18) Tormentor

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By the next day I realized I was asleep last sometime about 4am when we had captured some compelling evidence of someone or something that was residing in the house with this family. I had been in bed for over two hours and could smell breakfast sneaking into our room, I choose to sleep on the floor and let Jane have the bed of coarse I was awake first due to working morning shifts usually I was up by 6. As for Jane she would be asleep a little while because it was rare she actually got to sleep in ever with being in college and all. I sit up and snap my neck, there may have been carpet in this room but it was still really uncomfortable laying with only a pillow or two and a small quilt. I stand up and glance to see Jane lightly snoring how could someone so pretty during the day look like shit when she sleeps? I chuckled lightly to myself at that thought and open the bedroom door and step out to find Melanie near the stove fixing breakfast, "I smell pancakes." I mumble looking around trying to take in the surroundings and the harsh bright morning light. "Good morning, Kit I figured you two were hungry and Marie was up early she usually watches cartoons... Anyway are you hungry?" I shrug nodding slightly. "Actually was wondering if you had any coffee?" She nods pointing over to the opposite counter top where the coffee pot was, "Thanks not usually a breakfast person but I'll take some. I usually just live off of coffee and Red Bull." She laughs suddenly i hear footsteps running toward us, I turn from the counter to see it's Marie and she looks terrified... A look you don't usually see on anyone. "Mom! Mom! It's... It's... Kevin! It's Kevin... He did... He did something..." She tries to say what she needs to but keeps stuttering, "Baby, what is it? What's wrong?" Melanie asks as she flips another pancake Marie takes her hand and leads her to the staircase. I follow just out of curiosity and what we see next is nothing short but terrifying, "Kevin, no! Kevin what the fuck are you doing?! Put the scissors down, right now!" She yells. I'm standing there completely clueless and helpless. Basically he's holding a bird, a small black bird and has the scissors to it's neck as if to cut it's small head off. "Put the scissors down, now Kevin! Please! What are you doing?!" She yells as she tries to take the scissors from him which leads to an accident waiting to happen. He throws the bird on the ground and stomps on it a couple times just when Melanie has the scissors from his hands he cuts her hand open. "Foolish bitch." He mumbles laughing a dark and twisted laugh. I rush toward him myself the protective side of Jane coming out in me, I tackle him and grab the scissors from his hands he spits in my face and starts to mumble something I can't understand but it sounds like latin in my opinion. I shake him while Melanie and Marie run to the kitchen to clean her wound, "Kevin?! Kevin, answer me!" He seems almost gone as if it wasn't a 15 year old boy I was yelling at suddenly it's as if he has incredible strength and he kicks me off of him and into the stairs; I hit the first couple steps with a hard slam.
I hear yelling and commotions going on and my eyes fly open when I feel a strong pain in my back, "Oh fuck, Kit..." I jump out of bed and run to the staircase where I find my brother trying to get up, "What the fuck happened? What's going on?" I ask holding my hand out for him, he grabs it and shakes his head. "I don't know... Kevin something is wrong with Kevin I think only you can help him though." He says putting a hand to his back, "He threw me. It was like he was the hulk or some shit and he just kicked me off of him..." I glanced around quickly and the first thing I can think of is where the boy went. I run up the stairs and toward his bedroom I kick the door in when I find it's locked and he's laying on his bed, no covers on or anything disturbed he just looks as if he was sleeping. "What are you, Kevin? What are you? Answer me, what the hell are you?!" I rush toward him and shaking his shoulders he doesn't respond in fact he doesn't move at all, that's when I realize something is wrong. I pick his body up and realize he's not breathing, "Kevin? Kevin?! Kevin, wake up! Kevin, wake up!" I'm shaking him furiously but there's no response. Kit comes upstairs to where I am and pushes me aside and he tries to do CPR which surprised the fuck outta me I didn't even know he could do that. "Come on, Kev... What's wrong with him?! Why isn't he answering?!" Hes yelling at me now my only guess is that his energy from whatever is using his body used him up. Melanie comes up the stairs and sees what's happening immediately she begins to panic, "Kevin, baby wake up! Kevin!" She's crying holding his body. Were rushing to the hospital within minutes even though it takes about twenty minutes to get there and Kit is putting pedal to the metal.
I wake up in bed I try to stretch but something isn't right, it smells too clean and of alcohol, "What?" I glanced down and see that there's an IV in my left arm once I fully open my eyes I see that I'm in a hospital bed and that I'm looking at Jane which is confusing as hell why was I hear? What am I doing here? "What happened? Why am I here?" She shakes her head and takes a seat on my bed, "You were unconscious and not breathing so we rushed you to the hospital. Plus you cut your mom's hand open with a pair of scissors attempting to stab a crow..." I start to chuckle believing this was some kind of stupid prank or joke, "Come on! I didn't do any of that! What really happened, seriously?" I ask. Jane glances down and then at me, "Do you remember anything, Kevin? Anything at all?" She asks. I shake my head, "Not really I remember feeling like I was asleep; it honestly felt like a dream. I didnt know I did all that. Why can't I remember?" I ask confused then Marie and my mom walks in, "Oh my baby! You're alive, you're awake, you're ok?! Are you feeling alright?" Mom starts to squeeze me toward her chest I'm trying to breath, "Mom, I'm fine... Your choking me..." I chuckle she pulls away and kisses all over my face making me embarrassed when the nurse walks in. "Hello Kevin and Mrs. Russel I know its a bit early in the day for this but may I speak to you outside for a moment? It's urgent." The cute small black haired nurse pulls my mom outside. "I felt like... I didn't feel like me since a few days ago... I don't know... I remember feeling really tired and really warm like hot to the touch and next thing I know I'm here." Jane nods. "Well I ask if you remember because I wanted to have a talk with you about this whole ordeal. You are a beacon to them for some reason; a very bright and bold light in which the dead find attracting. Your sister is also a beacon but your light shines brighter and that's why the older female entity tries to talk to you, messes with you... Is ultimately trying to possess you." I shake my head and start to chuckle that turns to full on laughter, "Yeah right, my parents have never believed in that stuff. Ever. So what makes you think I believe you?" I ask wiping a tear from the intense laughing. "This isn't a joke, Kevin. This woman wants your life force that's why she's trying to use your body... She needs a vessel to carry out her wrong doings she didn't complete..." Jane says putting a hand out to mine, "I'm not going to let that happen though, I'm not going to let them take you, not on my watch." "Mom..." I start to say when Jane rolls her eyes growing frustrated, "It wants your life, Kevin. No matter what you do or where you go she will find you... This is not something you can run from. To us she is simply another person, a very mean and strict woman but to you she is your tormentor. Isn't she?" I start to yell out again, "Mom..." She comes through the door quickly although I could see she was crying for some reason but couldn't understand why. "What's wrong honey? Are you ok?" She sniffles I paused a second slightly confused, "Mom, why are you crying?" Jane nods understanding when my mom turns to her and tells her to leave. She takes my hand in hers and I can tell she's fighting tears back which worries me more, "Baby, Kevin... The doctor told me something... Something very important, something very hard to wrap my mind around. Kevin, you have cancer. You have leukemia... And according to the results it's stage 2... They don't know how it's been missed but it was... Just... Baby... Say something..." I didn't hear anything after I heard the C word. Cancer? Me? Leukemia? How? When? What? Why... I don't say anything I can't hear anyone or see anything all I see is a blur after listening to what she just said. "Mom, I want to go home." I say glancing down lowly ignoring everything that she just talked about. After hearing the word cancer it's kind of hard to hear an understand anything else because it's as if the world was pulling some kind of sick, cruel joke on me... On us. "Mom, I want to go home now." I demand getting out of the bed and trying to put my pants on but failing because I realize how weak I am the room spins and she holds my face before I meet the floor, "No we can't go home yet, honey they have to run a few more tests. They want to discuss your options." She sniffles again, "Mom, mom I don't want any fucking options I want to leave now let's go." I yell grabbing my shirt and shoes not caring if I was dressed at this point. I was tired, I was run down and just wanted to sleep and being in this scratchy ass hospital bed didn't make me feel any better about this situation at all.

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