15) Road Tripping

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It had already been a couple hours on the road because this was a 8-10 hour trip ahead, actually a lot shorter than most of where we had went last couple of times. I wasn't sure I felt to confident about this investigation because the way the mom had emailed it to me didn't make any sense. Why would they be saying that things fall? Or that the attic had a spooky feeling? Aren't all attics spooky and creepy? As I'm thinking these question to myself, Jane hasn't said anything since she explained that vivid nightmare... Was she seeing what was going to happen or what had already passed? Which was new because she had never reported any of that stuff to me before; usually we were hush about things like dreams but this dream don't sound right... It sounded too real. "So what do you think we're gonna run into next out here in the midst of nowhere?" I asked she didn't answer me I could tell she was thinking about something really hard by the way she kept picking at her nails. "Janie?" I ask again she barely glances my way, "I don't know but I just have a nagging feeling in my gut about this... I can't really describe it but something is wrong, very wrong." She says lighting a cigarette up.
We get to the house in a few hours which was rather lucky I guess and as soon as I pull into the driveway I can't help but notice the forest behind the house; a creek along side it. "This is a pretty large house. I think it's a farmhouse is it not?" Jane doesn't say anything she merely gets out of the car first and walks directly to the front, "This isn't something I've ever encountered and I've dealt with a lot of scary shit... But I cant explain this." I walk around to the side of the house and glance around, I pull out my recorder and begin speaking, "Louisville, Kentucky the resident of a family of five, the Russel's. One youngest who's ten named Annemarie, the middle is a their son Kevin who's 15 and their oldest, Brian who is 20. They've had many strange experiences and we're here to investigate. The time is 3:25pm, Friday June 5th." I head back to the front where Jane is still standing just staring at the porch, "She doesn't want us here. She doesn't want anyone here..." Jane mumbles I sneak up behind her, "What do you see?" I whisper she doesn't answer, "I don't see her; I feel her." She says walking up to the porch and waits patiently for me. I had never seen Jane so anxious before I mean I have but I had never seen her act this way she was scared. I walk up the porch and notice that it seems to be in process of being redone, I knock on the door and wait for an answer. Ok... I knock once more and the door is finally answered by a young girl I would assume is Annemarie, "Hi there, are you Annemarie?" I ask smiling at her she shrugs clinging to her bear, "It's Marie but it's ok. My mom is upstairs I'll go get my dad though... DAD!!" she yells down the hall. He comes to the door, "What are you screaming about? What's the matter? Can I help you two?" He asks that's when I realized he wasn't supposed to be here, "Yeah... Actually your wife called us we're the college coeds from Chicago." He looked confused and actually sort of angry, "Melanie? Melanie?! Get in here! Will you excuse us a moment, please?" He says closing the door.
We're standing on the porch for what feels forever but I can hear the argument behind the door which consists of him yelling at her over what the fuck is this about, why the hell did you call anyone, nothing is happening in the fucking house then the door finally opens again, "Please come in, he was just getting ready to leave for the airport. Right, Henry?" She glares at him he rolls his eyes turning to stomp back upstairs. "Sorry about that he's just... He's complicated... He doesn't believe in anything we're talking about. I thought he would be gone by now but he's just grabbing his bags I suppose. Anyway please follow me I'll show you where you both will be staying..." Jane follows after me glancing around at the walls taking it all in. On the walls are pictures of her children, a perfectly content family now in a panic. "She's a cute daughter she's the youngest?" She nods, "Yeah we call her Marie ever since she was four. She has been going through a phase where she talks to herself or someone I think an imaginary friend of some sort. She calls her Lucy or something like that... Well the kitchen is through her, your room is across from there. Now sorry we only have one bed it's a king so I guess you two could share. I'll let you two bring in your bags and get settled then we can discuss the situation at hand." Melanie says before walking away closing the door behind her leaving Jane and I to our own devices.
The room was simple it was a beige color on the walls, with a picture of a a baby on a dresser, Jane picks the frame up and is solid white. "This baby... This was the same baby I was holding in my dream... In my nightmare really." She sets the frame down and glances around, "This room gives me chills. It makes me feel uncomfortable." Jane adds taking a seat on the bed, "Well it's not too shabby or crowded and at least if I need water in the middle of the night I don't have to walk far right?" I chuckle taking a seat beside her. She was right though something about the room was missing, it felt almost cold and it made your skin crawl it was a tangible feeling this room had. "There was a crib against that wall because I saw it. It was white with a small nightlight..." When she says that we both glance to the small moon shaped night light in the corner outlet it freaked me out sometimes how right she was. "You know sometimes you freak me out." I say trying to laugh it off but that was kind of hard when the truth was right in front of you. I went out the room first to the car to grab my backpack as I'm walking outside I see her middle child, "Who the hell are you? My mom's hidden boyfriend?" He ask slinging his backpack over his shoulder, "No I'm a paranormal researcher and my sister is inside. I'm Kit, Kit Henstridge. You must be Brian?" I ask heading to the porch he shakes his head, "Do I look 20? I'm Kevin, why are you here anyway?" I see this is either a curious kid or a nosy problem, "Your mom emailed me a couple weeks ago, we heard about the strange occurrences in the house." He laughs rolling his eyes, "Yeah right. My dad says paranormal shit doesn't exist..." Kevin says walking in front of me inside the house. "But it does trust me, it's very real. Jane; my sister is a clairvoyant she's seen things that would turn you white, I have seen things that would make you wonder different, Kevin. It does exist believe me." He just shakes his dad lowly ad chuckles, "The only crap I believe in is cause and consequence. If your sister is a real 'psychic' then we wouldn't need you would we?" He snarks stomping upstairs, "Nice kids in this house." I mumble to myself heading to our room for the next week. I walk in and Jane is standing up staring in the corner of the room, "Look just cause we're staying here a week doesn't mean I'm gonna be your bell boy go get your stuff." I say tossing my backpack on the bed, she doesn't respond. "Jane? Go get your stuff." I say again, again no answer I walk to see what she's looking at and her eyes are rolled into the back of her head, "Oh my God! Jane! Jane, snap out of it! Jane?!" I shake her shoulders she falls into my arms so quickly and is unconscious, "Jane! Jane, wake up! Jane please, wake up!" I'm shaking her and begging her to wake up. After a few minutes she comes to and barely opens her eyes, "She's so strong, she's so fucking strong..." She mumbles as I hold her into my chest. "Jane, what just happened?" She glances down and then at her hands when she opens one I see a long cut, "What the fuck is that?! What the fuck happened? Are you alright?" Jane shrugs, "I don't know all I remember was hearing a woman, an older woman she wouldn't give me her name but she did give me a message..." I lift Jane up and lay her on the bed. Just as I'm about to go grab her a drink of water and her things she finishes her sentence, "It's my house, stay out of the attic. She's mine." She says quietly I glance over at my sister and realize that that message wasn't just any message; it was a threat... It was a promise.

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