22) The Evidence is Obvious

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Finding a priest in the town wasn't hard but finding one who would actually believe us proved to be extremely rare and hate to say impossible. As I'm driving up to the second church in town I was hoping this was our last resort if this didn't work then we were all royally fucked. I could see if Jane could do this herself but we had no idea how to perform an exorcism but a blessing just might work. "Well here we go... The last fucking place in this town." I add as we step out of the car in unison. "Alright you let me do the talking this time, Janie cause I'm pretty sure you mentioning witchcraft just made the Father look at us like we were fucking stupid." She rolls her eyes as we walk into the chapel. I mean sure it was a Catholic church and that the Russel's didn't believe in this type of religion... I don't think but at this point we had no more options it was Catholicism or bust. I walk inside first and we both kind of take in the reality of it all; the large crucifix with Jesus bleeding right in front of us. "This place makes me uncomfortable, Kit. I know I'm not supposed to be but I don't know doesn't this feel forced?" She whispers as she walks in beside me visibly uncomfortable. "Jane, are you alright? You look kind of red, like beet red..." She doesn't answer but I can see something is wrong by the expression on her face and the sweat forming on her forehead. "Jane?" I ask once more she instantly runs out the door leaving me confused and concerned. I glance around to be met with a female Priestess I suppose, "Can I help you?" She asks extending her hand out; I shrug wondering if I should go check on Jane or if she I should just seal the deal here. "Yes actually I would like to talk to you about something... It's actually quite personal do you have somewhere we can talk perhaps?" She nods leading me to the back of the church where her office was. I take a seat on the small loveseat she had in front of her desk, "How can I be of assistance?" She asks taking a seat at her desk. At first I think she's just kidding or being sarcastic because of how calm mannered she is and yet attractive, "Well... I'm actually a paranormal investigator. My twin sister and I, Jane we have been doing this a few months and I think we have come across something that we can't... Well we can't..." I shut down trying to think of the proper way to put this phrase. "Basically we are helping this family that just moved here, the Russell's and it's a rather large family of five. They have had some quite serious encounters with what my sister believes to be an evil entity of some sort. We were wondering if you could help us by performing a blessing?" She smiles and chuckles. "Well it's not unheard of that things of that nature exist and or happen. Do you happen to have any evidence of such an accusation? Photos, videos..." I nod, "If you will give me a few minutes I can go get the copies and the recorder if you want." She smiles, "Of coarse. Take your time." She adds. I head to the car again to grab the computer, the file and the few pictures we had taken the first night once I get to the car though I notice Jane right off the bat who's sitting there silently it seemed as if she was staring into space. "J, why did you run out of there like that? What's wrong?" No answer she just keeps staring out the front window standing completely still. "Jane? Hello?" I wave my had in front of her face and she quickly grabs my hand and it feels like a thousand pounds are crushing my fingers at once. "Jane, you're hurting me... Let go, Janie..." She keeps crushing my hand until I'm close to getting near tears but also pissed, "Janie let the hell go!" When she does the voice I receive in turn isn't familiar not is it my sister replying back, "You killed your parents. You're such a disgrace." She mumbles I take my hand back and feel as if I want to slap her but something about the way she's acting isn't right... She's not herself. "Jane what the fuck, sis? Whay the fuck made you say something like that?" She laughs a dark, deep and sinister laugh that's when I'm aware this was the same entity that is trying to conquer Kevin's soul, "You're a pathetic excuse for a brother, a partner and a human being... I hope you all burn in that home. You're all gonna die in that house." She laughs louder her eyes turning directly to mine and instead of two blue eyes staring back it's two solid black holes in exchange, "You're all fucked." Unsure of what to do next I did the only thing I could think of which was give her a hard slap across the face. Once I did that she instantly snaps out of it, "Ow, what the fu-... where are we? What's going on?" She asks confused rubbing the side of her cheek where I had slapped her, "You need to come inside with me. She's trying to communicate through you too, Janie. She's trying to use your body to do things." Jane just seems visibly confused, "Alright... I suppose so I don't... I don't know what happened... What..." Jane gets out of the car as I go to the trunk and get out the laptop while Jane grabs the paperwork.
I don't know what the hell that was all about I could still feel the sting of where he slapped my cheek I glance in the mirror of the car and see it's mildly red, "Why did you do that for?" I ask as we walk inside the church both holding the clear evidence in hands. Kit doesn't answer just holds the door open for me, "We have to get you fixed up first before we go back in that house because... Jane she's using you too." He whispers which only confuses me more so I just shrug and go along with it. Once we go into her office she's waiting at her desk patiently, "Alright I have this recording I want you to listen to first thing. This was during a formal interview with Mrs. Russel. I sat her down and had her explain to me all the events happening in the home and this is the scariest thing I've ever heard... Just listen." As I play the recording of us a couple of days ago talking in the background you can hear a young girl, "Let me go..." She whispers very faintly. Every time I heard that recording he showed me it always gave me chills because I knew who that innocent girl was, it was poor Lucy. "Oh wow, that's pretty clear too. Do you have anything else?" The woman asks I nod and Kit plays the second recording of me talking with Marie, "If you look in the mirror and count to three she will appear behind you." You could hear me counting and then you hear something that I hadn't even realized was in that interview the entire time. A clear and vivid woman's voice comes through, "I'll kill you..." Funny because I'm a psychic I should have heard that beside me but I didn't instead I only saw Lucy but I didn't hear her mother's terrifying warning. She stares at the both of us confused and just as frightened.
I pull out my computer and turn it on to the file I had saved that had the investigation we conducted on Monday evening. We were in our guest room and I had Jane asks the questions to Lucy, "Do you want this family to leave?" She asks, no response. "Why do you hang in Marie's room?" I asks next still no answer but then the lamp does turn on by itself and you could see a strange shadow shape walk out of the bedroom. We all continue to watch the footage of Jane also inside Kevin's room only he was asleep so we didn't ask questions we only set up a camera in the hall outside his door. It plays like a typical surveillance would it's around 2:45am and it's all quiet until out from the corner of the room beside Kevin's bes a mist begins to appear from nowhere as if it were smoke. It begins to move closer toward Kevin while he's sound asleep the mist goes over his body and floats just inches above him for a minute before gliding down onto his body. As soon as that happens Kevin shoots up from a dead sleep and glances around confused; suddenly his eyes go directly to the camera as if he knew it were there the entire time. It's an awkward few minutes just a blank stare at the camera and you can see his lips move but can't really hear what he's whispering. "I can't figure out what he's saying cause the volume had cut out about this part but I'm pretty sure he was sleep talking or talking to whatever had just landed in his body." I say. "Can you enhance the volume a bit? I'm pretty sure I can read lips. I have a parishioner who's actually deaf and I had to learn some sign language and how to read lips." We glance at each other and shrug, I turn the volume up just a bit and see what we can see. He's still mumbling or whispering something right at the camera, "Awaken, wake up... Kevin... I want the box... Go to the attic..." She whispers. That's when Jane taps my shoulder, "It's the attic,bi knew it. It's the attic." I look at her strangely but then it clicks, "Well I think I've seen enough. I can't say that I'm confident with what theyre dealing with is an evil spirit but I can say that it's some type of entity. I suppose I could meet with the family tomorrow afternoon I'm sure you will still be here?" I nod quickly, "Well I mean it's not just a calm entity this... It's complicated. It's an intelligent being for sure this I know because look at how it noticed we were recording him. Look, the Russel's aren't religious not very religious but they're desperate. They're middle son, Kevin he's the one we're all concerned about most." She nods trying to understand, "Well... It's going to be tough because they aren't members of our church but as a god fearing woman I have to help a family in need. Is the middle child the only one being effected obviously?" Jane cuts in, "Um... Not entirely... I personally as a psychic believe that this is a demonic invasion of some sort. Kevin was diagnosed with cancer recently and I don't think he has always had it. I believe whatever this is; it's feeding off him... It's feeding off of all of them. We don't get to the bottom of this or stop this it's going to get dangerous." The pastor thinks a minute, "I'm not denying you two or the family I'm just saying this is going to take some time..." "How much time are we talking about? Because we're only going to be here till Friday." Jane asks. She shrugs and opens her planner in front of her, "I can perform a cleansing on the home but for an exorcism if it's this serious, it could be a few days to a week at most." I slap my forehead. We didn't have this kind of time we were only going to stay until Friday how were we going to pull this off? Is the family even going to be ok if we don't ever get Kevin help? Are we opening a bigger door that can't be closed? Or are all the answers in the one place most of the stories explained; the attic?

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