Chapter 10: Caesel

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Third person's POV

"Who are you?" Aeson asked the girl sitting on the other side of the tree.

The girl has a perfect side profile she has a pointed nose, a slightly pouted lips and she has a slim body.

The girl was starled by Aeson's voice that made her stood up.

"You, who are you?" she's trembling and she looks so frightened to Aeson.

The girl act like she's covering her body, as Aeson walk towards her, she move backwards.

"Help! Help! There's a rapist! Help me!" she said while she keep on moving backwards.

Aeson was shocked to her response, he grabbed her and cover her mouth. While Caesel keeps on screaming even Aeson is covering her mouth.

[Year 2020]

Pristine's POV

I've been discharged from the hospital for almost five days.

Now, I'm getting ready to go out and my mom keeps on asking me if I am okay.

"Mom, I'll be okay. I'll be back, trust me." I said then smile. "I love you, mom." I added and kissed her forehead.

I left our house and start my journey on finding Aeson again, I decided to go to the police station, another one that was far from here. That's why I ride a cab.

While on my way I plug my earphones and listen to the music

"I have died everyday waiting for you,
Darling don't be afraid I have love you
For a thousand years
I love you for a thousand more."

"This is exactly what I am feeling. Hays Aeson where did you go? Can you please comeback now?" I said to myself while looking at the nightsky.

"Ma'am, excuse me." I didn't hear the driver rightaway, he said he was calling me for the third time.

"Yes, sir?" I answered.

"I can't bring you to your exact location, I ran out of gasoline ma'am. I'm sorry I won't take your fare so you can use it for riding another cab." the driver explained.

"No, sir. You can take this." I said, "I insist, sir." I added and I flash a smile to him before I get off.

I have waited for another cab but there's no single cab passing that's why I decided to walk since I saw on my mobile app that my location is just a walking distance to the police station.

I am currently walking and the place seems dark, the street lights are dimmed.

"Hay. Is this really a way going to police statation? Why didn't even put a well-functioning street lights." I uttered and I continue walking.

I finally reached the police station.

"Good evening, Sir. I just want to report a missing person." I said.

"So when did the last time you saw this person?" the on duty police asked and handed me a logbook.

I started writing Aeson's information and my contact number. "5 days ago, he said he will go for a walk while I was in the hospital. But he's still not coming back." I said.

"Hmmm... we will spread this information to other station. Expect us to contact you when we find a lead to this person. So his name is Aeson Gonzalez?" the police said.

"Yes, sir." I said.

I saw him forwarded a fax message and then he get back to his seat, "Okay ma'am I already sent a fax to other station. Just wait for our call if we get an update." he said and I just flash a smile.

"I'll be going now sir. Thank you." I said and left the station.

I'm now walking again to this dark street.

"Hays, Aeson. I hope this would be the last station. I hope they find a lead. Where did you even go?" I said out loud. "I miss you." I sighed.

While walking I heard some foot steps, at first I let it pass maybe its just another passer by going somewhere.  I just continue walking.

Afterwards I felt that it seems like the footsteps are following me, "Why this place is so dark?" I asked to myself and I started to walk faster.

The steps keep on following me. I was about to look back but someone hold my hand.

His grip is so tight, I can't even remove it. He's pulling me to a darker place I can't see anything right now.

I can't scream there's no voice coming out from my mouth.

Tears started to flow from my eyes.

"Why does it have to happen to me?" I said to myself.

I tried removing his grip then he let go of me but he pushed me on the ground.

I am lying down now in the ground and I can't move.

Anger. Frustration. Fear

That's all I can feel right now.

"Aeson please comeback." I said. Crying.

He touched me and I can't do anything.

[Year 2040]

Caesel's POV

"Help me! Rapist! Rapist!" I keep on screming even he's covering my mouth. "Who's this guy? He so aggressive." I said to myself.

"Hey, let go of me!" I said while slapping his arms.

After that he finally let go of me. I fixed my clothes, he ruined my outfit. Argh!

"Hey! Who are you?Why did you do that?" I said when he finally let go of me.

"You!Who are you?" he said pointing me.

What? This boy right here is very disrespectful huh.

"Why? Is this place yours? Did you already bought this park?" I asked him. I'm starting to get irritated with this boy.

"No. Why, did you?" he said with a poker face. Argh! This boy is really testing my temper. Aaaaaah!

I let out a deep deep sigh.

"I want." I said and I sit again to the bench.

I got emotional again. I remember my mom, when I was a kid every time that she will brought me here I said that I will buy this place for her.

"Hey, Ms. Who are you?. Why do you look sad? Did I said something wrong?" he asked.

Eh? What's this? An instant character development. Cool.

"I-I just remembered something." I'm stuttering, I'm trying to hold my tears.

"I'm sorry for that." he said.

Is he really a soft person?

"No, you don't need to be sorry." I wiped off the tears, sighed and flash a smile to him.

"I just remembered my mom, she was so sick right now and I'm trying to find a cure for her. But doctors have the same respond." I said.

"I know that feeling but you shouldn't stop. You won't believe me if I say that I'm in same situation as you. Let's just do our best for them." he said, his voice it's so serious.

Maybe I was wrong. He's not that bad boy I am thinking. He's soft and matured.

I nod and smile again, I hope to know him more.

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