Chapter 18 [Twist] Part 6 - Future

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Ray quickly got up with his revolver, aimed at Hellfire who was casually standing before him. Their mouth remained shut while the booming explosions from the outside continued. The deer took a few steps back while keeping his eyes on the Komodo Dragon.

He had an idea of trapping Hellfire inside his vault. It was a great plan, though, the only downside to it was, it was filled with weapons.

Ray also hadn't considered how he should fight against Hellfire. He had witnessed everything about him and honestly, it was getting through him.

"You are really what Kananosuke said... stubborn animal... I'm surprised he didn't return you to the market right after... though... I think you might have brought yourself back. How convenient.", said Hellfire when he took a step forward, spinning his spear, craving for Ray's blood and meat.

"We could've dominated everything, Ray!", Hellfire stepped forward.

"You entirely makes me really think why you never returned to our father a long time ago.", Ray began to move backward until he felt his body touched his desk. Meanwhile, Hellfire continued to close the distance between them with his eyes locked onto Ray's.

"I left him after discovering how weak he was!", replied Hellfire.

Hellfire was about to open his mouth when he began to hear another helicopter above. He was confident he only brought three with him. He was putting the pieces altogether when he noticed something foreign on one of the chairs—a suit jacket.

He could easily tell it wasn't Ray's and he already knew who it belonged to. He had seen this one before, just a few hours ago. At an event.

Hellfire smiled devilishly and turned his head to Ray. "I didn't expect Number Four to be here..."

Ray gasped lightly. Without any hesitation, he pressed the trigger and the bullet barely scratched the red surface of the lizard's armor. Their fight began on that very first shot.

Hellfire spun and swung his spear down, kicking Ray off from his balance and precisely knocking the revolver out of his grasp in mid-air. The weapon flew and landed on the other side of the office, near the turntable.

Hellfire pointed the head of the spear down when he raised it. He was about to strike the deer's face when Ray suddenly snatched his dagger from his pocket and jabbed it into Hellfire's left leg while rolling away.

The powerful waves of the wind from the helicopter flicked the sweat away from Augustine who continued to drag Louis. The deer was doing his best to escape the lion's grasp. He was getting furious not only from the little betrayal but also from the fact he was being forced to leave the battlefield he started with his new profound partner.

Ray, on the other hand, was thrown to the wall against his back. He crashed on the cabinet and brought some debris with him on the floor. He shakily brought himself up just a little while looking at Hellfire who still had the dominant look. Ray glanced at the opened vault and the revolver nearby. He didn't honestly think this through.

"Funny how you're trying to save Louis while you can't even save yourself from this nonsense.", murmured the Komodo Dragon who grasped Ray's neck and lifted him from the floor.

"Look at you, fighting for the right thing... such deluded!", Hellfire threw Ray to the other side of the office, smashing his entire body on another wall. He stomped towards Ray who continued to take all the beating, as long as he had his brother's attention, everything would be alright.

"You really think your parents abandoned you? Looks like you really don't know who they really are, huh?... it seems you really don't know a single thing about the truth..."

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