Yandere Gally

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Gets jealous EASILY~

If he sees you talking with someone else he needs to know every single detail that happened~

Cute names like baby, love, babe~

Is SUPER protective of you~

Will do anything you ask him to do expect leave him~

When you find out he killed someone he'll say"shit- I promise it's not what it looks like believe me"~

Always staring at you~

SUPER manipulative~

If you ignore him he'll be confused then angry~

When he first sees you he's in awe and makes sure you'll the only one he needs~

LOTS of kisses and cuddles~

Glares at other boys who look at you or try to talk to you~

Talks about how you'll both leave the maze and start your life's together~

Only has a soft spot to you~

Will punish you if you misbehave~

That's all hope you enjoyed~

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