Yandere Rosalie Cullen

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LOTS of kisses and cuddles~

Cute names like sweetheart,darling, love~

Loves to be by your side holding your arm~

Talks about how gorgeous you are and how you would be a wonderful mom if you guys had a baby~

If you ignore her she'll think she did something wrong and will ask you if she did something and when you  assure her she did nothing wrong she'll be relieved~

She won't kill someone if they get in the way but if they keep pushing her buttons she'll make sure they die in the most painful way~

If someone tries to hit on you she'll laugh knowing they have no chance and will come up to you and kiss you while staring at them~

Has a soft side to you~

Admiring you ALL the time~

When she first saw you she didn't like you but as time went on she started to a liking to you and realized you weren't bad as she thought~

If she saw you with someone she doesn't know she can't help but feel a little curious wanting to know what you guys were talking about~

VERY protective of you human or vampire~

If she catches people staring at you she'll stare at them until they get uncomfortable and leave, laughing once they walk away~

Won't admit but gets a little jealous when she sees you with someone she doesn't like~

Will tease you romantically and sexually~

Will help you with your homework and won't get mad if you don't know the answer~

Doing "it" for the first time if she's not comfortable enough you'll assure her it's okay and you can do it another time, and when you guys do it it will be very sweet and gentle until you guys are ready for more~

Likes to kiss you literally anywhere~

Will manipulate you and will act inoccent to get you to like her~

That's all hope you enjoyed~

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