let's go Takumi, Akira, we have another Elite Ten meeting today... and my nii nii's actually going to this one for once." Tsuki sighed.

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