Yandere Newt Scamander

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Cute names like love, sweetheart, darling~

LOTS of kisses and cuddles~

Will be by your side at all times and if you start to get uncomfortable he'll just stalk~

Will manipulate you~

When you find out he killed someone he says" Please love let me explain it's not what it looks like believe me please" ~

Will get jealous if he sees you with someone else and will try to take you away~

Loves to stare at you and admire you even when you're sleeping~

If you ignore him he'll be so confused wondering what he did wrong and will start showering you with love~

Talks about how you're so beautiful and sent from the gods and how a beautiful family you guys will create~

If someone tries to approach you or is looking at you he'll glare at them and if that doesn't work he'll just to a simple spell~

Very caring and protective of you and gets very upset when you get hurt~

Will do ANYTHING and I mean anything you ask him to do~

Acts like a gentleman when you both  meet for the first time and does anything for you to like him~

Before he met you he stalked you and has lots of pictures of you and notes about you~

Spoils you whether you like it or not~

Likes to kiss you anywhere and LOVES slow passionate kisses~

Doing "it" for the first time he'll be very careful and makes sure he doesn't hurt you and will constantly tell you if you're ok, will treat you like a goddess/god~

That's all hope you enjoyed~

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