In Town

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I wake up to find an urgent letter in my mailbox.

It reads: To all soldiers, training will begin this Saturday. You will stay at this camp until further notice so please pack everything you need.

I finished reading the long list of details and requirements before packing my bags. Even though it would be a few days before I had to leave, I made sure I was prepared ahead of time.

I set out into town once again during mid-day to purchase the final supplies I would need. The market was once again bustling with many citizens, and the air was filled with loud chatter. I spotted two familiar faces: Hercules and Lafayette were walking around together, looking at some combat boots on display. As much as I wanted to talk with them again, we were all still strangers, and I didn't want to come off to them the wrong way. I just continued on my way, but it seems they decided differently after they spotted me.

"Heyyyyyy Y/N!" Hercules' loud voice boomed from behind me. I cringed as some random folks turned to look and whispered.

I turned to face my exposer, putting on a polite smile.

"Y/N, bonne après-midi," Lafayette smiled as he walked over.

"Salut," I replied.

"Hey! English, please!" Hercules whined as he waved his arms in the air.

I faced him as I said, "I'm sorry, I don't speak English. It's such a shame we aren't able to communicate. Not that you would be able to understand what I'm saying right now anyway. Ugh, I really need to learn your language."

"....WHAT? Oh my god, stop, you're hurting my brain!" Hercules grabbed his head and spun around.

"Why do you find such interest in confusing people with language?" Lafayette laughed and gave a crooked smile.

"Franchement, je ne sais pas," I shrugged.

"Tu sais, tu es très unique. Aussi, merci de parler en français. Je ne suis pas le meilleur en anglais," he smiled.

"Pas de problème," I replied. "C'est une bonne pratique."

"MOVING ON, whatcha doing here in town, Y/N?" Hercules joined back in.

"Getting supplies on the list they sent out before we head to camp."

"You're coming with us? Why?"

"I signed up, duh?"

"What do you mean you signed up?"

"Why is it such a surprise to everyone? I, Y/N L/N, signed up to be in the army! And don't say 'why' again. It's most likely for the same reason you guys and everyone else did," I explained exasperatingly.

They paused for a second before Hercules slapped me on the shoulder and laughed, "Well, we'll see you on the battlefield, then! Just don't get shot!"

I wasn't sure how to respond, so I asked, "What are you guys doing for the rest of the day?"

"We're heading out to the camp early so we can snag a good tent with John and Alexander. You're welcome to come along," Laf answered.

"I'm already packed, so might as well. Thank you for the kind offer."

"Sounds good. We're meeting at Alexander's place at 4 to get into the coach. I'll let him know you'll be coming with us," Herc gave me the address.

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