17) Informalities

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It was already getting close to dark and it was just going to be us exploring around the house till morning. Something about that though made me uneasy and I had seen and experienced a lot as a child till now but this house... It had me afraid, very afraid. "I'm sitting here with Melanie Russel who lives in Louisville, Kentucky at 342 Park Circle, a two story rural farmhouse. Alright, Mrs. Russel... I mean, Melanie when was the first time you yourself experienced anything paranormal in the house?" She takes a slow deep breath and closes her eyes, "My first experience started a few nights after we moved in. It was in the kitchen; it was probably around two or three am when I went to get a glass of water and as I'm standing there out of the corner of my eye I could see a figure, a small figure. At first I assumed it was my son's girlfriend, Darla but then I realized the only one in that room was Tyler; their baby boy. The outline looked like a young girl maybe 10 to 12 and I attempted to walk toward her but then she just vanished. I swear I never told my children any of this... I didn't even tell my husband because I didn't know how to tell him." She wipes a stray tear away glancing down. I put my hand out to hers she smiles gently, "Have the children had any experiences? Thay they have told you?" She glances away and then meets my eyes, "You may want to talk to Marie about that... She has told me a few things that she sees but I just... I don't know how to help her or reassure her you know? I believe in whatever power she has but I just don't know how to help." She says sadly the tears falling more.
I was walking around the yard smoking my cigarette trying to figure this place out which wasn't hard to do all I felt was sadness, desolation... Hopelessness. "I know you're here. I can feel you, I can sense you. Come out, now." I say walking to the backyard. By now the sun had gone down and I could see the trees gently blowing with a cool breeze as if my words had awakened someone or something, "I know you're here. What do you want with this family? Why do you want the boy? What boy are you talking about?" I demand growing frustrated with each passing second. That's when I hear a little voice it startled me at first but then it's calming, "Hi, can you... Do you..." She stalls. I turn around and see the youngest of the household, Marie staring up at me holding a teddy bear, "Do you see them too?" She asks taking a seat on the back porch. I out my cigarette out and sit beside her I nod slightly, "Yes. I have seen them since I was maybe younger than you are now. Does she ever talk to you or tell you things you can only hear?" She shrugs and holds the bear closer she takes my hand and leads me into the house. Up the stairs to the bedroom on the left she closes the door once I'm inside and commands me to sit down in her chair near her drawing table, "I have this but I don't tell anyone because I'm afraid mom will make me get rid of it. Her name is Lucy and she liked to play hide and seek, you look in the mirror and close your eyes you count to five and say ready or not." She says taking a seat on her bed with the bear, I hold this handheld makeup mirror and close my eyes, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5... Ready or not..." I open my eyes slowly and look in the mirror I turn it gently toward the corner of the room and I'm faced with a little girl a bit older than Marie, "That's Lucy and she's 14... She said she doesn't like her mom. Shes scared to move on without her dad..." She says looking at the same corner I was behind me. "Don't be afraid of me, I won't hurt you if you wont hurt me. Why are you here?" I ask into the mirror she points to the door leading to the doorway out. "What happened to you, Lucy?" I whisper feeling a sense of intense sudden sadness it's so overwhelming I can feel tears welling up, "She makes me cry too. I think it's because of what happened to her." Marie says glancing at her bear, "This was her favorite toy she tells me that her dad gave it to her... It was the only thing he ever left her with before..." She suddenly shuts up very quickly. "Help me." I hear very close a whisper, "Please help me, I want my daddy. But momma won't let me go... She won't let me go..." Lucy says I find I'm crying setting the mirror down on her table. "It's ok, it's alright she makes me upset too. I don't know what to do though..." Marie says I shrug trying to control myself, "Please let me go..." We both hear clear as day I look at the corner directly as did Marie who didn't seem afraid at all, "She's never said that before." She says hugging the bear. I take Marie to the hall and tell her to stay outside while I talked to Lucy, "Lucy, I understand your pain. I can help you, I can lead you away from here, I can save you. You have to trust me though." I say Lucy is then right in front of me our eyes meet she has the same color as I do a dark blue, "I want my daddy but he's not here now... Is he?" She whispers I shake my head, "I don't see him, Lucy please I need to know what happened." She puts her finger to her lips as if to shush our conversation and she's gone into thin air.
I don't know why I was so angry it was an anger unreal as if I wanted to hurt someone or something... I also realized I had a hard time focusing more so than usual. I could feel someone watching me as I'm laying on my bed listening to my CD player suddenly the music switches itself to a completely different song and artist altogether, it's classical music like Mozart. Something about the strange music though made me uncomfortable so I rip the earphones off my neck and throw the whole thing at the door it snaps in two. "I don't want them here. I want them dead do you hear me? Kill them, Kevin... Kill them..." I hear what sounded in my head but at the same time it gave me a chill beside me. At some point I gave up and ended up passing out with the pillows covering my ears so I wouldn't have to hear the voice anymore. When I did wake it was about one in the morning and I had felt strangely energetic as if I were asleep but something deep inside was awake. I could hear a conversation in the hallway I get out of bed and put my ear to the door, "Well we gotta be quiet cause we'll wake Marie up." I heard a girl but couldn't place why I couldn't remember who it was. That's when my door flies open I can feel myself moving but I don't remember what happened next except a burning pain on my side of my cheek, my neck.
"You don't belong here, I want you gone. Why are you in my house?" I jump when I hear the demanding quiet voice. It was Kevin who had his arms crossed and looked angry as hell, "Were doing some EVPs... What are you doing up so late?" I ask him getting down to his level to look in his eyes which didn't exactly look right... They were a dark brown almost black, "You stay away from my box and my daughter you fucking fool. If I catch you talking to Lucy again... I'm going to gut you like a fucking trout. You think you're so clever don't you? Like you know about us before I know you? I know that your parents are dead and I know that it's your fault." He smiles coldly at me, I look over at Jane whos face dropped instantly. "What are you? Who are you? Answer me, spirit." He laughs this cold and calloused giggle almost sounding female, "I'm the mistress of the house and you're a whore of Babylon. Aren't you, Janie?" Kevin giggles before his bedroom door slams. We both jumped and stared hard at the door wondering what the fuck that was even about, "I think we have a problem." Jane whispers.

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