27) Lucy's Warning

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"Alright I'm not sure how long this will be able to hold him down but hopefully he doesn't wake up soon." Kit mumbled as he tied the other foot to the end of his bed post. We had no choice when we ran through the door and I had that dreadful feeling as usual in the put of my gut that told Kit to put the pedal to the metal. We were driving as fast as we could back to the Russel home when I realized that when the young spirit girl, Lucy had told me. It was all a facade... The whole thing was a sick, dark twisted tale that was oh so real but filled with so much disappointment. "Basically Lucy is trapped in the home because her mother. In death she tries to control the other spirits that were in the house... She killed Lucy because there was something wrong with her I believed she was born with a disability... A physical problem. Melinda never intended for her daughter to leave the attic. What Kevin found or what I found... What lucy was showing us it was a warning. A way for her to tell her dark story. We need to get there and fast because I have a feeling something awful is going to happen... I can sense it." I could feel my anxiety going up and my heart kept skipping a beat but it didn't matter none of it mattered now; I needed to save that family. "So you're telling me this now?! Why the hell didn't you say that when we were there?" Kit asks irritated and lights a cigarette he hands me one. We both light it up and sit in silence, "I tried to tell you, K but you weren't listening. I didn't know the true evil until Lucy made herself heard as soon as we left the home. I'm telling you, Kit fucking drive." I was so nervous and on edge because I just had a feeling I knew what we were walking into and the thought terrified me.
When we got to the home and it had started to rain by now the house didn't look different at least not outwardly, but the feeling was different almost hollowed. "You get out first." Jane mumbles taking a long drag. She wasn't acting herself not since we pulled into the driveway, her personality changed she seemed afraid which was weird for my twin because nothing and I mean nothing really scared her. This meant something evil was afoot like really bad, "Alright... Are you sure about this?" I asked unknowing and unsure myself of what we were really doing. I get out of the car slowly and stand there outside a few good minutes to finish my cigarette I may not have been psychic but something about this seemed... Off. That's when we stopped and could hear people arguing then came the screaming... The horrendous, bloodcurdling shriek of a girl. We both threw our stuff aside and ran to the door only to find we weren't sure what we could do, "Do we just barge in and start shit like the feds or..." I asked my sister she shrugged but put her had to the door and closed her eyes.
Pain... So much pain. She's so sad and so hurt; she wants to be free but her mother won't let her. I could feel the rage and the evident anger... She never wanted her daughter to leave... She never meant for any of them to leave. Suddenly I can feel myself being shook violent and hard, my eyes flew open and I had been leaning against the door practically clinging to the doorknob. "What the fuck was that? What the hell happened? Janie answer me." Kit demands trying to get me to answer but I couldn't, I didn't know how to explain what I was seeing or why it had happened but I knew there wasn't time to knock and we didn't have time to explain so I pushed the door wide open to find what I could only say was horror. Marie had been the one screaming because Kevin apparently was fully possessed by now and he had tried to chase her down the stairs with a pair of huge scissors. I had seen him come out of practically nowhere but his eyes weren't his, they were dark almost black hollowed sockets I could feel this evil it was like nothing I had ever experienced before. Marie was panicked screaming and crying hysterically I ran up the stairs as fast as I could without tripping. Marie was in her bedroom and the door was locked and barricaded from the inside, "Marie open the door! You have to open the door!" I demanded trying to kick the door down myself but it wasn't any use. Marie was screaming, "No! Please go! Kevin, don't kill me! Don't kill me, please!" She started to sob with that plea I kicked the door harder with all my strength and the door finally snapped off its hinges. When I managed to push the door completely open it had been blocked with her large vanity dresser I push the dresser to the side which requires a hell of a lot more strength; I slowly walk towards Marie who's holding her knees to her chest and crying hysterically. "Kevin, please..." She whimpers it breaks my heart seeing how terrified she really was and I knew I had to get her out of this house and now. I don't hesitate to pick her up which caused her to flip out and attempt to thrash but she wouldn't open her eyes. "Marie? Marie, it's Kit open you eyes you have to open your eyes! Please, Marie!" I was begging she still continued to cry I took my hands and put them to hers on her face, "Marie you have to trust me, I'm getting you out of here." I said calmly trying to keep her from panicking anymore. She slowly opened her eyes and glanced at me; her eyes were red rimmed and her face was flushed, "I'm going to carry you to our car and I need you to stay in the car. No matter what happens, no matter what you hear do not get out of the car. I'm going to lock you in and get help alright? You have to stay in this car though." I command as I carried her downstairs quickly in my arms and put her in the car. I slammed the door and locked it behind me I turned my back to see her fearful face one more time  Please if there's a God, please help us I prayed in my head.
I heard him coming and I was in the living room at the time, I saw Kit running downstairs holding Marie with her broken ankle. As I stood there helplessly I heard more upstairs but this was different. As I walked up the stairs a few steps I heard a female a stern and angry female, "I can sense you, you're the psychic aren't you?" She says taunting me I take the few steps back and tripped over my foot causing me to fall backwards on the ground. Kevin came from upstairs and started walking down the stairs at a steady pace. He was holding a rather large pair of scissors and coming right toward me, I swore I saw my life flash before my eyes and it was I'll admit rather bleak. Just as I waited for the possessed Kevin to end my poor and stupid little life shutting my eyes really tight and hoped that my death was quick. Only when I didn't feel a stabbing pain or as a matter of fact anything at all I opened my eyes slowly and came to the realization that Kevin was face down on the floor, "How the fuck..." I asked quickly Kit dragged my arm up, "Jane, we need to hurry up and get him tied down." I couldn't speak I couldn't respond I swear I must have been in shock, "Janie! Listen to me, snap out of it! Help me drag him to the kitchen we'll tie him to a chair or something." Kit mumbled as he helped me up.
As I dragged Kevin's limp body to the kitchen I knew instantly that Jane was right. I'd we didn't get this fucked up thing out of him he's probably going to die. I set his body in a chat and went rummaging thru drawers and cabinets in hopes of finding some rope or a chain hell even a belt would work in a pinch. Jane was trying to keep him held still in case he woke up swinging, "Get out of my house. Get out of my house. Get out of my house..." Kevin kept whispering, "Found some zip ties these will have to work. Here, tie two to his arms and two on his legs to the back of the chair. We gotta hurry the fuck up though if she's already talking." I stop what I'm doing when she said she, "Who's she?" I asked as I tied his legs down in a rush. "Melinda... He's not possessed completely yet but she's trying." Jane concludes. Just when we're about done with his bonding and I'm going to run and get my Bible because someone has to believe in something in these situations we both heard a loud crash. We both stared at each other frozen in complete fear, "Is there others, J? Cause what the fuck was that?!" I said my anxiety rising, "I don't know I'll go check it out though..." Jane whispers to me slowly getting up from the floor and to the stairway. "Janie... Take a knife or something. Just in case." She nods at me and grabs the scissors he had been wielding at her. She turns away up the stairs I listen to her footsteps as she goes up each stair; steady and slowly each step made me think it would be her last. As I'm listening for any discrepancies Kevin begins to twist and wake up, "Where am I? What happened?" He whispers coughing a bit. His voice was hoarse and his eyes were bloodshot, "Kevin, there's something wrong with you really wrong. We came back because you don't have cancer... You're being possessed by an evil, vengeful spirit." Kevin glances around a bit confused he started to try and stretch but realized he was tied down, "Why am I in the kitchen? What do you mean possessed? Kit what's wrong with me? What did I do?" He asks almost looking like he wanted to cry. I didn't know how to really break it down any further without making him feel any more guilt, "Kit! Kit! I need you! Call an ambulance!" I hear from upstairs Jane yelling loudly. I was afraid to turn my back of Kevin he may have been himself at this moment but what would happen if I took my eyes off him a second? "What's wrong? What's going on?" I yelled back, no answer. "Jane, what's wrong?" I yelled again still to no avail. I glanced over to Kevin who was still himself but for how long? "Hello, I need an ambulance! He's bleeding up here!" She yells again. "I need you to promise me something, if I go and help Jane I need you to promise that you will stay right here. Please, just try and control it..." Kevin had tears in his eyes when he glanced down and began to break down. "I'll try... I swear I'll try... But she... She's so fucking strong... I can't for long..." Kevin mumbled.
I had found Mr. Russell and Melanie who was over him trying to apply pressure to the deep wound on his thigh which was pretty severe. "What the fuck happened?" I asked bending down to her level; she was crying hysterically unsure of what to do. "He just... He just came in and stabbed him... I don't know what to do... He's going to die if I walk away..." She sniffles. I nodded quickly and just started to yell for Kit. I heard footsteps running up the stairs a few moments later and Kit came bursting through the doorway. "Holy fuck! Ok give me a second I already called 911, they said they'll be here in five minutes. What exactly happened?" I asked bending down to help Melanie with her husband. He already looked pretty bad he was pale and barely aware of anything himself, "Honey, don't you die on me! Don't you fucking die on me, Bob!" She starts to yell as his eyes begin to close slowly, "I love... I love you, Mel..." He mumbles before I lost a pulse. Suddenly we hear shuffling and talking; Jane runs to the top of the stairs, "Help! Help, he's up here! Please, hurry!" She drags in a paramedic to the room who looks worried. "What happened here? Sir, can you hear me? What's his name?" They begin to bombard us with what seems a billion questions but then it hits me... What about Kevin? "Oh no." I mumbled to myself pushing the young guy aside and running down the stairs. I head to the kitchen to find that Kevin was gone, just vanished. The zip ties were still perfectly intact to the chair in all the places we tied off, no idea how someone could have gotten lose from such a thing without breaking the zip ties. The first thing I thought to myself was I better find Kevin or we are all gonna be in trouble.

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