Chapter 2 [RAY] Part 1 -History

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The hyena stopped as soon as his moment was shattered by the bellow of one of the dark figures standing at the entrance of the alleyway. Their shadows stretched far out towards the group of carnivores as thunders flashed above them, giving the deer quick seconds to see who they were—Komodo dragons. All of them were wearing black coats.

The storm continued pounding the city. The cold temperature made the young deer shiver as he clung on to the hyena's strong arms. His breathing calmed when he was moved away from the mouth for the carnivore to speak.

"S-sir!", the hyena dropped the deer to the ground with a thud, making a small splash on the puddle.

Number Five quickly crawled away to the corner, seeking shelter from the downpour. He watched the carnivores spat and wiped any excessive salivas from their mouths before facing the Komodo dragons.

"I-I didn't know you'd follow us h-"

The hyena's words were strangled when the Komodo dragon at the front raised his hands. Another thunder boomed above, flashing and revealing the large scaly hands with sharp claws.

The lizard approached the carnivores who calmly moved to the side, bumping the dumpster while slightly looking down. Their ears remained erected as they positioned both of their hands at front. The deer stayed in the corner, watching what was before him. It was a strange sight.

Number Five swallowed hard when his puny eyes met with the lizard's who stood just a few meters away. The Komodo dragon raised a brow and cocked to the slightest. He opened his mouth a little to reveal his sedated teeth followed by a long, forked tongue. "So this is the one, huh?"

"Y-yes, sir.", said one of the carnivores.

The deer pressed his back on the wall when the lizard stepped closer and kneeled close to the floor to get a clearer view of his trophy. Number Five, as well, now had an unobstructed sight of the lizard's face. It was massive enough to snap his entire body into pieces or even swallow him whole with ease.

Number Five thought he was saved from getting eaten by the hyena, but now it seemed like this was his real death. He was pained to see freedom standing outside the alleyway. He was so close to seeing his family again. He decided to beg for the chances of getting out of here untouched to become likely.

"P-please mister... I want to go home...", a tear glittered for a quick moment before mixing with the wet fur.

The lizard breathed heavily and powerful. The blast of air hit the deer's brown fur, sending energy that shook the deer's fragile spine.

"Home?", the lizard glanced over his own shoulders to the group of men standing nearby. "You don't have a home."

The deer's ears gently twitched on the honeyed voice. His slim fingers interlocked with each other, pulling his legs closer to himself as the wind blew between them. He wiped his eyes and sniffed while maintaining eye contact with the stranger.

Number Five's brows furrowed, what did this lizard mean about "You don't have a home."? He was sure he had one. He only had been absent for, well; as matter of a fact, he didn't know how long he had been stuck in the cell. He figured just a few days over a month. Long enough for his body's shape to change drastically, but not long enough to forget his home. He could still recall the exact address of his house in his mind.

"N-no m-mister... I-I know the address.", the deer, after all what had happened previously, still managed to talk.

"You do?", the lizard sarcastically widened his eyes for a quick moment before looking back at the men for the second time. "Alright then... I can give you a ride home if it makes you feel any safer."

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