7) Modern Beliefs

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After three days of sleeping in a murder house entirely alone because Jane was too freaked out to come back inside I basically slept uncomfortably with just my thoughts and the awkward silence of the night. It wasn't as bad as Jane made it out to seem in my view because the only scary thing that really happened was waking up covered in scratches on my back which I chalked up to being just scratching myself in a dream. After telling the landlady about our findings and Jane's encounter with the killer herself she didn't seem very surprised and was pretty adamant about most people not even being able to stay in te home for more than a few hours because they were so freaked out.
By Wednesday we were back on the road headed to Oklahoma taking Jane back to her school because spring break was over as we sat there in silence the only sound was the wind of the ocean breeze against the windows she broke the silence, "How much did we make?" She asks taking a drag off her blunt. "We? You didn't do anything except hide in the car, give me one good reason why I should pay you anything." She chuckles, "So that's how it's going to be then huh? You're just going to take the money and run? Typical Kit... Typical..." Jane mumbles handing me the blunt I take a hit and pass it back. "Just what do you mean by typical Kit? This is the first time in like three years... Or since mom died should I say?" She throws her hands up, "Here we are again at the center of our argument state where you blame me for moms death and tell me that I abandoned you." I pull over at a gas station as we are driving from Sacramento to Georgia where I had found another case but Jane wanted nothing to do with it... Not this time. She had made it perfectly clear that I was abusing her abilities and she wasn't going to be any part of it again. "Listen, Jane if you don't want to be part of this fine that's fine. But you have never trusted me or believed in me or anything! So you know what go back to your boring old school life and your empty boyfriend promises... You have always thought you were so much better than me no matter what age we were. So here ok? Take it, just take it and go, Jane it's what you're good at." I throw three hundreds at her direction. "You happen to know for a fact that I ran off at 17 because I was tired of their foster care over religious bullshit, that's why I left, Kit! Here's one thing you'll never understand I don't need you! You need me, without me you were doing nothing. I'll fucking take a bus back for all I care but how dare you out me through that murder house sideshow shit, Kit. Don't you ever drag me into something that fucked up again..." Jane gets out of the car and goes for the backseat to grab her suitcase, "That's right run away! Run the hell away from it all, J! That's all you ever done for me was run! I'm not going to come save you when shit hits the fan, Jane... I'm not..." She flips me off as she walks away from my car to the meridian of the highway.
It had been about an hour and I drove off leaving Jane to fend for herself, we ad gotten into it before I mean how can we not were siblings? But this time she cut me deep, she cut too deep and she had to pay for it. I gave her what little money we made and the rest was in her hands. She had always labeled me the dumb one; the easy way out guy but excuse me if I knew how to make a buck off of people's stupidity... She didn't care for me even as a child. All the defenses and belief I had thrown upon her growing up she never did the same for me so fuck her, fuck Janie. I found I was ranting to myself over the whole ordeal and was going to be doing this investigation alone; fine see if I care... She thinks this is ridiculous that's my middle name, this was a new challenge and I wasn't going to let her discourage me.
It was around 5pm and I could hear my stomach growling loudly having been driving six hours through the south not bothering to stop and grab a bite because I had lacked the funds but I knew if I didn't eat something now I was going to have to wait till I got to Texas and I didn't have that patience. I had stopped by a Sonic near the outskirts of Santa Fe, New Mexico and thank God for this sonic and small gas station or I probably would have killed and ate a Gila monster for fuck sake. I ordered a chicken sandwich and medium fries with a vanilla shake; I don't know if it's because my eyes were bigger than my stomach or depression makes you eat like a broken little bitch.
Once they being me my food I pay the hot waitress and drive off to an empty hillside near a railroad track and turn the engine off, for a moment I just sit there the smell of chicken hitting my senses in every possible aspect as I sit there I find a single stray tear fall down my face next thing I know I'm full on crying like a baby eating fries with a shake. "That fucking bitch... Why? Why?! Why?! Why?! Damn it, mom why?!" I sob in uncontrollably. Why? Why was I crying to begin with? Well to answer that Jane was probably right she didn't need me, but I needed her... I needed her because if she does tomorrow I'll be spending my remaining days alone. She was right about this being a stupid failure idea; all my ideas had fallen through before but damn it with her gifts or so she called a curse in her mind. "God damnit stop crying like a bitch, you sound like a little bitch... Stop it, Kit... Stop it, stop crying..." I slap myself across the face attempting to eat my sandwich. After crying for a solid twenty minutes while eating my phone began to ring, I glanced at the name on the phone and to my awkward surprise it was Jane, "Sound casual, K." I mumble opening the phone. "Hello?" I sniffle, "I know you were probably crying like a prom night dumpster baby but I have a problem." I snort, "Yeah you do but it's obviously not me to solve now is it?" I ask wiping my eyes with my sleeve. "Look, I thought about it, Kit... I walked all the way to the bus station and when I got here I realized two things: one, you didnt give me enough cash to catch the bus home and two, I realized that... I realized that... I'm sorry." She slurs. I suddenly feel my heart skip a beat and I'm brightened for a second, "What did you say? I'm sorry I couldn't understand you that well say it one more time where I can hear you." I mock I can feel her rolling her eyes at me in defeat, "I'm sorry, ok? I'm sorry, Kit. You're my brother and we're all we have left... I mean you have believed in me and helped me get this far the least I could do thinking about it is repay you. You got me through our parents death so I guess I could get you through whatever the hell this is." She admits. I put the phone down a second and scream inside like a winner because I fucking knew it. I knew she would crack and it wasn't cause the money; she came crawling back because I was right. "Where are you, J?" I ask trying not to sound so smug as she would change her mind very quickly. "I'm at the Greyhound station in the sticks, where do you think I am moron?" I chuckle, "Ok give me thirty minutes and I'll be there. You better not be joshing me, Jane." I conclude hanging up. Part of me was excited about the prospect of a brother sister tag team research gang but the other part of me wondered how the hell was I gonna pay for both of us to do this?

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