20) The Possession of Kevin

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I had a strange feeling it was almost as if it were nagging at me, yelling at me. "Kit, something is wrong. Something is really wrong, we have to get there fast." I say getting anxious, "What's the matter, Janie?" Kit asks curiously yet worried. "He's under attack, she wants him so bad... She's almost got him..." I don't feel Kit shaking me but I do feel myself being pushed back into the seat. "You need to use your powers, Jane. He will not survive long unless you can guide them to the light. He's in trouble." It was my mother and she didn't look any older than myself, "Mom, what do I do? What do you mean my powers? I know I see them but you must tell me how do I help him?" She takes my hands in hers and kisses my cheek, "My sweet girl, I am not the answer but search inside yourself. He has the gift as well when you release him from their torment he'll be released from his hell." "Jane! Holy shit, Jane are you ok?! What the hell was that?!" Kit is shaking I can feel his hands on my shoulders. "We need to get there fast, they're all in danger." I whisper.
We get to the house and I can understand why Jane is so afraid I can feel how thick it is in the air I can't really breath when I step out of the car and I hear screaming. We both look at each other and run to the door, I flung the door open and see Marie is crying hiding under the stairwell, "Whats going on, Marie? What's wrong?" She keeps shaking her head and points upstairs, "It's Kevin... He's... He's going crazy." She sniffles and reaches out to grab my neck holding me tight. I could tell how afraid she was by the simple fact that she was shaking and breathing quick. I lifted her up and carried out out of the house to the porch, "Stay out here, alright?" Marie screams and cries trying to get back in but I have to keep her safe. I get up to Kevin's room and he's on the ground writhing and seizing in pain, "Leave this vessel! Leve this body! Lead this body, now! Leave this fucking body!" I demand holding him down suddenly everything goes silent as he stops moving and eventually breathing. "Kevin? Kevin?!" I begin to panic Melanie is too by the looks of it as sudden as he was unconscious he shot back up, "What? Where am I..." Kevin asks a bit scared and near tears, "This had become a supreme problem now. I have to get someone to help me get this place cleaned." Kevin coughs still struggling to breath. His mother rushes in to hold him, "Oh my God baby are you ok?! I'm so afraid." She mumbles I to his chest. I knew then and there I had to solve this problem and it was gonna require the big guns.

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