Yandere Black Widow

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SUPER protective~

If she sees you with someone else she doesn't trust she needs to know what you guys were talking about~

Needs to be by your side at ALL times~


Cute names like baby, sweetheart,love~

If you ignore her she'll be confused of why your doing that, and suspect someone did something~

When you find out she killed someone for you she'll say"love I can assure you it's not what it looks like"~

If someone doesn't take the hint to leave she'll kidnap them and toture, and maybe kill~

She likes to kiss you on the cheek, forehead, nose, and lips~

She isn't afraid to make out with you in front of people just so they know she's yours~

Spoiling you in any way~

Teaching you how to fight~

Is gentle in bed but if you misbehave just know you won't be walking for weeks~

Gets jealous easily~

Talks about how you both will move far away and make a family there~

That's all hope you enjoyed~

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