Shut Up, John

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30th Chapter? Oh Mah Gawd Y'all

Welcome back, my lovely people.

I hope you got a lot of sleep last night because I didn't.


A few months earlier...

"Ready.... Aim.... Fire!"

I shot at the dummy target 30 yards ahead of me.

A perfect bullseye. 

The majority of my practice shots turned out the same.

When we finished a few hours later, after shooting, knife throwing, sword fighting, and survival skills practice, we were ordered to go back to our tents.

I thought I was safe, but I was wrong.

Before I could leave, I was stopped by our instructor.

"Soldier L/N," he said flatly.

I motioned to the guys to go on without me.

"Yes, sir?" I asked politely. 

"I would like to commend you for your skills you have demonstrated today. You are quite a valuable soldier despite your... character."

What did he just say-

"Um... my biggest thanks," I mumbled.

"Goodnight, L/N."

"Goodnight, Lieutenant."

I shuffled back over to my tent, head hung low. My mood that had been good all evening was shifting to a more irritated one.

No one will ever drop the fact that I'm a woman, will they?

I entered the tent that was full of lovely chatter and loud laughs and said down silently. I began taking my boots off without saying a word, and finally got a response from the ones in the room.

"You... good? You're quiet." Alex laughed.

"Is it a crime to be quiet?" I snapped.

"Whooooah, looks like someones on that time of the month," one of them said as they put their hands up in surrender.

I looked him dead in the eye. "I'm not. There are other things that can make me upset, you know."

"Alex, what did you doooo?" John accused him.

"What the- Why're you asking me?" Alex sputtered out.

"Ok, that was a good one," I giggled. 

"But on a serious note, you were yourself up until five minutes ago," Laf said. "What happened with Lieutenant Daniels?"

"Spill the tea, sis!" Hercules exclaimed.

"I'd rather throw myself off a cliff than talk about my feelings, thank you very much," I proclaimed.


"Nope. SHuT uP. Not today. BEDTIME!"

They all sighed in defeat.

Lol, I win.

"Well, you're obviously feeling better if you're talking in a jumble of lower case and upper case," Alex rolled his eyes playfully.

I just grumbled and let out a loud, dramatic breath.

"Night," I said and blew out the little candle on the desk.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" John screeched.

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