21) Wednesday

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I hadnt said anything about the darker history of the home Harry told me but I did bring Kit the records he was searching for. "Basically the house was built in late 1800s and was housing a family this house was passed down there generations just about and several have died and been born here." Kit's eyes go wide, "Let me guess, a witch killed her daughter?" It was as if both stories added up, "Not exactly but basically the tiny family had a daughter that had mysteriously vanished... There's a theory her mother killed her and hid her body on the property somewhere." He doesn't say anything after I tell him that part but he does pull out a picture, "This was the family and they're daughter age, 13 her name was Lucia or Lucy. Her mother Melinda had her put in a boarding house supposedly, but they do say she was kept in the house, the attic I believe." As we're sitting in our room looking over documents and newspaper articles I started to feel like we weren't alone in that room, an unsettling feeling washed over me. "Someone is listening to us... Someone is in here with us." I whisper that's when I see the woman; the woman in funeral attire who's hand is reaching for mine suddenly I jump up out of bed and run outside the door threshold. "Whoa, what the fuck was that are you ok, J?" Kit asks glancing me over I shrug, "I think so but shes not happy... She's not happy at all."
After a couple hours of going over evidence we come to a realization that whatever was in the house was really old, really strong and wasn't going to give up until everyone was affected. We hadn't seen Kevin leave his room all day but you could kind of sense something was wrong, something was brewing up. I couldn't sense things usually but just looking over the photos there are plenty of reasons to be afraid of this house. In a couple of photos there was a a strange  shadow mist anomaly which didn't make sense because I had a polaroid camera, "Jane you have to see this... You would be really intrigued." She sits up and looks at the picture, "I see her alot. I see her alot in his bedroom that was her room for Lucy. But they weren't always active I guess they were summoned or disturbed? I keep hearing usually it was your fault... You took my box... You broke my box..." Jane says while looking hard at the photo in her hand I shake her shoulder, "Janie, snap out of it!" I slap her arm she comes back to but seems confused, all of a sudden she just starts to cry for no good reason at least not one I could see. "Are you alright, Jane? You're scaring the shit out of me right now..." I add quickly, "She was talking to me she was talking about us... She was telling me things... She was yelling he destroyed my box now he's paying the price. She's really mad at Kevin and with Lucy because she keeps trying to protect them." As I listened to her sobs I realized this wasnt a game... This Melinda wanted to scare my sister that's a whole other ballgame you can disrespect me but not the one who can see you. "I'm gonna need you to leave tonight alright, Jane? Because I have someone who can help me cleanse the house but I owe him a favor. It should out these spirits back at peace unless there really is a box and it was broke he only released the spirit and broke the vessel." That's when we both jump up and go banging on Kevin's door, no response no noise at all. We needed to find that fucking box because that may be the answer to all their issues being resolved with these entities. "Kevin we need you to open the door. Kevin!" I was yelling and the door just flew open causing us both to fall we looked around and couldn't find Kevin anywhere, "Well it's got to be in here or it's in the attic and I really don't want to go up there, you're semi short." We look around a moment taking in that we just broke down a door to a teens room which was just sad and embarrassing, "I'll look on the ground you look above." I order her. We both start going through garbage and under the bed, the desk as we were about to give up we both looked in the same place, the same spot in his bedroom, the closet. "You watch my back ok? I dont know but I have a very bad feeling about opening this door." I say as my hand goes to the knob I slowly turn it open and turn on the light inside. I glanced around that's when Jane pushes me aside and buried beneath all the leftover cardboard from moving and a few clothes is a small wooden box, broken into smaller pieces all the contents discarded possibly. "I knew it. This is why she's so upset... This was her spell kit. The lady of the house was no lady, not to anyone she was a witch." She mumbles to herself giving the box a second glance she whispers something that all about freaks me out, "Hic el dio." "God ends here." Is exactly what she said in latin on the bottom of the small box we were holding. "I told you it's more than two spirits in this house... I want to say this entire land has been cursed. Kevin isn't sick physically; he doesn't have cancer Melinda is manifesting these things with her strong energy... Her only goal is to feed off the living left in this home." Jane says as we walk out of his room. I don't know whether it was the fact that we knew finding a transcript in latin isn't bad enough but that Melinda hid her own secrets in the house while she was alive... She obviously choose to mess with Kevin because he was weaker and had possibly some psychological flaws and she was feeding off of him. That was enough to make me upset and brought back thay terrifying memory of Myrtles Plantation I couldn't have another possession... Not only had we never dealt with a possession personally but this being a teenager this was probably gonna be the most dangerous, most risky thing we had ever done in an investigation. "I hate to have to tell Melanie but I think this house needs more than a blessing... I think we need an exorcism."

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