Chapter 3: Mada

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Pristine was confined in the hospital, the doctor is still observing her condition. Her vitals were stable but she's still unconcious. It's been 3 days since Aeson surprised Pristine.

[At the hospital]

"In this condition of Pristine, I want to remind you that it is not advisable to let her experience an extreme excitement, happiness and sadness. It's not that she'll be emotionless but   a balanced emotions would help her avoid this incident again. That's all Mrs. Dela Cruz, Aeson. I'll be doing my rounds to other patient. Let's just wait her wake up." Mr. Gregorio said, Pristine's doctor.

"Thank you Doc. We will be taking all your advices." Mrs. Dela Cruz said, while Aeson just nod and had a shake hands with the doctor. After that Mr. Gregorio went out of the room.

Aeson felt guilty with what happened to Pristine after hearing  what Mr. Gregorio said. He stayed silent for a moment.

"Aeson, hijo." Mrs. Dela Cruz is calling him. But he's still spacing out.

"Son, we're here. Are you okay?" his mom shaked him and he finally get back to himself.

He was so affected to what is happening.

"Oh mom, sorry. I- I just thinking something." he said.

"Are you okay, Aeson?" Mrs. Dela Cruz asked.

"Yes, Tita. I'm okay. But... uhm can I go out for awhile?" he asked.

"Of course, hijo. You don't need to spent all your time hear. You can do everything you want, I'll be updating you about Pristine's condition." Mrs. Dela Cruz said, smiling.

"And son, I'll be spending a night here. If you want to go home, your dad is there." his mom said.

Aeson flashed a smile to them and went out of the room.

"I thought if she turned eighteen, I'll be able to take her everywhere she want. I thought we can spend a niggt at the beach but it turns out we're spending days here in this white toxic building." he's already out, he look up to the hospital building and tears starts flowing.

" It's your fault Aeson! It's your fault" he said, while walking away to the building. Aeson put the blame to himself.

He keeps on walking, without knowing where direction he is going all he wanted riggt now is to get away by the image of the hospital, image of Pristine suffering from her condition an image that he made. It's getting dark but Aeson is still walking, he goes faster and faster until he bumped into someone.

"I-Im sorry." he was starled when their skin touch, it felt hot.

He was about to pass the old lady but she hold his hand.

Aeson hurriedly removed the old lady's grip to him.

"Why you're hands are so hot?" he asked.

"Because you're so sad." the old lady , who's wearing an all black dress and thick black eyeliner, said.

Aeson looks so confused was about to left her again but she pull her again.

"I can feel it, hijo. I know it is getting heavier each day." she said.

Aeson faced Mada again, the old woman. He can't contain himself amd cry in front of her. He is crying like a lost boy in front of a stranger. Mada pat his back and she waited him to stop crying.

"I been with her since we were young." he started telling their story.

"What happened?" Mada asked.

"She has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy but we don't knew it before not until I surprised her for our 3rd monthsary." he said.

"What do you want to do now?" she asked again.

"I want to get a cure. It's my fault." he said.

"What if I say that I can help you?" Mada said, she pinned her eyes to Aeson.

"Tss, how?" Aeson smirked.

"Here." Mada said and put a piece of paper in Aeson's hand.

"Tss. Are you messing around? Old lady if this paper will made me unconcious later well I don't have huge money here." he said, laughing.

"That's a chant." Mada is in serious tone. She's still looking at Aeson's face but he's still looking away laughing.

"A chant?" Aeson felt the seriousness in Mada's voice. He finally looked at her face. Exactly, a truck passed by and its light hit Mada. Their eyes met and he felt convinced with what she's saying.

"That chant will help you lessen the burden you have here." Mada said then point Aeson's chest.

"Just read the chant correctly and the magic will happen. Just trust the chant." she said and stood up.

"Wait, Mada how can I..." Aeson didn't finish his question when Mada suddenly disappear.

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