13) The Lady in Black

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I went to Oklahoma to pick up Jane because it was finally time to get this investigation done. I'll admit by the sounds of it I was a bit anxious that what happened at Myrtles Plantation would happen yet again to my sister but I couldn't let that idea take over, she would be fine, she's not weak... I kept telling my self that as I drove to the campus but it wasn't making me feel any better about it. The way the family sounded was pretty urgent but in my opinion all paranormal events could be explained in some logical, normal fashion. It wasn't that I didn't trust Jane's gift it was that you needed at least one person with science on their side to believe in something so absurd, Jane and I we had seen things alot in my life it was hard to dismiss things when they're right in front of you.
I pulled up to her building and parked the car, I go to the intercom and press the button... This was new because usually she would be waiting outside smoking a cigarette with her weird, goth friends but not this time. The abnormal fashion of why she wasn't outside unnerved me just a little, "Hello? Jane are you home?" I ask pressing the button down I get a quick answer, "She's not in here right now she's at the campus library." A guy answers, "Do you know where that is? Like can you come show me?" He laughs, "Yeah, it's where a huge sign outside that says library." Followed by few others laughing at me. I knew this was going nowhere so I turn back around to my car when someone walks out; she taps me on my shoulder and who it is I wouldn't have expected. "I can show you where it is. Don't mind them, they're assholes anyway. Jane said something about she needed to clear her head or something I don't know..." She says throwing her hair back that goes down her shoulders, "Nah, it's ok I'll find it on my own." I get back inside my car and she's standing there just watching me as I start up the car and drive down the campus.
I find the library after driving in circles twice and couldn't exactly see the sign since it was worn and old. I walk inside the library and look around, there's a hell of a lot more books than most places but I wasn't much of a reader myself... Then again neither was Jane. I go through a few rows of books and I find her in the middle of the place holding a book in her hand, a black leather book. "What are you doing here? You don't read." I chuckle quietly approaching her, she doesn't answer. "Neither do you, Kit, neither do you. What are you doing here?" She asks in return I shrug, "Looking for you, you lead me on a wild goose chase I suppose. I'm here to pick you up to go to Kentucky. You do remember that from then right?" She flips a page and puts the book back on its shelf. I glanced at what she was reading and see it was a book on interpreting the mind and dreams, "Dream interpretation huh? Is that your new major now?" She rolls her eyes as we're walking out of the library. "No smartass. But I needed to look something up... I had a dream or more or less a nightmare last night. I had never had such a vivid dream it confused me though because I don't believe in premonition but something is wrong... I feel it." Jane says as we head to my car so then I'm curious to ask but I regretted it immediately. "What was it about anyway?" I ask. She glances away putting her thumb nail to her mouth as if she were afraid that telling me would make it happen.
I'm in a house but this isn't my dorm, room... It's not my place but I can sense something strange. I'm walking into a dark room obviously where a crib is and I can hear a baby sleeping contently; I walk closer to the crib and watch as he sleeps it was so adorable and then I have this feeling we aren't alone. I dont know why that was the feeling I got but instinct told me to pick the baby up so I did he didn't even seem to notice I was holding him either. As I'm holding him and whispering he's gonna be ok I can see a shape near the closet the corner of the room... It was an older woman, wearing a long black dress, a black cloak or veil covering her eyes so I couldn't see those and I could see thin, drawn lips. I turn to fully look at the woman and I can see that he's angry; very angry and very stern. I hold the baby closer to my chest and take a step back trying to leave the room she suddenly charges me, "I want the boy." She growls almost inhumanly charging right at me and when I wake I can feel her slam into me... It made my heart jump and break in a cold sweat.
When she's done explaining the very vivid nightmare I realized that the woman she saw was similar to a drawing that was done that same day by her oldest son, Brian... Who coincidentally had a baby boy, Tyler and what she described in the dream was exactly what happened hours before.

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