29) We Need a Bigger Bible

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We both stood there helpless and clueless as to what we were going to do. I was the only other person right now that could reach Melinda's plain of existence and part of that meant getting Kevin to fight from the inside. I had only done this once before and it was to a family member that had wronged my mother. It was sort of like an insight to an unseen movie only I wasn't the director or the writer I was only watching the movie play out on someone else's screen. We tied Kevin to his bed post on each side only this time we had found a few bike chains in a drawer in the kitchen, "What do we do now?" Kit looks toward me. I shrugged and ordered him to hand me his bible, "You're really going to do this yourself? What if... What if something goes wrong? What if something happens to you, Janie?" He asked nervously scratching the back of his head. I shrugged and glanced down at Kevin who was still completely unconscious, "That's a chance I'm going to have to take. I know it's risky and dangerous to us both but I swear I can do this." I assured my twin so he stood back and let me go forward to him. "Dear great spirit I summon and stir thee, I ask you questions for answers I seek..." nothing happened so I repeated myself again, "Dear great spirit I summon and stir thee, I ask you questions..." Suddenly I heard a reply but I don't believe it was out loud; someone finishing the sentence for me, "...for answers you seek... Oh daughter of Eve how clueless you be." A woman whispered in my ear I knew it was Melinda. "Why are you doing this to him? Why do you wish to keep his vessel?" I asked again a whisper in my ear, "Because he is mine... His soul is nearer to death than the others." I could see Kit but he just kept watching me intently. "What do you mean? Why is his spirit closest to death?" The room grows eerily still and silent. Neither of us move but I had a bad feeling about going further but I had no choice, "His body is weak; he won't last long... I only want the vessel... Just this vessel." She whispers. I had to try and bargain with her; if I could appease the dark entity than perhaps she would let him go along with Lucy and the others under her control. "What if I can offer a better vessel? What if I can offer you a powerful vessel?" I asked that's when Kevin began to toss and turn and barely opened his eyes. "I don't want your body, you whore." He said clear as day which caused Kit to jump up in a startled fashion. "Listen to me, you bitch. My sister is not a whore and if you want a body bad enough than take me." Kit jumps in but I immediately tried to shut him up. "What the fuck are you doing, Kit?!" I asked confused. He just shrugged, "I was trying to help. She can't take your soul, Jane I won't allow it. If she wants a strong spirit she can take mine." I slapped him quick and hard. "Shut the fuck up, K! You're making this harder than it looks..." Kit then slapped me back. Next thing I know we're taking turns slapping each other's faces in a weird fight. "Fine! Stop alright?! I don't think I can bargain with her she doesn't want us... Just Kevin..." I conclude.
I took a moment to try and think this through. She couldn't have my sister, over my dead unforgiving body. "Why dont we just exorcise this bitch?" I asked irritated already. Jane titled her head, "Fine, we'll try it your way. But I'm warning you this may not work."she concludes. I didn't have any other fresh ideas either so this wasn't helping, "Jane, I trust you to do this alright? You can do this right?" Jane doesn't answer only stares at the small black bible in her hands. "In the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit I demand you leave this vessel..." Kevin laughs a strange and demented laugh back at her, "Do you think you can cast me out, white witch?" He asks dauntingly. "In the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit I demand you leave this vessel. Leave this body, leave this body now! You have no power here, spiteful spirit..." The old lady talks once again. "Come now, you two aren't getting rid of me so easily. I refuse to let go... I like it here!" She says cruelly and laughs louder making shivers go down my arms. Obviously this wasn't working and even if it was we're not strong enough to keep this going, "Kit, I don't think this is helping... In fact I think it's pissing her off even more now." Jane says I could tell she was growing fearful herself. "Jane, we can't stop we have to keep going..." I kept trying to drive her to keep doing the prayers but she had already dropped the bible and was about to run. "Kit, we need a bigger bible or something. She's too fucking strong we can't get her out of him like this... We can't leave the house either. We need backup..." My sister concludes grabbing my arm and we immediately close the door behind us. I was at a loss for action and for words if this wasn't working then we needed more firepower we needed more people, "You wait right here." I demanded running down the stairs. "What the hell are you doing, Kit? Don't leave me to watch this thing alone... Kit?!" She yells downstairs I could hear her panic but if I could find the pastors information I could call her and she could help us. "Kit?! Don't leave me! Kit!" Jane calls again I could hear the fear in her voice. A few moments of digging around in the kitchen and tearing apart drawers and cabinets to find the number beside the calendar, ironically near the phone. I quickly dialed the number in front of me and waited for an answer we could only hope to get an answer. It rung a few times and I was getting impatient just when I was about to cut my losses she picked up, "Hello?" I hear back. "Hello, pastor? It's me, It's Kit we're at the Russel house and Kevin's fully possessed... We have tried everything and cant... We don't know what else to do... You have to hurry and get here..." There's an intense silence on the other end, "I'm aware of that. Even when I tried to bless the home there's no guaranteed that these evil things will leave right away..." I about flipped right out then and there when she said those words. "So what you're telling me is this can't be stopped? This cant be stopped or controlled can it?" She doesn't reply for what feels forever when she finally does her few words are sad, "Some demons you can't force to leave. The only way to win this battle is to have the victim fight from the inside back. If you can get Kevin back temporarily then he can try and get his vessel back. Although there are no guarantees it is worth a try." That's all the pastor says before leaving me with a dial tone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2021 ⏰

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