23) Spiritual Emergency

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I had been in my room all day just laying in bed because I felt utterly exhausted which was out of character for me. But I suppose having cancer at 15 will do that to a teen, once upon a time I was perfectly fine before we moved into this place and now I was facing stage two chemotherapy and radiation. I hear a knock on the door, "What do you want?" I yell out putting the blanket closer to my mouth to hide the depression I was struggling with since I found out my fate. "It's Marie, your sister dummy. Can I come in?" I don't reply unsure of what to do. If I let her in there's a chance she's going to annoy me with a thousand questions but if I didn't she would stand outside my bedroom door like a fucking puppy. "Yeah come on in. What do you want?" I ask sitting up a little bit. Marie comes to meet my face and puts her hand on my forehead, "Are you sick, Kevin? Do I need to get you some medicine?" She asks I turn away ignoring her stupid question. "Come on, Kevin let's go in the backyard to the creek. We can look for fossils... We can look for shiny rocks..." Marie adds climbing into the comforter as I cover my face. "You can't hide in here forever you know? Come on, let's go exploring." She says trying to pull my hand out of the bed. I yank it back, "Go the fuck away, Marie. You don't understand anything I swear..." She laughs, "Of coarse I don't stupid, I'm only 10. Now get up, I'm bored. Want to build a clubhouse in the attic? I'll let you bring whatever you want..." She says I could feel her eyes boring into me as I'm hiding under the blanket to avoid any tears or freak her out because of it. "Kevin... Come on. We can get Brian to bring Tyler over and we can have a sundae without it being Sunday." Marie takes my hand and attempts to drag my ass out of the bed but I'm holding onto my bed frame. Suddenly I'm overcome with intense anger and annoyance but more so than usual, "I said get the fuck out of here, Marie! I don't want to fucking play, I don't want fucking ice cream! I don't want fucking Brian and that dumb bitch he calls his girlfriend I want you to get the hell out of my fucking room. Right now, Marie." She looks upset and nearing tears then I do something I had never thought I could ever do, Marie goes flying backwards out of nowhere about six inches above the floor and she hits the hallway wall incredibly hard. Part of me is confused and scared another part of me is still so angry and agitated and looking to hurt someone... For some fucked up reason Marie seemed to make a good target. I don't remember what got me out of bed or why I was walking over to my sister, I could feel my hands wrap around her shoulders and drag her like a doll to the top of the stairs. "What are you doing? Kevin?! What are you doing?! Kevin, let me go! Mom!" The next thing I know I could feel my hands push her off the top of the stairs but the rest is a blur. I couldn't hear the obvious screaming in pain, or even the yelling for mom like bloody murder but I do remember hearing a voice... A recognizable voice bit from behind me or even beside me but from in my own head, "Finish what I should have a long time ago..." She laughs darkly. I smile to myself and walk downstairs slowly I could see the terror on Marie's eyes; the true fear and confusion in those eyes. "Mom, help! Mommy!" She screams backing up little by little, she attempts to try and stand but by the look at her ankle it's impossible to do. "Mom, help me! Mom! Mom!" She starts to cry. That's when I begin to feel like myself again I don't feel like my body's ice and its back in my control. I glanced about confused and scared wondering how the hell this happened and I look right in front of me and see that Marie is terrified, she looks as if she had been crying in fear. I walk up to her and try to inspect what had happened but she automatically screams and I hear the door open in the kitchen. Next thing I know mom's behind me panicking, "Oh my God, what the hell happened? Oh my God, Marie are you ok? Are you hurt, honey?" She starts crying harder as she tries to stand. "It hurts mom, it hurts... I can't stand on it... He... He... He pushed me... He picked me up and threw me off the stairs mom... I screamed for you but you never came..." Marie concludes crying hard and avoiding looking at me. "You threw your sister down the stairs? Do you have any idea how irresponsible, stupid and dangerous that is?! You could have killed her, Kevin! Answer me!" The more she asks the more angry I become suddenly mom is thrown against the wall right beside Marie she looks equally as terrified. "What the fuck was that?! Kevin... I... I don't... I don't know... Can you walk, honey?" Mom asks trying not to show her fear over the extreme situation that just occured. Marie wipes the tears and shakes her head, "I'm calling your dad, this shit ends tonight, Kevin. Tonight. I'm taking your sister to the local doctor. When I get back... I swear... You better...." Mom can't even form a sentence so she picks up Marie in one motion and heads to the front door. I'm left in the house by myself but I could already feel that I wasn't even if the stupid twins were in their room, I knew that this woman wouldn't let me go. Not until she had her way.
I was sitting at the edge of the bed hands slightly sweaty because I heard what had just happened but part of me was too afraid and not powerful enough to confront face to face who was doing it. I had seen many entities without doing this all my life obviously, I'm a psychic it's what I do but this house... This family it had serious problems. It had more than one spirit to be dealing with and this particular entity didn't want anyone to crowd it's plans. I summoned the strength to finally get up and look out into the kitchen, it's about 10am and there's nobody awake... Or if there was no one is home. Kit suddenly pops out of nowhere from the backyard walking inside, "Fuck! You scared the holy shit out of me, Kit! Why were you outside?" I ask confused stepping out of our room completely. I had an uneasy feeling; a really uncomfortable feeling as if someone were watching or listening to us. Kit shrugs, "I went to smoke part of a jay in the car, listening to some music. Why what's wrong..." I put my hand to his mouth for a second because I just had this intense feeling someone was listening to us. As we walk to the kitchen I needed something to drink Kevin appears from the hallway, "Hey there, how are you feeling?" Kit asks watching as he walks from the hall to the fridge he opens the fridge staying silent. "Ok... Well I think I got someone who could help you... All of you. She's coming over this afternoon actually." Kit concludes still no response just these intense eyes staring right back at the both of us. He's got no expression on his face but he's holding a glass filled with something pink or red. "What's that you got there?" I asks. He takes a giant gulp of the drink and sets the glass on the island. We both watch as he walks back upstairs and I'm hit by a strange cold gush of wind as if someone or something just passed beside me. That's when I see Kevin is standing at the top of the stairs only I don't see Kevin; I see his body but his soul was that of Melinda... The woman who died here. "Kevin... I need you to fight back. Kevin, you have to fight back... I can help you. Someone is coming into help you." She laughs a very sinister laugh, "You can't help me. I dont want to leave I'm having too much fun." Kit runs up the stairs to try and snap him out of it but I'm having to hold his arm back so he wouldn't do it. "We can fight back, we can fight her off. Just Jane we have to get her to let him go." Just as we're discussing what the original plan was but now things have gotten really dark I glance up to see Kevin has vanished. "What the hell just happened? Where did he go?" I whisper as we look around the place frantically. "I don't know... I vote you go look for him, J." I say she looks at me incredeously, "Are you fucking crazy or stupid?! I'm not going up there, just cause I'm a psychic doesn't mean I'm a miracle worker. I vote we call Pastor Thompson and get the shit going." Jane says suddenly it goes silent and every picture on the wall against the stairs falls off the wall for no reason. Jane and I glance at each other for a fraction of a second and both of us run out the door to the car. "I have seen some scary shit but this tops the cake, Kit. This is fucking insanity, K... We gotta got her here like now... I don't care that Melanie isn't home, I don't care that they're gone... We need to get this show on the road." Jane says I could tell she was freaked out though by the way her hand was shaking as she lit a cigarette. I nod knowing she was right, "Alright, well you are kinda right about this. I'm going inside and going to call Thompson but I'm not going in there by myself you're coming with me or I'm not doing it." Jane rolls her eyes but I knew she didn't wanna go in there; I knew she was freaked out as much as I was but we had an emergency a pretty spiritual emergency. I walked inside and glance around the pictures were all broken and damaged on the stairs, glass everywhere. I slowly walk into the kitchen where the landline was located and put a hand to the phone or at least what felt like the phone. I dial the number frantically while kind of shaking myself it took a moment to compose myself but I finally managed, "Hello, Pastor... It's Kit. Yeah the one who you talked with yesterday... We have a bit of a spiritual emergency right now..."

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