24) Blessings and Curses

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No more then twenty to thirty minutes after I contacted the Pastor she showed up just as fast. As we're sitting on the porch just waiting to see what was going to unfold next Melanie pulls up into the driveway and parks with Marie in the front... And behind her was another car which we assumed was the Pastor but it turns out I was dead wrong. "How's he doing? Where is he?" Melanie asks worriedly. Marie gets out of the backseat with a couple of crutches, "Oh wow are you ok, Marie?" I ask attempting to help her up the porch steps. "I'm alright I sprained my knee but they said I get out of gym until I have surgery on my muscle." As we're walking inside Melanie glances around nervously, "Where's Kevin? Where is my son?" She asks. Marie takes a seat at the table while Jane grabs her something to drink. Suddenly Melanie's husband walks in; the father of the house walks in and he looks more upset then when he first met us. "Where the fuck is that boy?! I'm going to give him a piece of my mind I swear..." He says putting his suitcase down at the doorway. "Robert, calm down ok? We just... It was an accident I'm sure it was just an accident... It had to be..." He's already enraged and looks right at my sister, "What the fuck did you two fucking do?! We were fine before you came in here and started blowing whistles and seeing dead people. Listen, we don't need your fucking help alright? We don't need your body, your spirit whatever the fuck it is you do. This is both of yours fault and I want you to pack your crap and get out of my house." He says sternly giving my sister and I a go to hell glare. I push Jane aside afraid of what this was about to become I don't know if it would be physically but he wasn't going to talk to my twin like that... No one did unless it was me. "Don't talk to my sister like that, you cheapskate. How dare you go in my sister's face and tell her she's a fraud. No your house is not fine, it's wrong... Something is evil in this fucking house and you're too ignorant to see that. We can't leave we have to fix this problem before it gets worse. Now if you don't mind we invited a priest to bless the home so hopefully it will keep whatever entities are hurting your kids at Bay." He rolls his eyes, "Are you hearing this, Melanie? I never believed in any of this paranormal bullshit therefore I don't believe in any of the shit you two do. So if you will with sugar on top get the hell out of my home. Now." He demands. Marie starts to cry possibly because he was so angry and screaming at us to leave so we just glanced at each other and then toward Melanie; she shrugs unsure what to do next. "Fine, we'll leave but don't you ever call us back if your son becomes fully possessed. I warned you; all of you and you didn't heed my warning." Jane heads to our guest room and slams the door behind her. "You have no right to speak to her like that... You're gonna regret this." I mumble storming off to my sister.
I was used to being called a fraud since I was a child, I was used to being laughed at by most people but this was different... This man was difficult. If he didn't believe us and what I see that's fine but Kevin was in danger, they all were I couldn't just leave without doing the one job we came to do to help people. "That man is ignorant. I swear he has no idea what the fuck he's talking about. How can he not see what they're living with, how can he be so stupid?!" I yell as I shove things into my bag. Kit sits on the bed in hard thought not answering my questions just listening to my rambling. That's when I hear a familiar voice and the rage gets worse, "What in the hell is this?! Why is there a priest in my house exactly?!" Robert yells that's when I get really upset. He could take it out on my brother and I but he wasn't going to yell at someone who has no idea what they walked into. "Bob, she's here to bless the house alright? She's not here to condescend everything ok? Kit talked to her yesterday they think she can help with Kevin... Something isn't right about him." I hear laughing, "Is everyone out of their damn minds?! There are no ghosts! There are no evil spirits in this house ok, Melanie?! What happened to Marie was an accident nothing more than a freaking accident..." She then yells over him, "How dare you yell at this poor woman and te twins when they have done nothing more than to try and help us. Kevin is possessed, Bob! What happened to Marie was the evil entity trying to hurt our family... The least you can do is listen to her." I storm out into the living room where they're arguing over who's doing what. "This is fucking stupid! You stupid, stupid man! Don't you understand your family is in danger if you stay here... There won't be a family anymore." I conclude. Robert takes a seat on the couch seemingly irritated, "Alright fine, humor me, Melanie. She can do this stupid riff raff but I'm leaving. If you want to scare the shit out of our children fine be my fucking guest but I'm having no part in this... You be lucky I return, Mel." He says quickly getting up toward the door he slams it behind him. Melanie finally caved in and starts to cry, "I'm so sorry about that. I'm so embarrassed... He just he doesn't believe in this kind of stuff... He believes in science you know? It had nothing against any of you he just... He's stressed is all." She says sniffling and wiping her eyes with the back of her palm. Pastor comes to sit beside her and takes Melanie's hand in hers, "It's alright my child, I sense he doesn't believe you about any of these happenings with does he?" Melanie shakes her head finally breaking down. "I'm sorry for all you are going through. I can only imagine how hard it must be for a mother with a child with cancer." She nods crying harder. "Do not fear, I am going to get right to work on this. I sense a very territorial presence; an angry presence... One that attacks the men in the home usually." She starts off by walking into the living room and to the doorways with what I assumed was holy water or oil. "I fill this house with light and love, no evil entity can dwell here. All evil entities must leave this place now." She demands as she goes around to the windows making the symbol of the cross on each that's when things got really strange. As we're standing there watching what she's doing all of a sudden a cold gush of wind hits all of us at once, as if this gust just appeared from an open window or door though none were open. "I bless this house with light and love no evil entities may dwell here. You need to leave, you need to leave this family alone..." As she heads to the kitchen the back door begins to shake and the knob was going back and fourth as if someone were breaking in, "Whatever this is doesn't like how I'm doing this... It doesn't like that I'm trying to clear the home. This isn't your home anymore, you are dead you need to go into the light." Kit glances at me and then at Melanie and Marie who were sitting at the table utterly terrified but silent. The Pastor goes to Marie and makes the sign of the cross on her forehead she seemed fine with it; next she does Melanie as well all is fine. As I'm standing there watching over the session I can see something or someone out of the peripheral toward the stairs, it was a shadow... I knew then it was the woman who called herself Melinda. "She's standing at the stairs... She's getting really upset. She doesn't want to leave. She won't let the others leave." I say. The pastor walks up the stairs slowly with my brother and I close behind, "You need to leave, you aren't welcome in this home. I fill this family with the protection of the God almighty..." As I went up the stairs the shadow of Melinda vanished to the one room in the house we all knew was the key to this mischief, Kevin's room. "She's hiding in Kevin's room. That's where she mainly stays at." I mumble.
The air was thick, so thick it was hard to breath. The closer we got to his bedroom door the more anxiety we could all feel at once. The Pastor knocks at first and then opens the door slowly, "Kevin? Kevin, are you in here?" She asks out loud glancing around, the room was unfortunately empty. So if Kevin wasn't in here then where the hell did he go? "I fill this room with light and love no evil entities can dwell here. You need to go into the light, you need to leave this family alone..." As she went to his window and made the sign of the cross on the glass you could hear a sizzle off the walls as holy oil touched it, the smell of rot and death slowly crept into the air leaving us confused and feeling a bit nauseated. She glanced at us, "It's good thing you found me... This is worse than I thought." She mumbles as she sprinkles the oil on the floor. The smell of rotting flesh became stronger as if it were right in front of us that's when Kevin pops out from behind us outside the room. "Kevin, I need you to come here so I can put a blessing upon you..." Once she makes her way toward him the smell is unbearable but he wasn't exactly... Him. You could see that his eyes were red rimmed as if he were crying and his lips looked dry and chapped, "Kevin?" Jane whispers and then it occurs to us that this probably wasn't Kevin we were looking at. It looked like a 15 year old boy but it didn't sound like one once Pastor took out the oil and headed toward him. "Back away you hypocritical whore. Your God has no power here." He snarks. The way he said it we knew this wasn't a teenager we were dealing with any longer. "If you're in there, Kevin you need to come out. You have no power in this vessel..." He laughs; an ugly sinister laugh backing away as the pastor got closer. "Leave his vessel, leave his vessel... Leave this boy, now!" She starts yelling Kevin hisses at her. "I'm gonna need to do an exorcism on him... I mean I could try and fight it off but the way he's acting this has gotten way too far." She says that's when I make my way to Kevin along with Kit and we pushed him to the ground to get him to stop trying to kick and slap me. "Get off of me! Let me go!" He starts to scream the pastor has us flip him over to face her eye to eye which wasn't a good idea we learned when he threw Kit off of his chest like a rubber ball. Kit bounces back and hits his shoulder against the wall, "Leave this vessel! Leave this boys vessel, now! You have no power here, demon! Leave this vessel, now!" She yells pouring some holy oil on his face he screams in turn a loud and bloodcurdling scream which sends shivers down my back. Kevin laughs the dark and sinister womanly laugh again and starts to mumble or growl in some other language I couldn't make out, "Kevin, come back to us! Kevin, it's mom... Please come back to me... Come back to us, baby..." His mom mumbles walking into the room a bit afraid and nervous as fuck. The pastor is still holding Kevin's arms down and I'm holding his legs pinned down. "You're not my mother... You're a slut, Melanie. You are a liar and a cheat... You stupid whore..." Kevin spits blood out at us and goes back to laughing at all of us. After what I can describe feels forever with the pastor yelling at Kevin and in return he would thrash and scream only louder until at some point I could feel his body go limp underneath me signaling he was finished with whatever was happening. "Are you alright? Kevin?" His mom asks I can see tears strolling down her cheeks Kevin nods slowly but surely. As soon as I barely let him go and Melanie walks gently toward him to embrace him, to reassure him that this was going to be taken care of he throws up this blackish red awful stuff all over his floor. The pastor does a closer prayer and hands Melanie the holy water bottle, "Now I'll have to get approval from the Vatican to get an exorcism for Kevin but with proof like this it shouldn't be a problem. It could take a week to a few weeks..." Kevin starts to cry suddenly and is grabbing out to his mom, "What happened? Why are you crying, mom? What's going on?" He asks freaked out. I don't answer too terrified of what had just happened to say anything so I go downstairs and see if Kit was ok. I make it downstairs leaving Melanie to talk with her son and the pastor. I meet Kit who's in the kitchen with a pack of frozen peas to his shoulder, "That kid was like the Hulk are you ok?" Kit shrugs taking the bag off his shoulder to reveal a large dark bruise. "Damn thats pretty bad. Well she said she needed to get permission to do an exorcism but it took alot to hold Kevin down... Do you think that we should be involved in this, K?" I ask taking a seat at the table debating if we should even continue to be here or not. "What are you talking about, Jane? Like you mean just abandon this case?" I shrug wanting to avoid te question but he knew I was right, this was getting too out of hand and my sake to just confront a spirit... This was demonic something neither of us had dealt with before. "well I'm  saying maybe we should leave because Kevin's too sick, Kit. He's beyond sick... He's fucking full on possessed I'm pretty sure that we don't register in that category. I mean the pastor said she would handle it but I'm saying we were only supposed to be here a week do you really think that we should be here for I don't know... This?" I asked Kits mouth practically snapped open, "Are you giving up on me, Jane? Like seriously? Yeah we were supposed to be here till Friday and yes this has to do with evil now this is out of my comfort zone but we can't just ditch a family in need." He explains hissing when he moved the pack from his shoulder. I sigh I didn't know what else to say I wasnt scared this was beyond fear this was knowing that I had to get involved in religion once again, a thing I never wanted to be reminded of since our mom had died. "Are you with me, J or not? Because if you're not well then you're going to have to find a way back to Chicago because I'm not leaving. I'm not going to leave these people while they need us most..." I chuckle, "Oh please, Kit they don't need us these people need fucking Jesus." I mumble Kit chuckles too, "We can make this work, J... Just we can't give up on this one. I have invested too much time and history to just let it go and so have you." He adds. I rolled my eyes I knew he was right but I didn't think we should get involved in this one the whole witchcraft and demon speculation was a whole other ballgame. Mr. Russel comes in through the door at some point leaving us in awkward silence as he gives us a go to hell look and head upstairs. "Well what do we tell him?" I whisper Kit shrugs, "He's going to figure it out at some point right?" He asks. A few minutes later we hear yelling and arguing, "What the fuck did you do to him, Mel?! Oh my God, Kevin are you alright?! Get them out! Get all of them out of my fucking house, now Melanie!" He starts to yell the pastor comes downstairs gripping her bible, "I'll be back when I can. That man doesn't understand... He will never understand..." She whispers nodding at us and rushing out the front door. Suddenly we hear running down the stairs, "You two get the hell out! Get our of my fucking house! I don't want to be part of your scandal anymore alright? I don't believe in your ghost, ghouls or gadgets so take your shit and get out... Now." Robert says confronting us at the table. "But Mr. Russel, this is a spiritual emergency your son..." He laughs, "You had your chance to prove to me this shit now I want you to take your crap and get out. My son has cancer not a fucking demon... We don't need your religion." He makes very clear and points to the front door. Kit tries to reason with this unreasonable man over what Kevin was just going through but no matter how we made him look at it to him we were just a scam; we were just phonies. "Fine I see. Well then we will get our bags and be in the road then." Melanie glances at us tears still evident she slaps Bob and runs upstairs in tears. He stands there silent seemingly not bothered by her slap a bit. "You both need to leave. Preferably soon." He adds walking upstairs possibly to talk to his wife. As I'm going to gather my backpack I can see the two kids from the top of the stairs sitting beside the banister, I can see Marie watching us as we grab our bags and head to the front door, "Please don't leave us, Jane. I don't want to be alone again." She says it makes my heart break hearing the truth in those words, "We don't have a choice, Marie. Your parents... Well your dad doesn't believe in what we're doing so we have to leave." Marie glances down, "Will you ever come back?" She asks I smile sadly at her, "Maybe one day." I add. As we threw our things into the car and Kit out the car in drive out of the driveway, "Were making a huge mistake, J." Kit says sadly as I watch us pull away from the house realizing that leaving would probably be the hugest mistake we ever made... Who would be there to protect their children now?

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