12) People Will Talk

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I had started school last month and so far it was alright mainly everything was old fashioned from the bathroom stalls to the partial classrooms. I was a sophomore at James Conner High and in two more years my goal was to get the fuck outta this place. I missed Chicago, I missed the crowded city and the sounds of vehicles passing by late at night the countryside was too quiet and serene for my taste; I suppose that was why Dad liked it so much. The hussle and bustle of the city had seemed to drag him down with every year we stayed in the small apartment which eventually became an issue when Darla became pregnant. They wanted more space in case Brian and his small starter family needed a place to stay or wanted to visit on weekends.
I was grabbing a couple of books for my next two periods when a couple of guys I could see where looking at me from behind my locker. I closed the door insinuating that I could see them and the blonde one approached me, "So you live in the old house a mile from here don't you?" He asked. I shrug not understanding the entire question, "I suppose so depends on what house you're talking about. There's a lot of old houses in this place." The other chuckles, "No dude, the house that that girl went missing in. The old Martin place right? I actually live a mile from your house. My name's Rodney and this is Jack." He adds pointing to the one beside him that asked te question. "What do you mean the girl went missing from? What happened?" I ask my interest now piqued. Rodney turns to the other they share this silent answer and he looks at me directly, "There was a girl in your house in the 40s it's just a rumor though, you know a town legend or something like that. I only know because my mom used to tell me she would see her in the top window from the front of your house." We start to walk down the hall where my class was when Jack stopped me, "Look dude don't listen to him he's just trying to freak you out. It happened a really long time ago, but the real thing is where did she ever go anyway? To this day nobody ever knew what became of her... But I'm sure it's just an old cold case... Anyway do you want to hang out later? We usually go to the arcade after school." I shrug, "Sure I guess I don't have any money but I guess I could go." They look at each other and chuckle, "We don't either." The bell rings signaling third period and they walk the opposite direction from me, "Oh yeah, what's your name?" Rodney yells down the hall, "It's Kevin." I call back and he waves goodbye and heads into his class.
The next two periods were utterly boring and blank because I couldn't concentrate I could only sit there and tap on my pencil replaying what they were saying. What did they mean about the girl? How did she just go missing, no one just vanishes. Did everyone in the neighborhood know about the secret of the house and we were the only idiots left? That's when I decided maybe I could get some answers from other students or I would have to look it up myself. It would look weird asking around the classes if anyone had heard about what happened in our new house or if I would just look crazy.
When school finally let out I put my books back into my locker before heading out into the heat and humidity of May weather. As I'm walking toward the bus stop to go home I saw Rodney and Jack waving towards me I was in no position to turn down friends even if they are a bit weird so I walked over to them, "Where are you going? I thought you were going to hang with us?" Jack asks adjusting his backpack. "I actually can't today I have a lot of homework and a report due in a couple days. I'm really sorry, but maybe a rain check?" Rodney shrugs I could tell he was irritated by my response, "Yeah whatever I guess. I guess that's what happens when you're a nerd right?" They both laugh and turn to the crosswalk... So much for trying to make friends my dumbass is having a repeat of Chicago all over again. The whole other reason we left Chicago wasn't just because my dad's job had moved states but because I had been expelled from my previous school for nearly beating a student to the ground because he made fun of Brian for getting the "tramp" pregnant. It wasn't defending Darla I knew she was a slut it was really obvious from day one but I think jealousy and rage fueled me enough to slam the guy into a locker and repeatedly punched him in his face till two teeth came out. The only reason why I wasn't arrested was because my parents had a friend who was an excellent lawyer and I was given a six month probation for assualt after the charges were dropped my dad realized that people were going to continue to talk smack about his son and he begged for a transfer away from the drama. I hated the fact that I had forced my family to relocate but that guy should have shut his mouth about my brother.
The true reason why I had wanted not to go with those two was because I didn't trust them something about their attitudes made me think that there friendship for me was clearly forced and fake so I decided to go to the library while I was in town to do my homework. I called my mom and told her why I choose to stay in town and if she could pick me up around 5 she was cool with it but I could tell she was a bit upset because my dad wouldn't be home till 7 and that she was honest to God afraid to be in the house alone. "Well just call Brian over I mean he's only six hours away, can't he just stay?" She doesn't answer, "Alright, alright Kevin I'll pick you up in a couple hours. Although I don't know why you want to do homework at the library... Bit unusual for you is all." She adds I sigh, "I have to do a history report on Benjamin Franklin and need to research so I'm gonna be busy a couple of days." She then sighs a bit irritated, "Fine, I'll call your brother but he's gonna be a little upset because he has to come back out this way. I'll pick you up at five sharp. I love you, Kev." "I love you too, mom see you in a little while."
The library wasn't too far just a couple blocks behind the school thankfully it was hot and humid and by the smell it would probably rain soon so I didn't have a lot of time to waste. Yes, I was doing research for my report but I was also looking for some specific information on what the two guys were talking about. As I walked to the library with my two to three pound backpack on my shoulder I could feel a few raindrops hitting my face so I literally ran up the road before the sprinkle turned into a downpour suddenly. As I shake my head from the rain standing in the library doorway I could feel eyes on me... It was as if everyone held a secret and I was the one who wasn't. As I walk to the back where the computers were located I saw a small older lady librarian follow me as if she were curious who I was, "Are you the boy that lives in the old Martin place?" How the hell did everyone know the house had a name but we didn't? I don't answer as I take a seat and pul out my books, "Well... If you need any help I'm Mrs. Winters and I'm at the front desk. I just thought I would ask... No one has lived in that home very long... Usually six to eight months at a time." Once I have my book set out and my notebook just as she turns back to her desk I ask, "What happened in my house?" She stops putting a hand on her hip and she barely turns to look at me, "Witchcraft happened in that house, evil was created in that house." I didn't know what else to say or think because what do you say when someone gives you that answer, "What do you mean witchcraft? What happened?" She then sat down and took my notebook from me to begin writing, "My sister she works at the historical society you may have better understanding of the history of your place if she explained it. Tell her Gemma sent you, she will know. All I can tell you about that house is beware... Keep your faith close." With that she walked back to the front desk.
I sat there silently with my head reeling over what she told me it was unsettling yet it made me really wonder why did everyone in town know this dirty little secret but not us? Were we the new idiots in town that just purchased a haunted house? I didn't know. But I did know that my mom, Marie and I couldn't be the only ones who saw this woman... We couldn't be.

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