6) Brian's Home

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It was somewhat windy and I could tell a storm was approaching by the sound of thunder in the distance. It was around 9pm and I was in my new bedroom attempting to unpack I was starting with my desk, my computer first and then a few posters on the wall above it. I had the radio on and was listening to one of my favorite songs just mumbling to the lyrics when the radio suddenly changed stations. That was odd considering it had never done that in Chicago in the apartment, "Ok what the fuck?" I mumble to myself turning the radio back to the station it was at continuing to fix my walls. I decided after listening to Stand By Me for a few minutes to forget it and turn the radio off, "Stupid fucking radio." I say to myself turning it off. As I'm finishing unpacking the one box I was working on thunder claps startling me but that wasn't the only thing that freaked me out just as I'm about to say fuck it for the night and head to take a shower before bed I hear a girl clear as day behind me say, "Who are you calling stupid?" I find I'm nearly knocked outta my seat when I hear the weird voice, I wasn't sure who did it or where it came from but I know I was in that bedroom alone. "Marie, that's not funny. How many times do I have to tell you stop coming in my room?..." I open my bedroom door expecting her to be standing there or at least laughing at me but wen I did there was no one there; nothing. I glanced around the hall and there's nothing and no one there; Marie's bedroom door was closed so I decided to open it and see if Marie was even awake, "Marie?" I realize she's asleep already. Now I was left with strange question if it wasn't Marie who said that then who the hell did? Who was also messing with my radio? Just as I'm freaked out enough I grab my pajamas off the dresser beside my drawer and go to take a shower. I head into the bathroom and turn on the shower to really hot which was how I liked it, I'm humming the same song to myself as earlier as I undress and jump in the shower. I'm washing my hair and then my chest when the door suddenly creaks, "Hello? Mom? Dad?" I ask expecting to hear an answer but no one does, "Mom, is that you? Marie?" But no one ever answers. I decide to cut my shower short for fear my mom or dad would see me naked which would ruin my life in my mind. I get out of the shower and grab my black towel when I read what's in the mirror wrote clear as day, "Hello? Nice try, Marie." I say shrugging it off and wiping the mirror down. I step out of the bathroom and was scared nearly out of my skin when someone jumped out at me, "What are you doing?!" I punch someone in the chest and come to realize it was my older brother, "I see you mastered a right hook. Fuck, who'd you think it was, Kevin?!" He chuckles holding his arm to his chest. "What the hell are you doing here?! Mom said you weren't coming till Saturday. How's it going man?!" I get excited giving Brian a hug he reciprocates and punches my shoulder back, "No punch backs. Nah, the original plan was to come Saturday afternoon but Palma wanted to bring the baby early to spend time with mom and dad. Anyways, this house isn't too bad I mean it could be a lot worse in my opinion. It's pretty large but it could be a lot worse... Remember the house in Florida?" We both look at each other, "Yeah that place sucked ass." I chuckle.
"So I suppose you're staying for a little while?" I ask as we head to my bedroom Brian steps inside glancing around, "This is pretty big for a bedroom. Of coarse were going to have to share this room while I'm here..." I shrug and shake my head, "Ah, not so my brother. Follow me." I tell him leading him to a room toward the back of the hallway from the bathroom. "We got three bedrooms now, mom and dad sleep downstairs in the master bedroom we crash up here." I add Brian chuckles. "I want to say Marie's room is this one and that means that's the bathroom... Well I gotta go get my suitcases and shit from downstairs now that I know we aren't bunking together." I hug him once more and turn to my bedroom before asking one more thing, "Hey by the way, did you sneak in the bathroom at some point while I was taking a shower?" Brian shakes his head, "No I just got here and heard the shower going so I thought I'd surprise you. Why do you ask?" He says heading to the staircase, "No reason was just curious. I'll see you in the morning, Brian." He nods, "Goodnight." He concludes walking down the stairs.
It was raining by now and I was curled up in bed half awake trying to piece together what the hell was going on. First it was the front door slamming, next was the radio flipping channels by itself and now the mirror... I don't believe in ghost yet alone the afterlife but something about hearing a woman ask who are you calling stupid was enough to make it difficult for me to sleep. I knew I was dreaming and I knew because everything was so vivid and colorful more so than reality. I was walking downstairs and I could feel my feet touching the cold wood of the hardwood floor and even though I was awake in the house I could feel someone else wasn't. I make it to the bottom of the stairs and there I'm met with a girl; she's wearing a white dress almost like a nightgown or sundress and her black hair is very long to her back, I can feel my mouth moving but I'm aware that nothing is coming out. As I walk closer and closer to her to see if she was alright or if I could recognize her face she moves quickly forward just inches from my hands grip the closer I move the faster she becomes until I'm at the edge of the kitchen and see that she has vanished. Just as I'm about to change my mind and turn the other way back to my room the young girl is staring right back at me with black eyes and matted black hair her hands covered in blood. I suddenly hear thunder and I'm wide awake in a cold sweat only I wasn't in my bedroom, or my bed in fact I was standing in the hallway under the attic door. I glanced around in a half dazed state confused and afraid because how did I get here? Did I sleepwalk? Was there a reason why I was standing here? I glanced up at the attic to find it was still taped and the lock was still in place that's when I feel in my hand an object, the key I had found in the yard earlier that day was now in my hands. I didn't know how to explain it or what to do so I did what I only knew to do I went back to my bedroom closed the door and laid in bed until the sun would come up or at least until the rain would stop.

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