1. The train

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It was the first day of a new school year and Neville was sitting on his own in compartment 12. He was holding some weird sort of plant with bumps on it. He had tried to sit with other people but they all came up with some sort of excuse. Some said they had other friends coming, where as others said they had a cold and they wouldn't want to spread it (even though, poor Neville could tell that they didn't actually have a cold).

Just then, there was a knock at the door. A girl with short curly black hair, a face full of freckles and blue eyes was standing there. "Sorry to bother you, everywhere else is full. Can I sit there?" Neville looked at her speechlessly before saying with a smile "of course you can." to that she replied with "thank you". She then smiled and sat opposite Neville. "My name's Naomi. Nice to meet you." She then held out her hand to shake with Neville. "I'm Neville, Neville Longbottom" He took her hand quickly and shook it.

The rest of the train ride was quiet, until there was another knock at the compartment door. This time there was two tall boys who looked identical and a shorter boy with red hair and a scarred face. "Hi, my name's Miles. Miles cousins. You are?" Miles looked at Neville and then at me, then he came in and sat next to me. The two other boys came in as well and looked as though they were ready to burst out in laughter. "oh, grow up boys" Said Miles with a grin. "Naomi, that's my name. Naomi Little" The Boy on the left then laughed and said "Little!? Your name speaks the truth! My name's Fred. This is-" The other boy butted in . "George. George Weasley. Me and Fred are twins." "My name's Neville. I already know Fred and George. They're 5th years. I'm a 3rd year."

At that moment, Miles and Naomi said at the exact same time "I'm a third year too" before bursting into laughter. Fred and George then started laughing too, soon to be joined by Neville. Suddenly, the train started to slow down. "What's going on!?" Naomi said quickly "we can't be there already" Fred then stood up and looked outside the compartment, only to be flung right back in and landing on George. "Watch it!" George shouted at him. Fred quickly got upright and brushed himself off before sitting back down next to Miles. Miles then said "What is that?" and pointed to the compartment door where there was a huge cloaked figure staring in on us and just breathing on the window.

Neville stayed silent, Naomi hid behind Miles while Miles hid behind Fred and George was just staring at it. Suddenly, a blue wave of some sort of fog hit the cloaked character and it retrieved to wherever it came from. When it had gone, a tall man with shaggy clothes and scratches on his face entered and told us everything was fine. Fred was pale and so was George. Probably from shock. Neville was frozen and me and Miles just sat there until Miles turned towards me and said "Merlin's beard that was scary" He then laughed slightly and looked down as he started to fiddle with his hands. Naomi stood up and reached into her bag that was on the top rack to pull out a small cat. "hey, it's alright" she then sits down and hands Neville the cat. "This is Fiore. She helps me when I'm scared. Hold her for a bit. You'll feel better" She then smiles and Neville looks up at her. "Fiore? isn't that Italian for Flower?" Naomi nods and Neville starts stroking Fiore, smiling brightly with his plant by his side. "What's that?" Naomi asked. "That's my Venomous Tentacula. They not only have Venus fly trap heads, but also have vines that can lash onto a victim. These are usually used to grab its prey, but has no problem also attacking any human that comes too close!" Neville's smile faded when he looked over at me and I was busy talking to Miles, Fred and George. Naomi then noticed Neville from the corner of her eye. "Sorry Neville, were you saying something?" He then gave Fiore back to Naomi and got a book about Herbology out of his trunk and started reading it silently.

Around 20 minutes later the lady with the food trolley came and knocked on the door. "Anything from the trolley, dears?" Fred, George and Miles bought  a box of Bertie's Botts every flavour beans and a liquorish wand each, Fred bought Naomi a chocolate frog which she took and ate. She got a Lockhart card and gave it to Miles as he  Didn't have a Lockhart one yet. Neville didn't get anything and just carried on reading. "Do you want anything, Neville?" Naomi asked politely. "No, I'm okay" When he said this he didn't look up or anything. He just stayed, reading.

10 minutes before the train arrived everyone got their Hogwarts robes on and got their belongings together, ready to leave. They had all decided that Fred, George and Miles would go in a carriage with Lee and Naomi and Neville would go on another one with someone else.


I hope you've enjoyed the first charter of my ne fan fiction! I hope to publish more soon!

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