28) Where's Kevin Now?

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The paramedics immediately came into the room and pushed me right aside to get to Bob. He was unconscious and losing a lot of blood quickly they out him on the gurney and quickly hooked him up to a bunch of things leaving me to watch him be wheeled away helplessly. "Please watch my daughter, I will literally pay you for this... Just please stay." Melanie begs me just as she's about to follow the paramedics out downstairs, "I will you don't have to pay us. I promise she'll be safe." I assured her, she gave me a quick hug and ran out. Meanwhile Kit never came back upstairs I was left to stare at a pile of blood on the carpet, a dark red puddle of life. "Janie, we have a bit of a problem." He yells from downstairs. It was as if I was in a trance I run down the stairs to see Kit standing beside the chair that Kevin was tied to only when I got to it; Kevin was gone. "Holy fuck... Where did he go? How the hell did he get out of these? These are zip ties..." I noticed how the ties weren't broken or cut then how did he get out of this? Kit and I look at each other thats when the panic settled in if Kevin wasn't tied up and he was still possessed somewhere in this house then where the hell did he go? Kit runs outside very fast to check on Marie I suppose to see if she was alright I was left in the home alone with only the sound of a dripping kitchen faucet to accompany me. If I were in a desperate situation like so where would I hide? Somehow the only thing that I could think of was the attic. It was the room of the house where everything in the past was centered who's to say that that's not where Kevin was lurking now? I try to muster up what strength and bravery I can and walk up the stairs carefully. I'm not sure what I was expecting but I was prepared for anything when I saw that a crutch was left from Marie's broken foot, I picked it up and carried it with me as a weapon.
I went outside to our car to check on Marie and see if she was safe. When I got to the car I couldn't see her in the seat like before which made me frantic. I quickly unlock the door and doing it open calling out to her, "Marie, it's me! It's Kit! Where are you?!" I yell. In return I hear crying it's soft but definite. Sure enough it was Marie hiding under the back seat curled in a tight ball crying hysterically, "You just stay right there ok? Do you know your older brothers number?" I asked she doesn't answer merely shakes her head and keeps crying. "It's alright... I'll try to contact him to help you ok? Everything's going to be ok just please stay here." I begged slamming the car door and locking it back up. At least I knew she was still in the car and yeah it made me feel horrified at how traumatized she probably was by this whole ordeal but the least I could do was protect her best way I could, just like Jane.
As I walk up the stairs it's utter silence which only makes the atmosphere more disturbing and creepy, "Kevin? Kevin, where are you? I'm not playing any games... If you jump out at me I'm going to hurt you..." I mumble to myself in a shaky tone. I didn't know what the hell a crutch was going to defend me from but somehow made me feel safer knowing I had some kind of weighted object to protect myself. I hear rustling above me as I walk upstairs, I make it to the last step and I'm in the hall when I hear moaning or growling. "Kevin, we can help you. All you have to do is show yourself..." I urged glancing around at my surroundings. I heard the shuffling over head again it sounded as if someone was dragging something across the attic floor that's when I knew the attic was the heart of the home... The attic was where the activity was released. Therefore the attic was the final resting place of these other spirits trapped within that small music box. I make it to the attic door and stood there trying to catch my breath from anxiety; if I opened this door right now there's a chance Kevin would probably jump on me and kill me. But if I didn't go up there and check it out then Kevin would probably hurt himself as a result of freeing himself from whatever was taking him over. I decided against the second option and grabbed hold of the small string that held the attic door in place. I slowly begin to pull the string down and the stairs fall down immediately in front of me. I had a dark feeling coming from above me right above the entrance to the attic I knew that Kevin was up there I could sense it. "Kevin, are you up here? I'm not playing games, I'm not going to hurt you I just want to help you..." I whispered taking one step at a time up the stairs to the attic. I had never been so freaked out in my life then I was right now I could feel my heart beat in my mouth and I wanted to jump down and run but I couldn't we had a job to do. "Kevin?" I mumbled again trying to summon my words that's when I thought I saw a quick movement out of the corner of my eye that had to be him. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way..." I said trying to find a light switch against the wall but no luck; once I found the switch the bulb was already broke. "Kevin?" I called again that's when I hear breathing, heavy breathing in front of me. "Kevin you have to fight back. Listen to me, you have to fight back against her." He quickly threw a large box toward me I ducked before it got my head shattering all over the floor. It had been a box of Christmas ornaments apparently, "You leave this boy alone! Get out of him,leave this vessel!" I exclaimed trying to grab him by the arm but he pushed me back about two feet. "Kevin, fight that bitch back!" I demanded through the loud crashed of boxes and stuff being thrown I could hear him right beside me. "She won't let me leave. She said she needs my body." He whispered through gritted teeth. "Kit I found him! You need to get up here and hurry!" I yelled to Kit who was below me probably to the rescue. "You didn't think anyone would know did you? The abortion you received three years ago from a one night stand... What was his name, Leonardo?" Kevin's voice changed from his to the nasty and hateful Melissa on the other end using his body. "That's not true. You're just making things up to try and scare me. Guess what, I don't scare very easily." She laughed very twisted back at me his eyes going from his own to solid black. "Is that so, Janie? Especially because what you saw as a child had nothing to do with this did it?" I grab a two by four that was laying beside me just in case he wasn't going to work with me. "You can't scare me with that, Melissa..." Kevin suddenly came back for a fraction of a second I could tell because the way his body just went to the ground half awake, half limp. "Kevin, are you in there? Kevin you have to fight it..." I whispered going toward his limp and almost lifeless body. "I can't... She doesn't want you... Here. I can't let go... I can't..." Kevin whimpers then curling in on himself going unconscious possibly from exhaustion.
"Jane, where'd you go?! Jane! Jane answer me!" I called out to everywhere I went to the attic door and tried to look up but it was too dark. "Jane what's happening?" I asked confused and afraid I wasn't going to see my sister again but a few moments later I heard something; like dragging. "Kit, help! I can't lift him, he's too heavy..." I hear Jane yell back down she had Kevin alright but he was completely knocked out. "What did you do to him?" Jane shook her head as I climbed up to grab Kevin's still body. He was limp almost feeling as if he were dead, "Is he even alive? What happened up there?" I asked as I carried Kevin's body to his bedroom and laid him on his bed. "I don't know. I talked to Kevin temporarily and then Melinda answered for him. She's trying so hard to take him but he's slowly fighting back. We need to get this thing out of him or she will kill him." Jane quickly says giving him a good look over. "He doesn't have much time before she completely wears him down and takes his soul. We have to work fast... We need professional help, Kit." She sighs which had me wonder what she meant. "They already had the house blessed, the pastor is the only answer. But I don't think he can wait that long for her... He could be dead by then. We have to do this ourselves." I looked at my sister like she was nuts, "You're kidding right? We don't know the first thing about exorcisms and shit like that... We don't know the first clue." She grabbed my shoulders and pulled me in, "Kit I'm the only other person I know that can do this. I may not believe in God but I believe in a higher power. If I can reach him long enough to fight back this might work." I shrugged unsure what options were left; there were none this was going to happen with or without my approval. "Janie?" She glanced at me quickly, "Yes?" She asked back, "You get Kevin back for them." She nodded.

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