26) Two Hours Later...

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I hadn't felt right since they left the house all but too angry and too frustrated to do anything. I found myself staring out my window into the darkness of the backyard contemplating what was going to happen now. My only connection to the Afterlife and a way out of this hell of being controlled by something I couldn't see living inside me. I could feel tears coming down my face as I crossed my arms into myself not knowing what else to do; I could hear a whisper from beside me it was so clear, "Kill them. I want them gone." She demands I wipe the tears from my face only to have more fall in its place. "No. Stop it, I can't do this... I don't want to do this..." I end up whimpering in response. I sounded pathetic, absolutely pathetic but there wasn't anything I could do, "If you don't kill them then I'll kill you..." She taunts back. I gave up and fall to my knees finally breaking down into a fetal position, "You can't make me do this. Please, please, please stop. Stop. I don't want to do this..." I beg to the laughter of a woman in my head, "You will obey me or I'll destroy you." She laughs louder. I didn't hear when Marie walked into the room or when the door opened to find me in a disgruntled mess, "Kevin, Are you ok?" She asks I could hear the crutches on the hardwood and that seemed to have triggered something deep, deep down. "Get the fuck out of here, Marie. I can't do this... Go away." I mumbled trying to hold back the rage and resist the urge that was coursing through my veins; the urge to taste blood. "Kevin, I know you didn't mean to hurt me. I don't know what to do... Mom is scared of you, dad doesn't believe you..." Next thing I know I could feel myself getting off the ground and walking over to my drawer near my bed. I opened it and felt around to find a pair of large scissors, "I don't love you, Marie... You were a fucking mistake, an accident. Mom and dad never wanted you, they wanted to abort you... I don't need you." I could feel my lips moving but I just couldn't stop myself I knew it was hurting her as much as this was hurting me. Marie starts to cry a loud sob, "I hate you, Kevin. Don't you ever talk to me again." With  Marie shouting that and preparing to close the door behind her that was it, that was the last thing I remembered being myself. The rest was a blur an in and out of body experience, I could feel myself walking down the stairs scissors in hand ready to attack anyone who questioned or even so happen as walked out in front of me. I could see my dad who was with my mom in their bedroom both of them trying to keep their argument low but sadly failing I opened their door a bit more, "Hello Daddy, I want to play." A female's voice came out of my mouth a cruel voice replaced mine. I walked right up to my dad who looked freaked out but pissed because I stabbed him right in the thigh. He fell to the ground with a hard thud, "Kevin! Holy shit, Kevin put the knife down... Baby, put the scissors down ok? I can help you." I laughed loudly, "I dont need help from a second hand whore. If you don't do as your told, Lucy you're next." I add. My dad was on the ground bleeding pretty badly my mom was scared to death trying to get out of the room herself, "Kevin listen to me, please listen to me. Honey come back... Please come back." She's begging and crying as she tries to hold pressure to my dad's thigh.
I could hear a little girl in the background screaming and sobbing I remember turning around slowly to see Marie terrified of what she was watching, "Kevin?! Mommy!" She screams I could feel my lips curl up into an ugly, twisted smile, "You're next, little one." She growls. I could feel myself being pulled almost as if I wasn't walking at all but floating which in turn was scaring me. I could see my sister toss her crutches aside and dragged her foot behind her as fast as she could to her room; inches before I could grab her hair and yank her backward to me I get slammed in the face with her bedroom door. "Kevin, stop! Kevin no! Please!" She screamed I could hear her moving things in front of her for even if she was disabled at the time. "Oh Mariann... Open the door, sweetie." I chimed tapping her door. "Kevin, please stop it! Stop it or I'm calling the cops!" I laughed hard, "With what phone sister... You're locked in there now." I taunted. Suddenly I could hear the front door downstairs open, "Mmm... Fresh meat." I mumbled. I race downstairs to glance around and find the door open but no one was in the hall or kitchen, "I can feel you here... I know you're in here." I mumbled the female taking over once more I gripped the scissors tightly and walked into the living room, "It's the girl isn't it? You're the psychic aren't you? Come out, come out wherever you are..." I whispered opening the closet door in the hall. That's when I feel a sharp, stinging pain in the back of my head automatically I drop the scissors and fall to the ground unconscious.

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