The Battle of Yorktown, 1781 (Part 2)

911 32 132

Trigger warning: War violence, injuries

Applies to the entire chapter

Battle cries rang out from the British side.

Silence on the American side.

Was it because we were all shocked? Or because we didn't want our number to be revealed just yet?

Let the battle begin.

Soldiers began falling ahead of me, specifically blue coats. I watched as my soldiers desperately tried to load their guns.

I loaded mine and drove my horse to the dark side. 

We must be fearless.

I joined in on the game, killing off my enemy. The height advantage was more useful than you could ever imagine. 

Forty-five minutes later and it was still not over. Not even halfway over. No, this will last for days.

What I am experiencing right now is only one of the many fights that will happen in the meantime before an official surrender.

Lafayette is on the northside near the French ships and other French soldiers. Hercules is at his tailor's shop spying on the British government. John is on the westside, most likely safe. Alexander and I are on the eastside, currently redefining bravery.

Y/N! Turn. Your. Attention. Back. To. The. Battlefield. You. Are. Going. To. Get. Killed.


I groaned. We finally reached a stalemate after four hours and retreated farther into the woods. I could finally take care of my wound from the bullet that grazed my arm two hours ago.

I didn't know who was alive and who wasn't. How many did we lose just from today?

I haven't seen Alexander since the battle began. No mentions of anyone else.

I slid off my horse and walked her to a tree. I tied her up and got someone to feed her. Poor girl—she was probably so exhausted. 

Now, to find Alexander. 

I slowly wavered through the crowd of soldiers.

Ugh, this is too tiring. I give up. 

"Alexander Hamilton!" I shouted.

No answer. 

"Alexander?!" I shouted again.

No answer still. I was beginning to panic. 

My head began feeling dizzy. "Alex, where are you?!?!?!?" I cried out.

No. This can't be happening.

"Y/N," a voice said and put their hand on my shoulder. "I'm here. I'm right here."

My breath hitched as I turned around. "Alex," I whimpered, calming down slightly. "Why didn't you answer me!!"

"I'm sorry,' he croaked, smiling with guilt. "I kind of lost my voice..."

"I feared something happened to you," I said frustratedly. "I was literally about to pass out."

"Heh.. yeah, don't do that just yet," he teased as he petted my hair. 

"Yet... okay," I said with a crooked smile.

He smiled.

None of that. No smiling from you. I hit him upside his head. "I seriously thought you'd died. What would I have done if-"

"Woah," he said as he grabbed and brought down my arm. "You need to go get that treated, Y/N."

I remembered my cut on my arm. "Well, I was, but someone had to disappear on me even though they said we should stick together during the gunfight."

"I'm sorry I worried you. But let's go get fixed up now. I have some scrapes, too, but I'm mostly worried about you."

I nodded. "I wonder how the others are," I whispered. "We won't get to know until this is over."


Hey hey heyyyy! (Oops, wrong fandom).

I don't have anything to say except thank you for allowing me to be ranked #1 in #JohnLaurens out of 4k stories! Your support means the world to me!

Hamilton Question of the Day: (I'm so running out of these) Do y'all get the feeling when you listen to Dear Theodosia that you absolutely love the song, especially the piano at the beginning, but then towards the very end of the song, it's just so sad because you know what happens next and you can literally feel it in the music because of how the notes are held for slightly longer, and it's not exactly a major key?

That's a long question. And I basically gave you my answer.

Regular Question: Are you older or younger than me? (You don't have to state your age)

I'm 15.

One more question because I need to know this: What time do you eat lunch at school (Or are supposed to if you are doing distance learning)?

We either eat at 1:00 or 1:30, and I'm always hungry before then. My friends at another highschool eat way earlier. Is my school corrupt?

Love ya! <3

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